• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

RIP tathra


Bluelight Crew
Oct 21, 2000
Hi everyone.

I'm sure a few of you already know, but i just found out that Aaron (tathra) passed away. I only knew him really from Facebook, not so much from here. I didn't want to go ahead and make a shrine post for this reason, but felt that people on here should know as he was a member of staff.

Lots of love to you all

Katrisse <3
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Oh my goodness this is terrible news.

He was a really sweet guy and I'd been wondering where he has been at lately. Was thinking about him last week. Tathra was one of the special people here, may he R.I.P.

Do you know what happened?

SO many chats. (So many fights, too, but never spiteful, as far as I know.)

Rock out with Thaddeus until the rest of us connect, my man.
Hi everyone.

Thanks for the heads up. I've edited the post to remove the obit link, primarily as his real name would likely leak out to public and lead to other problems for his family or those left behind.

When he left us, it seemed his life was on the upswing. He commented about having found someone he was really happy with and moving somewhere with them. However, the obit listed no girlfriend (natural, as they typically only list family members) and gives the impression he was still in his hometown. No indication of cause of death, though I'm not sure they (the obit page) would share that even if known.
this is terribly sad news.

he seemed to have had more than his fair share of challenge and sadness over the past few years.


this is sad news indeed. we shared alot of the same common interests.
he liked helping people, and what better place to help people then here on Bluelight.
really feel for his family, especially during a time like this.
going to miss him, along with all of my other bluelight brothers and sisters i've lost over the years.
rip tathra
I don't think he was with the girl at the time of his passing. He was certainly a complex individual, very sensitive and emotional, it seemed. :(

Thanks for the heads up. I've edited the post to remove the obit link, primarily as his real name would likely leak out to public and lead to other problems for his family or those left behind.

No worries at all, TLB <3
Wow. We are not invincible after all. Sucks and hated to read this thread I saw it earlier and something told me dont open....
Please be safe as possible, fam... dont need a whole lot of this?
Dammit that's horrible news. Got to know him on one of the old bl ircs when I first joined the site; really kind and intelligent guy.
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Was very sorry to read about Aaron's passing on 24th June 2020. I don't know the details of his passing, but he was a former moderator on here at several points in the past, and had been a BL member for almost 20 years since the site began.

RIP dude

[edit - didn't see the other thread - merged and moved to shrine]
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Rest in peace tathra.

He went through a lot, IIRC.

PMed some cool hentai pictures though.

Smart guy.
Poor Kid. <3

Seriously sad to see his name missing from here (cant imagine what its like irl for his friends, family) :( <3

Humble condolences.<3
WHAT. I still can't believe what I am reading right now. No.

I remember you from here
My condolescens to everybody who was close to him. I unfortunately didn't get to know him.


Although I never had any direct contact with him (as far as I remember), I know the name well. Always sad to see this type of thread appear, but unfortunately it's an occupational hazard in the game we're in.

Condolences to all... <3