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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

the best high

Before 4 months of jail sobered me up...

Consuming 2 pills of quality MDMA while preparing for an intravenous injection of Heroin & Cocaine followed by 1/2 gram of Ketamine.

...was always the ultimate "high"

(I still very much enjoy getting spaced out on Kitty Ketamine in the privacy of my own home with my fiancée...the only 2 people in this world that make any sense)
Oxycontin + good quality MDMA + codeine is the best high i've had.

it's strange but I've tried this many times without the codeine and it's nowhere near as good.
OC+MDMA+codeine is a pretty damn good high. The codeine adds alot of warmth to it, MDMA already like being wrapped in a big warm blanket of bliss.

Personally, I'd have to say MDMA+mescaline.
id probhave to go with LSD for me..there is just somthing about that mind altered state where dragons fly out of trees (that was a fun night) that cant be beat

1. Peak of MDMA
2. First 10-15 min after Oxy rails, after 2 days of withdrawal
3. Inhaling tons of Nitrous Loons and screaming as loud as possible
4. Laughing your ass off on LSD your first time
5. Saving all of your pushes and a huge rock for your last hit of the night
6. When your trashed on booze, but you don't feel sick
7. Tripping BALLS on shrooms IF your relaxed
8. A nice cannabis/benzo combo. (I hate pot alone)

But, I wouldn't use any of those daily. In fact, I'd never use some of those again.
But... those were the best highs, through all my years of drug experience.