• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The Water Thread v. Stay Hydrated 🚰

I went to bed dehydrated every night for so long that I started getting black spiderweb floaters in my vision

Drink water before going to sleep, especially if you go to sleep drunk
I live in the sticks so I have a well. It's a shallow well and the water comes up crisp and cool. Even in the summer it comes out of the tap quite cold. I have noticed that I am getting more rust and calcium lately as the residue ( if not cleaned faithfully with Comet or CLR ) is a tinted orange color and hard to get off unless using CLR or other solvents. But I drink a lot of it every day. For ice cubes, cooking and the pets consume their fare share.

Don't buy water. Never have and never will. If I'm going away from home I take well water in a container. The only time I would be forced to purchase water in any form would be if my pump failed ( which it has ) and i could no longer pull it out of the ground. I bought what I needed but mostly my friends and family let me fill jugs at their house until I was able to get a new pump installed.
I drink 3-4 liters of water every day. I'm more hydrated than a fire hydrant. My skin is soft and supple like a baby's bottom.

I'm not picky, though. I usually just drink from the tap. I prefer room temperature water, and typically chug it.

I don't understand why people buy bottled water. Just buy a filter dummy.
I drink 3-4 liters of water every day. I'm more hydrated than a fire hydrant. My skin is soft and supple like a baby's bottom.

I'm not picky, though. I usually just drink from the tap. I prefer room temperature water, and typically chug it.

I don't understand why people buy bottled water. Just buy a filter dummy.
Wanna here something weird. People I know have city water which of course goes through filtration and chemical processes to make it drinkable. And they love it. They come to my house and say my water tastes funny. I go to theirs and say the same. Never thought water really had much taste but I can also smell chemicals in city tap water. Pour a glass from the tap and right before I take a sip there is a definite chemical smell ( chlorine probably ). Well drawn water doesn't have that so that's part of the reason I think it tastes better.
Wanna here something weird. People I know have city water which of course goes through filtration and chemical processes to make it drinkable. And they love it. They come to my house and say my water tastes funny. I go to theirs and say the same. Never thought water really had much taste but I can also smell chemicals in city tap water. Pour a glass from the tap and right before I take a sip there is a definite chemical smell ( chlorine probably ). Well drawn water doesn't have that so that's part of the reason I think it tastes better.
Same here. Didn't notice until my mom moved to the country and now has well water, now my tap water smells and tastes bad to me

Went through the same thing with the pump going out too. She still drives here for work, so just stopped by after work every few days to fill up gallons of water for the dogs until it got fixed

Now they have a machine in the kitchen that hooks to the refrigerator water line that beams the water with UV light, so it has pretty much no taste. Let me know if you want to know the brand/model if you're interested in something like that
there's a ski hill with a pipe coming out of it and i take some 10L jugs there and receive water. it's a bit of a drive for me but it's the fastest way to get clean water.
we need someone of the right skin tone to change the name.

Water Ninjas it is!

QTA: If you purchase bottled water, what's your favorite?
The higher PH (8-9) bottled water is good too. It's smoother or something compared to lower PH