Psychedelic Effects Profile Project

Thanks Shephard! If you have any other experiences maybe you could take some time sometime when you're bored and fill it out for those too?

gave up at 31, too long

Maybe it will help you to develop your attention span if you complete it. ;)
i'll fill this out tomorrow if it's still ongoing. no worries about me finishing it, i always finish shit what i start on :)
It'll be going forever ideally, just keep growing more statistically relevant even after the results go up.
It might be good to add a question for how long ago the trip was too now that you bring this up.

I think including this question will improve validity of your results. Asking for the amount of detail that you are for events where people are having to recollect back many months could be seen as a flaw in the results, if you were hoping to submit them to an academic journal.

Ideally, you would have people only complete the survey if the event was fresh in their minds (perhaps within the last week). Obviously a lot of the best trip reports are written during and directly after the event.

Perhaps one way of thinking about this project is to see it as an ongoing Bluelight project that the public can access (as you've described) - but also as a pilot project for developing up a time-limited survey for collecting detailed trip report data to add to academic knowledge through a peer-reviewed publication. Such a project could occur in partnership with an academic institution, could be subjected to an ethics committee review and could potentially attract research funding. Just a thought! %)
Well I generally agree with you. However I fear that for one thing if I impose those restrictions on it, I won't get many people taking it. Another thing is that some people have very good memories about significant events in the past. For example, I remember my first trip, mushrooms, that happened 9 years ago, like it happened yesterday. I remember all of my important trips very well, mostly becauise I wrote trip reports right afterwards (usually within 24 hours right after I came down) so all the details remain fresh, and the objective data (like timing, dose, stuff like that) is in writing.

But I see your points. I did add the question about long ago the trip being reported on took place.

So we're up a little past 150 completes... LSD has 30 now. Thanks everyone for participating. :) We have a lot more to go though, especially for most of the substances which have maybe at most 5. Erowid will soon be helping me out with links on their site to the survey. And I'm looking for other places to draw respondents as well. A friend from PD has posted it on a couple of other forums as well. If anyone has an interest in seeing this project through, please feel free to link to this thread in other places and encourage people to read the first post and then take the survey. That would be a big help, as I'm not really involved in other forums anymore, just BL.

And I like your last paragraph there... interesting ideas. At some point in my life I definitely want to get back involved in academics... I loved school but I only went through my undergraduate, as I supported my wife through her master's and beyond and now I'm not in a good financial situation to even think about going to school.
Just finished for DOI, I'm going to do some others another time.

Going to put up some of the stats sometime?
Yeah, I'm working on a front end for accessing the database and filtering stuff so you can see the results you're looking for. It'll take a while though as I've got to survive. But it'll definitely get done, hopefully in time for the first substance to get to 50 responses (it will probably be LSD).
I contributed one and will probably contribute more later.

I think this is a great idea, and will be a great resource once its finished.=D
This is moving along, although it's slowed down... we have 195 total responses across all psychedelics so far, with LSD in first place with 37, mushrooms in second with 24, and 2C-E in a close third with 23. Doing well, but we need a lot more so if you know anyone with experience or if you have any other forums you visit that seem appropriate, I'd appreciate it if you could spread the word a little... you can take some wording from my first post or whatever... or link to this thread even better yet.

Thanks for your help with this community project. :)
Submitted an LSA experience, I'll try one for DXM some time.
Well-made survey. My only suggestion is to mention that there is a separate section for side effects at the beginning. At first I reported some side effects under the primary effects section.
Great idea! I've added a note in there before the rating grids begin.

Please remember that we need large amounts of respondents to make these results mean something. So if you have experience with ANY psychedelics, PLEASE fill out the survey... it takes about 10 minutes per time you fill it out. Eventually, when you have time, it would be great if you could fill it out once for each psychedelic you've tried. And also, if you're on any other forums or you have any friends who are into psychedelics, it would be VERY useful if you could refer them to this thread so they can also help out with the project. I'd like to collect responses from many different countries and of many different ages, genders, and so forth.

Thanks! I really appreciate everyone's help! We have 201 responses so far across all substances. A few substances have a good chunk of responses, and the rest need quite a bit more.
I just tried to make a DET entry (my first) but when I tried to submit it kept insisting I answer q. 23 even though I triple-checked that i had completely answered it :(
I just tried to make a DET entry (my first) but when I tried to submit it kept insisting I answer q. 23 even though I triple-checked that i had completely answered it :(

That happened to me with question 23 as well, but I'd missed an answer.
Hmm, strange Jamshyd. I'm sorry that happened... we really could use every possible DET report in existence too because I don't think many have tried it.

I almost had the chance... a friend was going to send me a small amount but he forgot and then dropped off the map completely. :(
Just finished an LSD survey. I think i've done a few others a while back also. Like one for MDMA, DOC, and mushrooms. When are the statistics gonna be put up? And are you trying to find subjective patterns to different substances?