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Social The Busted Nut vs Gushing Waterfalls Share Your Latest and Greatest Sexscapades Social Thread


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Question: Why don't men hang around after sex?
Answer: They're too impatient about getting down to the pub and telling their mates all about it!

If you've just had a spectacular interaction with someone of the opposite, same, or indeterminate gender and really want to share the blow-by-blow details of what got you off then this is the thread for you. May all your sex be enthusiastic and joyful. Note: despite the opening joke, this is an equal opportunity thread for ladies with a story to tell.
I got laid recently but feel bad kissing and telling. I will say, now that I'm off my meds, I can actually get off, which is uh, good, and bad.
I'm not having sex right now
Virgins don't have sex
Therefore, I'm a virgin

Someday I'll explain why inductive reasoning is the best.
Instead, for now - I'll do another set

He doesn't want to have sex with me
We don't know each other, at all.
Therefore, to get to know each other we need to have sex

He's not looking at me
I'm not in his field of vision as I live on another continent
If I was on the same continent and in field of view - he would see me.

Then I wouldn't be a virgin anymore
Never again
Until I am reborn

not creepy
Had really dirty sex with a girl i know the other night...cum on her breasts...she is a squirter...On my face, hands and pee pee...We have been upstairs annd downstairs neighbors for a month
Lately we've been doing a lot of flirting which has really helped us in the bedroom. Doing things like holding hands in public (this is a big deal for most gay couples), playing footsie and winking at each other and then sharing an ice cream at a public space (another big deal for most gay couples) really helps build up momentum of sexual desires and passionate love making.

In private we do things like grab each others privates and make out and this often times is also just a build up of heavy flirting that doesn't immediately lead to sex. We can be a bit more direct and naughty in private obviously, so all of this flirting is also done in the nude (again, not immediately leading to sex).

At some point the pressure becomes too much. We become massive, we are pulsating. We desire each other's touch. The sex new and alive. It's like the first time. It's vibrant, a living and breathing being. We become one.
Had really dirty sex with a girl i know the other night...cum on her breasts...she is a squirter...On my face, hands and pee pee...We have been upstairs annd downstairs neighbors for a month
Neighbours huh? Do you think it will become a regular gig or dust awkward meetings around the building? Sounds convenient if it goes on. Though scary if she turns out to be a jealous obsessive type.
Lately we've been doing a lot of flirting which has really helped us in the bedroom. Doing things like holding hands in public (this is a big deal for most gay couples), playing footsie and winking at each other and then sharing an ice cream at a public space (another big deal for most gay couples) really helps build up momentum of sexual desires and passionate love making.

In private we do things like grab each others privates and make out and this often times is also just a build up of heavy flirting that doesn't immediately lead to sex. We can be a bit more direct and naughty in private obviously, so all of this flirting is also done in the nude (again, not immediately leading to sex).

At some point the pressure becomes too much. We become massive, we are pulsating. We desire each other's touch. The sex new and alive. It's like the first time. It's vibrant, a living and breathing being. We become one.

When one of my relationships was going south and we were never having sex because my partner was no longer into it at all, I complained to my psychiatrist about it. He made a really simple suggestion: make the effort to shower or have a bath together once or twice a week. Worked like magic for turning things on again. I still left her though in the end. Once or twice a week a bit underwhelming.
I haven't been laid in so fucking long. I dont even know how to go about casual sex really. All my past partners sort of came to me. I have no seduction game.
Go buy a whole bunch of stimulants and erectile dysfunction drugs and then make a classified ad on Locanto saying "Party & Play. Willing to Host". It'll be a crapshoot but you might find something you like.
Go buy a whole bunch of stimulants and erectile dysfunction drugs and then make a classified ad on Locanto saying "Party & Play. Willing to Host". It'll be a crapshoot but you might find something you like.
Lol, the kink community where I'm at is null, not a munch. Locanto? I haven't even used tinder in a year. Whenever I'm stable ill worry about getting laid/finding a partner. Sure wish I'd learned to pick up women at a bar when youngerthough. .
Lol, the kink community where I'm at is null, not a munch. Locanto? I haven't even used tinder in a year. Whenever I'm stable ill worry about getting laid/finding a partner. Sure wish I'd learned to pick up women at a bar when youngerthough. .

I think strategies for just getting laid vs actually finding a partner are different. Tinder will get you laid maybe but probably not find you someone to settle down with. Picking up in bars is impossible as you get older (although if you have a wingman or two and can approach a group of women it's a little easier). I think it's good to volunteer places or get into some kind of group/community activity if you want to meet people (good for sobriety too). You might not meet your actual lover there but you make friends who have friends and you eventually get networked to a bunch of new people. I keep meaning to do this but I need to be straight for a month or two before I feel interested enough. In the meantime there are my sleazy drug fiend lazy friends.
When one of my relationships was going south and we were never having sex because my partner was no longer into it at all, I complained to my psychiatrist about it. He made a really simple suggestion: make the effort to shower or have a bath together once or twice a week. Worked like magic for turning things on again. I still left her though in the end. Once or twice a week a bit underwhelming.
Armchair therapist viewpoint: Sounds like the bath became the expectation for sex. You can remove the expectation without removing the bath and still keep your passion gains. So, the bath is really only about re-connected with the passion. The bath isn't really about sex at all. Save the sex for when you can't take being celibate anymore. Save the sex for when you can't name a place, time and shower setting for, because it's so hot it has to happen NOW.

And once a week sounds pretty awesome to me. I'm so glad my sex drive has finally started to slow down. That shit gets annoying af tbh.

To get back to my story, we finally had sex. The build up was so intense that we ended up doing it on the living room floor in the middle of the day. Our carpet never felt so soft on my skin and our hard ons. We never did it there before, it was primitive as sex should be.
Neighbours huh? Do you think it will become a regular gig or dust awkward meetings around the building? Sounds convenient if it goes on. Though scary if she turns out to be a jealous obsessive type.
Atelier I hope not ...who needs that shit? Right? Uhhh she heard my music when she moved in, I'm an old Punk Rocker..38 yrs old. 7 on 10 scale she says ...so there ya go...I uhh have done some sex stuff with my neighbor chick one other time...it went poorly
Atelier I hope not ...who needs that shit? Right? Uhhh she heard my music when she moved in, I'm an old Punk Rocker..38 yrs old. 7 on 10 scale she says ...so there ya go...I uhh have done some sex stuff with my neighbor chick one other time...it went poorly...
Old punk rockers aren’t 38, they’re closer to 50-55 years old. I’ve met quite a few.

Funny thing about them is they’re usually always skinny, pale, hyper + well endowed.
That is so hilarious. Everybody I grew up with who also listened to punkrock looked the same; we were (are still) skinny, pale and most of us hyper.
I can only say for certainty that one of them was well endowed. He liked to get naked a parties, so it wasn't a secret.

We'll see in 20 years if we're still skinny.
Question: Why don't men hang around after sex?
Answer: They're too impatient about getting down to the pub and telling their mates all about it!

If you've just had a spectacular interaction with someone of the opposite, same, or indeterminate gender and really want to share the blow-by-blow details of what got you off then this is the thread for you. May all your sex be enthusiastic and joyful. Note: despite the opening joke, this is an equal opportunity thread for ladies with a story to tell.
Im straight but have a friend who is bi and a massage therapist, sometimes we get high on meth and have him give me an oil massage. He massages my entire body, then my balls for so long until i feel like i cant stand it any longer and when he moves on to my cock i end up cumming like a fountain and orgasm lasts unbelievably long!!! Only person whos able to do that to me