using ketamine to get off meth

I think if you are serious about quitting methamphetamine, you should look into Wellbutrin, low dose naltrexone, and stimulant substitution therapy using a low dose of Vyvanse or methylphenidate.

There's some evidence in the literature and you have to search for it. That combinations like that can be very effective at reducing self-administration in animals as well as self administration and cravings in people.

There's also the alpha & beta blockers to look into.

Some non-selective alpha and beta blockers can reduce the subjective Good feeling effects of methamphetamine as well as suppress the sympathomimetic side effects like heartbeat, high blood pressure and sweating.

In other words, you can't really get high from a regular dose and it doesn't tweak out your body.

Pretty soon you don't associate methamphetamine use with pleasure.