• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

possibly to abort a trip?

2-4 mgs of pins or Xanax should do the trick just as a calming agent. Hopefully enough to make you sleep, but not enough to induce a bad reaction.
Funnily enough I was in the hospital last weekend completely out of my tree and tripping so hard I could not see. I had taken a very high dose of 2-CI (by mistake - long story) and I was absolutely sure I was going to die. The doctors would not give me anything to calm me or sedate me they put me in a cubicle and left me alone for as long as it took to ride it out and come down (I was convinced I would never come down). When I arrived there they did regular checks on vital organs and when these proved OK they left me to ride the high tide.

I swear to god I thought I was dying, I felt completely toxic and that there was no way I would be returning to 'normal' EVER.

I started to return about three hours later (quite swiftly) and an hour after that I was ready to go home.

No amount of begging would persuade those doctors to give me anything to help me through it.
spondee said:
I find a good non-chemical trip-abort to be the use of a computer. The mouse-cursor relationship seems to help me put the actions of my body and the things I see back together.

That works very we'll for me too. Just hoping on the internet while having a bad trip will help me calm down. I won't forget that I'm still tripping but it would make it easier to ignore it.
tenderjuice said:
Funnily enough I was in the hospital last weekend completely out of my tree and tripping so hard I could not see. I had taken a very high dose of 2-CI (by mistake - long story) and I was absolutely sure I was going to die. The doctors would not give me anything to calm me or sedate me they put me in a cubicle and left me alone for as long as it took to ride it out and come down (I was convinced I would never come down). When I arrived there they did regular checks on vital organs and when these proved OK they left me to ride the high tide.

I swear to god I thought I was dying, I felt completely toxic and that there was no way I would be returning to 'normal' EVER.

I started to return about three hours later (quite swiftly) and an hour after that I was ready to go home.

No amount of begging would persuade those doctors to give me anything to help me through it.
The fact you were acting so desperate for them to pump you up with drugs is probably why they wouldn't do it. They could see you were stable enough to be fine without anything from their medicine cabinets.
Chances are that tenderjuice wasnt given any medications because 2ci is a reasearch chemical, it was possible the doctors did not want to take risks filling a kid with drugs that might fuck around w/ the 2cIiIiI
-=ReD-hAzE=- said:
Are there any dangers when mixing LSD/Mushrooms with GHB to kill a trip?

No, since these hallucinogens do not depress the CNS, as GHB does. Therefore CNS depression is neither additive potentiated (obviously).

Btw, since LSD is thought to act on the 5-HT receptor and halperidol blocks this receptor, this substance can stop a trip (and is used for this purpose clinincally).
spondee said:

I find a good non-chemical trip-abort to be the use of a computer. The mouse-cursor relationship seems to help me put the actions of my body and the things I see back together.

I'm glad this works for you but personally, using a computer at the height of any trip can be a disturbing experience in itself.

I get overwhelmed by the colours and specifically the white in most pages.

Nitrous can be good for some people, though in others it may increase the paranoia.
Ive ridden out 2 bad trips without any meds or hospital supervision, I just found that that would be better than taking more drugs to calm me down as it might also have a different reaction and cause more problems and more of a bad trip... I found that having a good friend to sit down and talk you out of a bad trip, keeping your mind off the dug and what it is actually doing to you is soo much better than adminsterating *sorry spelling* valium, benzo's and etc.. off your own back...
SpellmanT7 said:

Nitrous can be good for some people, though in others it may increase the paranoia.

Nitrous to abort a trip? Generally, nitrous along with a psychedelic will propel you into the outer stratosphere, rather than bring you down.