*Review* Indoor/Outdoor back up event April 17-18th - INFO INSIDE!

yay!! my kidz are all ready to hit to road and we cant wait to see everyone there. be safe and see you all tomorrow!!
this is going to be funnn--complete forecast for the venue:

3 pm--77°F
6 pm-- 77°F
9 pm-- 71°F

perfect weather for a camping party! get there early & enjoy the beautiful weather :D
ill be there tomorrow afternoon with a whole crew of ppl.... lookin forward to it
i know we are leaving somewhere between 11am, and 2pm.....different car loads from Indy......we should have around 10 or more people.....hope to see a nice amount of kids out there in this beautiful weather! and even if there isn't alot of people, I'll still have a blast listening to bad ass tunes outside !

B. - Indy

" Live with no excuses, and Love with no regrets "
if you like camping events look forwad to back 2 our roots 2 coming p in july and curdstock 4 in august these events are garunteed to please:0
very dissapointed!

I did not go to this event, but im sure for any one that did go and will prolly reply later this afternoon, This event SUCKED @$$!!! my fiance calls me around 4-5 yesterday to tell me that it was on someones property (which you know aint all that bad until he calls me again early this morning to tell me that there where cops every where and they had a warrent to search every thing, every one, whatever was on the area. So many where scared, and many where arrested. I hear it was all because some one brought a shot gun??? WTF people. you do not bring weapons to parties thats just wrong and scary. Well im sure you will all hear about this later through out the next few days.
2 counties of cops, sherrif department, FBI, and ATF lol. What a night. no one from my crew got busted thank god. But I have heard an estimate of anywhere between 20-100 people were arrested. they also found a kilo of heroine.... dirty bastards shouldnt bring that shit to a place like that. Someone did have a gun so that sucked too. They checked everyone and everything, checked some people several times. Feds came from every direction lol. I thought it was really exciting lol. Of course i wouldve thought different if one of my buddies got busted. Anyway. I figured someone needed to say something bout this lil shindig :)

Peace, the names Xander
had a great time there......all for the end of the night when all this shit happened.........but i knew it was going to happen by the way people were acting and the situation in general.....but those cops are just drones, and they are only doing their job, and what they are told to do......they were pretty cool about the whole thing. but needless to say, i personally am not going to attend any kind of event in that area....and i'm pretty sure none of my peeps will either.
craziness, but fun all the same...

Hello all that I met last night. I was the dude running 'round with the black hat with candy and glo-sticks on it. So you all know, it was my first party in about 6 or 7 years... I have to say it was good fun up until the thriving masses of cops decided to show up and get stupid. I know it wasn't the foot patrols that were out there's fault nor was it Josh's, nor was it kids havin' fun, nor the candy ravers, nor the DJs... I think unfortunatly we all know on whos shoulders most of last evenings ill-fated events rests on. It may be only my opinion, but I believe it falls on the dealers that were apparently a little too slow and lacking in mental capacity at the time to see that its a fuckin ¿¿¿¿... also whoever the hell brought a shotgun to the party. WHO THE FUCK BRINGS A SHOTGUN?!?!?!? Sorry, but the whole thing shocks and suprises me.

Mad props to all who decided to stay and make the finale of the night a truely good one. The last of us that stayed in the woods after the cops had left and just chilled and camped out finished out what was left of the night in style. We all had a great time I think. I figure it this way, when the cops do come and can't ask everyone to vacate the premises, stay and the party will continue with the absence of the boys in blue. I know a lot of people freaked out when so many showed up, then some pretty cool peeps got taken away, then others still got lost in the woods...(did anyone find #1?), all in all after the groups came back together and decided to just kick it, we kept the spot alive till about prolly 8:30-9:00 AM. Good times... lets keep 'em rollin on....

shouts out to:
Atari - blingin' the donky kong
Asia - a sober Atari is easier... hehe
Freak - PLUR Zen Master, 80% Mental
Magnum PI - Still rollin'
Jason - Just chill out man, hehe j/k... good set though
Grimace - Happy B-Day dude
Josh - sorry bout your shit man, better luck next time...?
Frank - I found the dude who lost his phone, he'll contact you, hehe

random shit awards go out to:
Candy Girl who the cops couldn't even get to stop...
Cass - "Fuck Tard", hehe - keep flowin'
The dude who buried his shit in the woods...
and Mad props to #1 - they still haden't found yer ass last I heard (4:00AM)
I know I'm forgetting a LOT of people.. feel free to remind me...
Peace all - Charlie
Re: craziness, but fun all the same...

dow said:

probably of the same crew that brought the heroine.


looks like i missed one helluva night.
Well, it was a couple firsts for me, my first outdoor party, and my first drug bust. Other than feeling like I was being sexual harrassed by the woman feeling up my crotch, I think it was a lot of fun. Well, I had fun anyway. Some of the cops were dicks, but to the one dude that was cool about us going back to our tents for the night ... rock on! Yeah, we all stuck it out. Actually, I believe my group shut the place down around noon (Indiana time). And some advice from the old man who's backyard it was "get your party favors before the party". What a cool guy ...
*Edit* That kind of comment is not needed here.


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^^yeah we left around 12:30 indy time =-) we were the last kidz to leave hehe =-) but i had a great night... other then the whole cop sit. and being flipped out for about 4 hours it was a great party. it was very interesting seeing all the kidz finaly coming out of the woods about 3-4am... some not till around 8. all the kidz that we hung out with and that came out from indy were awesome!! glad i was in this situation with you guys.. otherwise i might not have had a good night. hope everyone got home ok.
Alright folks its monday...a new week and lets put all this unfortunate shit behind us and move on and get ready for hedonism....hopefully something like this wont happen again!!!!8(
and i though getting thrown out of the metro was bad... fuck a bunch of that... sucks ass... i know one kid who go locked up... he was dumb though... skott have fun in jail for the next couple years
i warned you all but nobody listened!!!

and thanks for throwing the party, because now i know to never go to a party by your production company! ill be sure to warn all my friends too ;)