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⭐️ Social ⭐️ The myth of the suffering death sentence injectee in legal injection


May 23, 2013
In America there was a period where all they used to kill ppl in prison with a death sentence was a mix of fentanyl and midazolam.

The media went wild with reports of prisoners “gasping for breath” and thus “suffering."

No you dumb fucks that’s an opioid overdose and it feels amazing or you feel nothing at all.

it’s probably my the ultimate combo of drugs science has to alleviate suffering for fucks sake and the media makes the public beleieve it it hurting someone
If you’re gonna do the death penalty just man up and do it like they did in the former Soviet bloc, single gunshot to the back of the head. That’s all it takes, not this bizarre, perverse, disgusting faux-medical procedure we here in the USA call “capital punishment”
I know people who have oded and lived and it was far from painless. They said they gasped for breath the whole time before the narcan kicked in. Also it takes a long time to die like that.

Personally id much rather a massive overdose of say pentobarbital which should shut down the breathing right away making for a quick death
Luciddreamer-- I always kind of felt the same way, if I have to go a benzo opiate overdose.... Personally I would take it over the bullet to the back of the back of the head.

paranoidandroid-- the US government can fuck anything up. How do you fail to OD someone on fentanyl and midazolam? By undershooting the dosage I have to assume? I agree that a barb would probably get the job done; well better in every imaginable way, still leave the fent in there lol fuckit. Seems almost too kind.

I have pulled a blue and luckily came to before narcan was administered. (this is when fentdope first took over) in my anectdotal experience it was just lights out...........lights back on. Surely narcan would have made it a horror. I imagine these people weren't aiming to od; nor was I. But it seems like unless you were being stingy it should be a pretty humane method? Perhaps too humane for some people; if such a thing is possible.

Sorry for dissapearing on ya'll; my internet was cut. (still payed for it murmur murmer).