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Game Review Game

December Flower

Oct 22, 2020
The idea of the game is pretty simple.
You write a review; this can be long, short, funny, serious, meta, whatever.
Don't be Shakespeare, and pick whatever topic you want

The whole system works on a 1 - 10 scale, with one being the worst and 10 being the best
Objective of the game is to always +1 or -1 from the last post

So if say Larry writes a review about Cats that is 4/10
Karl has to write one that is either 3/10 or 5/10

Have fun, if anyone can get into the game
I'll start with a 5/10 review, this is pretty hard actually


Topic: Local trains
Rating: 5/10

I've often heard it said that German trains run so well (never by anyone living here ofc), "German trains are always punctual".
If you have ever heard this phrase, it is a myth. In truth most trains are late, especially around the mountains, and in the winter sometimes they don't come at all.
I'm not one to complain; in the Winter of 2018 it took me 8 hours to get to work and back(which is usually 3 hours), so my boss said "fuck it, you get 2 weeks off till the snowstorms are over"", so there are most definitely perks, however in an actual emergency we would be fucked up here.
Many car routes up here are pretty dangerous in the winter, so many people rely on the trains.

The train system in Germany is very insistent on covering every single part of the country, especially up north,
where there's not as many "cow villages", as they say :cautious:, and because it is so thorough it's pretty much always late.

So if you ever visit Germany, don't expect your train to be on time, especially in the winter.
In the winter, go for at least half an hour late, or yknow..never.
But they do get you from A to B. Not good, not bad. Definitely buy a ticket, or you have to pay a fortune :ROFLMAO:

If anything in this review triggers or confuses you click here: Why Germans love to complain about trains

Trains on the U.S. West Coast, less of a joke than people think.

Maybe it was invented in England but the train was perfected in the US around the turn of the last century reaching its peak in the years before the second World War with the wonderful Pullman car. Many suspense movies are set on trains, there's something about that constant motion, and background hum & clacking that slowly ratchets up the tension.

People say it was the automobile that ruined trains. Specifically the automobile companies, tire companies and of course oil companies. But this ignores the most important motivation: people wanted their own car because it maximized their freedom especially after the interstate highway system was completed (a civil defense project mandating regular stretches of straight road long enough for a bomber or fighter jet to land)

Is government good at running railroads? Ask the people who live on the east coast and rely on Amtrak service and you get one answer. Ask me and I'll give you a different one. American trains rank 6/10 as modes of Adventure travel. On the west coast there's a train that goes from San Diego all the way to Seattle with sleeper cars. I've taken it from LA to San Luis Obispo where my friend lives. It passes through some astonishingly beautiful Coast that can be seen no other way; the so-called invisible Coast between north of Santa Barbara and south of Santa Maria and takes in Vandenberg Air Force Base and a couple tiny towns.

Since I was on the Starlight Express (the one that goes to Seattle, there's a shorter intra California train called the Surf liner) it had a dining car and I sit with three retired women who are with a much larger group that were traveling the country by train. "You can do that!?" I was amazed as they described their travels and all the little known scheduled routes still operating in the continental US.

Just before lunch arrived I asked their verdict on train food. The way they described it was one of the highlights of their trip. Go figure. Trains