*Review* Sunday, January 18th 2004 'Stardust 4' Chicago, IL

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after not partying for a year or so i am way glad that i came out to this party!! so worth standing in line and getting a cold over. hope to see some of you kids in indy for renegade!! be safe!
Quit Bitching

Ok here we go again i understand bitching because you froze ass off and i understand bitching when you get harassed but damn people come on these promoters throw parties for us and all we do is bitch and moan about ...oh god theres so many kids fucked up ...oh my god theres kandy kids this message is for those who know what a real party is you people bitch and bitch and im tired of it so im going to bitch for a while. how many of you can honestly say that you've been to a slammin party where %100 of the crowd was sober im almost certain that none of you can. you know why because drugs are everywhere you need to take a step back and realize you alone can't do anything about it so shut the fuck up and dance don't worry about what the guy or gal is doing next to you if you really come to parties "for the music" then fucking dance or bounce your head around for a lil while take all your aggressions out on the dance floor quit moapin about druggies if you go for the music then go for the music say how bad ass humpty vission was or say how awesome jes 1 is live bring a good vibe to the scene bring a good vibe to the threads i don't care how awesome the dj was if the vibe isn't right then neither is the party. we all need to take a step back and say you know what this is a party drugs will be there there will be some fuct up people there but you know what im not goin for them im goin to have fun and be safe. i know what party is and i know how to stay away from idiots you guys with the shitty attitudes are killing the scene alot faster than any druggie is. so shut up bring a good vibe bring a good crowd and have fun. these promoters do this for you and the money but how else would the party happen with no money. you all need a quick reality check. we party to do just that party and have fun so lets all come together and thank one another for being there.

Roy Roe '94
ok this threads needs to die before anymore drama is started back up.... thanks for the review kids....
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