• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Treated For Depression?

Damn. Tell the doctor you have REALLY Bad Anxiety & Panic Attacks and then mention Valium :D *laughs* - Nar! There all pretty smart and you will see signs in the doctors surgery saying "This clinic doesnt prescribe benzos to patients" cause to many flippers try and get them... Hehehe

shal :D
Yeah, I have read that FAQ. And to quote it:
"TCAs will reduce the effects of taking MDMA, i.e. you won't roll very hard, if at all. Some people do roll on TCAs however, and find that TCAs do not inhibit the effects of MDMA as much as the SSRIs do."

My question was about my dosage. My doctor told me I could take 50 or 75 mg per day if I thought I needed it, I got the impression some people might even take more than that. I am only on 25mg per day so I thought I might still be able to have a good roll since its been a good 4 weeks since my last. Anyone out there have any experience with dothep and MDMA?
BT, I think thats a good idea - it cant hurt...
But I'll leave it up to you if you think its a good idea then do it =)
shal said:
Damn. Tell the doctor you have REALLY Bad Anxiety & Panic Attacks and then mention Valium :D *laughs* - Nar! There all pretty smart and you will see signs in the doctors surgery saying "This clinic doesnt prescribe benzos to patients" cause to many flippers try and get them... Hehehe

shal :D

my brother brought back a stash of valiums from thailand :D

nothing better after a big night out, they are gold =D
I'll see if you get a better response in Health Q&A.

Thread transferred. BigTrancer :)
nickyj: there should be something in that FAQ about the fact that TCA's and amphetamines are contraindicated due to the risk of cardiac problems. TCA's alone can cause cardiac arrythmias which can be fatal, particularly in overdose. Although your dose is low, I personally wouldn't combine a TCA with any amphetamine.
I can answer my own question now, just in case anyone is interested. Ran into my old friend the biege A (twice :)) on friday night and although I didn't peak as high as I normally would have ie. I was only partially blinded by eye wobbles :) I still peaked for about 3 hours so I had a great night. Doubled dropped my TCA's when I got home and slept like a baby. I had a bit of a ritilin binge that afternoon/evening as well and I didn't notice any cardiac stuff at all. Usually my heart goes crazy after a heap of ritilin but nothing special this time.
In the future I think I will maybe not take my AD pill the night before a big night. My doctor said I could skip a night if I wanted coz of the side effects/hangover they cause.
Remember peeps, everyone is different, if you are on Dothep you may have different experiences to what I have, don't go fucking yourself over.

Has anyone seen my brain today?