Site Feedback Overdose prevention info/awareness: Where to go from here?


Mar 15, 2011
Since it seems like I hijacked a thread and got it closed (apologies effie- I didn’t mean to take it so far off topic & be annoying!), I guess it’s a good time to ask for some input on how to increase overdose prevention awareness.

I have a few questions:
1. Does anyone have suggestions for what might be an interesting & catchy way to start a naloxone/narcan thread? Where should it go: Global HR Workshop? BDD? As far as I can tell, there are more people who ask questions about naloxone as part of Suboxone. Is it possible that not that many people know enough about naloxone to think about it in terms if OD prevention? That would be strange to me, as this forum is chock full of so much knowledge. But, it does seem like there’s not that much overdose info and when there is, it doesn’t offer concrete info (like “call Alice at Prevention Point Pittsburgh and she will train you and give you some naloxone- here’s how to find her”, more often “be careful”, “powerful combo- watch tolerance”, “hydromorphone and oxymorphone are NOT the same thing”, etc)

2. A concern that I have with relegating overdose info to a specific thread is that it appears that threads with specific questions are more popular than harm reduction titled threads (particularly people who aren’t members and just end up on bluelight because of a google search). For example, the AU HR thread was started in April 2010 w/ 4,180 views & So Who Likes Benzos? Ver III: Blackouts and Amnesia, started in April 2011 has been viewed 20,120 times; Harm Reduction Events and Resources, started Aug 2011 w/ 797 views & first time started Nov 2011 w/ 4,150 views. Are there thoughts on how to mix in overdose and naloxone messaging into the “popular” threads, but not hijack them so that more people see them?

3. I’ve never seen links to other websites, but is this something that bluelight might consider? Naloxone availability is still somewhat limited, but there are over 150 programs in the US that are distributing it and growing. Programs or studies are being established or expanding in all other continents, too. Websites like this, this, or this can connect people to places where they can get naloxone and training.

Thanks for thinking about all this with me- Captain Heroin and Tommyboy in particular!
Hey, don't apologise, you weren't being annoying - we just run a tight ship in BDD ;)

I really like the idea of increasing overdose prevention and I would be very happy to help out in any way I can :)

1. OD would be more suitable than BDD in my eyes - not least because we don't have megathreads in BDD, but also overall there is more of a focus on heoin topics in OD and more experience in that area amongst the regulars. The Global HR Forum doesn't get as much traffic as OD so if you want it to be an active thread where people can ask questions, then OD would likely be best. If you are thinking more of a resource for where to get naloxone training etc then Global HR might be best - it could then be added to the OD and BDD directories. It might be a good idea to divide it up by region as accessibility varies hugely.

2. Most BDD/OD mods have standard messages they push as often as possible (eg "always use a micron filter!" "be careful mixing CNS depressants!") - I really can't think of how you can slip promoting naloxone training into a thread on who likes benzos without effectively spamming the thread with your message, but once there is a naloxone megathread/directory mods will (hopefully) start to add a link to it in any relevant thread. I would also approach the mods of the regional forums as a lot of drug questions are asked there. They may wish to compile their own directory or start their own naloxone training megathread as well.

3. Our TDS directory contains links to outside websites (as does the OD directory, come to think of it) so as long as the moderators check the links and agree that they are suitable I don't see any problem with linking to external websites myself - but I would check this with a senior member of staff!

A couple of thoughts:
It is possible to obtain naloxone on the street, and therefore not be given any training in how to use it. Would you want to describe how to administer it?
Also - naloxone has a much shorter half life than heroin (and respiratpry depression can cause hypoxic brain injuries etc) so it is essential that it is only given as a holding measure while waiting for the ambulance rather than as a substitute for medical care. It is really important to emphasise this I feel.

Interestingly I was having similar thoughts the other day on how little information there is on CPR here - I know it is a technique best learnt face to face but current campaigns encourage everyone to have a go and it is fairly simple to explain how to perform it...
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^Thanks for your thoughts on this- really helpful & makes sense.

I think you are really right re: more information on CPR, too. There's a whole lot of confusion about "CPR" right now because the American Heart Association (and the WHO, I think) has new guidelines for lay bystanders called "Hands Only CPR" which is for sudden collapse and it doesn't include rescue breathing. Rescue breathing is still appropriate for opiate overdose and drowning, but that only makes it into the fine print of the glitzy AHA campaign. :(
IMO, anything can be obtained on the street. I haven't personally seen this kind of exchange, but I have heard of people getting naloxone kits in bigger cities and then selling them in places where there aren't programs/people giving it out. It seems logical that people would do a little internet recon to figure out how to use it, but it seems like a good idea to describe the steps here, too.

Agreed that emergency medical attention is probably the gold standard for OD response- naloxone is definitely not magic.
Yeah I think I am going to put together a guide for CPR in the Global HR forum and link it to the BDD and OD directories so people can easily find it, but I want to discuss it with senior staff first.

I personally am very much all in favour of a naloxone thread - perhaps the first post could contain info on naloxone, what it is, how it works and how to use it plus general "what to do in an overdose" info then the second post could contain info on where to obtain it in different areas? I would suggest (unless any senior staff overseeing BDD/OD want to chime in here) starting it in the Global HR forum while you collect your information, and we can link it to our directories when it is done - if you would like there to then be a discussion on naloxone underneath, it could be moved to OD as a naloxone megathread. What do you think?

I'm happy to help all I can, just let me know :)
I would say that the Global HR Workshop may be the best place for this. The first step would be determining what content we would like, and giving the thread a proper title that reflects this. From there, anybody can contribute, and it would be easier if regulars from all the HR forums can post links and info.

It can start with general info, and then break into regional info for these resources. I don't know if a link to existing threads would be better than just copy/pasting the info or not, but that is something that should be addressed.
mds275, shoot me a pm with your ideas so far and we can get a thread started in the Global HR Forum :)