Supplements Testosterone - when you finally get dialled in..goddamn!


Oct 29, 2018
Been experimenting with trt for a year or two - started off good, but then kinda slipped back again into my old depressive habits. Played around with injection frequency and amounts - two days on and one day off has been my protocol for about 6 months and I really wasn't feeling any better, so I switched it up to maybe 10mg injected every day. What they call "the gold standard" - "Microdosing testosterone". Apparantly the every day frequency helps lots of people to feel as good as they can. It worked for me - I feel like a new man. Mentally and physically.

Of course - we all know how fucking shit life is so I imagine this feeling will soon wear off but goddamn, I'm enjoying it while it lasts..
You use T base? SubQ or IM? What do you use as solvent?

I ask because I have tried to apply T Base in DMSO to absorb it transdermally but I didnt feel it, maybe Im switching to sub Q daily
Test Cyp sub-Q, about 12-15mg a day first thing in the morning. Oddly enough taking more doesn't always make you feel better - times I've upped the dose I havn't felt as good mentally.
Do you cook it or comes predisolved? Do you know what oil?

I would like to cook mine as the powder is dirty cheap