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Prose Tootsie Guirrel


Staff member
Dec 25, 2003
Surprised and accosted by her sudden entry,
I met Tonya
Her bacon-fried hair had me sweating
All the thoughts I had coasting through
My brain like a fucking Rockstar
Swiftly exited with no evidence
That they ever existed in the first place

She said, "You want some butt?"
I struggled to reply, "E-e-excuse me?"
"My son is selling Boston butts."

Her eyes were a piercing blue
And her body was like a box that's been squished on the sides
I only say that because she told me
She said, "My body is like a box that's been squished on the sides."
That was after she must have noticed that I was uncomfortable
It was preceded by, "I ain't havin' no more kids."
Then I noticed the order forms.

She told me that her son's name is Darrel
You'll notice that I spelled that a particular way
That's because she proceeded to tell me that
'Some lady' tried to tell her that isn't the correct spelling
Of 'Daryl'
"I know how to spell my son's name, dog-faced bitch."
And she laughed with a cackle that sounded like someone's
Entire coin collection taking a spin in a washing machine
I really liked this, although am not sure why its labelled "prose", unless that is part of the joke!
Actually I am a rank ignoramus when it comes to poetry, despite having a PhD in Lit (apologies if sounds boastful to mention ... Actually my PhD has rendered me unemployable: recruitment agencies always want me to remove it from my CV...)

I digress, apologies, what was going to say is poetry ain't my field except Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath and a tiny bit of Bukowski...

So the nearest thing I can compare yours to is probably Bukowski, although it's not so proud-to-be-like-a-macho-finger-painting as some of his stuff. Actually is damn clever.

Fave bit was:
And she laughed with a cackle that sounded like someone's
Entire coin collection taking a spin in a washing machine

Criticism: I don't think you needed to attribute the interesting observation that "her body was like a box that's been squished on the sides" to this bacon-fried Goddess herself. It stands up on its own, and besides it doesn't sound like the kind of thing she would say...