• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

RIP Vortech

Vortech was the Dean Moriarty of BL. I found his MXE book in pdf format on my computer earlier and it made me think of him.

Hope his final journey into the unknown is an amazing and revealing one, and that we may all catch up with him when we too journey to the cosmos.

THIS song makes me think of him, and all the lost inspirational souls who will continue to affect us from the great beyond <3
Do u still have his book? If u do, would u mind sending me a link to it please man please??? 🙏
Unfortunately, I can't say that I ever had the pleasure of knowing Vortech, but I've read a bit of his MXE book and it seems like he was a very bright and intelligent guy. Rest in Peace 🌹

Wow, you can actually buy it in paperback from Amazon:

I think I'm gonna buy it
Hopefully the money goes to Vortech's family members and not our good friend Supreme Leader Jeffrey Bezos.
WTF?!? Anyone know if he finished the books he was writing?
I know there was one only about mxe. I think it might have been finished.

There was another one on all dissociatives I was going to be drawing the chemical structures and gathering literature citations for to collaborate with him...but he ghosted me and I guess it was later due to his illness.