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vegetarian health

Several prospective studies have used stored blood collected up to 14 years before the onset of cancer have shown associations between IGF-1 and prostate cancer, premenopausal breast cancer, and colon cancer.

"Given the increasing evidence of the risk of cancer, caution should be exercised in the exogenous use of either insulin-like growth factor-I or substances that increase concentrations of it."
British Medical Journal October 7, 2000

Thus, it is highly likely that IGF-1 promotes the transformation of human breast cells to cancerous forms. IGF-1 is also a growth factor for already cancerous breast and colon cancer cells, promoting their progression and invasiveness. Other studies connect IGF-1 to Type 1 Diabetes, especially in infants.

While IGF-1 may only be absorbed in limited quantities in healthy subjects, this is likely not be the case for those suffering from various conditions that can cause increased intestinal permeability, such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease, autism, cirrhosis, and cow's milk allergy, just to name a few.

In addition, the use of various medications, such as aspirin and other NSAIDs can increase intestinal permeability and it is estimated that 10% to 20% of the general "healthy" population suffers from this condition as well.

It was also demonstrated that people who consumed 3 servings of milk daily had a 10% higher serum IGF-1 level and almost a 10% lower level IGF Binding Protein 4 (IGBP-4) than those drinking less than 1-1/2 servings. It has been proven that those with less IGF Protein 4 are more at risk of IGF-1 related carcinogenic risk factors.

It is not enough to look at healthy adults and say that the intestinal absorption of IGF-1 is negligible. Rather, the most vulnerable in society need to be protected. Infants are unstudied and probably most susceptible in this case..

With these risk factors in mind, it's very probable that the cause of the dropping median age for puberty in women can be linked to rBGH intake, due to the link involving early puberty in girls being associated with a higher risk for breast cancer. However, exposure to higher than natural levels of steroid hormones through hormone-treated meat or poultry has never been documented. Large epidemiological studies have not been done to see whether or not early puberty in developing girls is associated with having eaten growth hormone-treated foods.

We do not have hard evidence to pin on IGF-1, except for the risks it increases. But it is extremely possible that these hormones are playing a large role in carcinogen and growth risks.
^it causes all cells to grow, it's a growth factor, so that includes cancer cells. I still don't believe that it will do anything more than exacerbate tumor growth in existing tumors. That quote from the british medical journal only says exercise caution while using it, which I agree with.
What is your problem Roger&Me? The fact is that there are PLENTY of athletes who are vegan and can do just what you do and better. The differences in health between a meat eater and a veggie depend entirely on how that person regulates that particular diet.

At the end of the day the meat eater is the cause of more suffering on this planet than the veggie.
I try to eat a well-balanced diet.

I eat red meat but not in excess. Also, many groceries have labels saying a particular cut of meat is from a non-hormone fed animal.

I also eat tuna, salmon, chicken, turkey, shrimp, scallops, lean pork, other seafoods and game, etc... Balance is the key for me. If I have a steak a particular day, then I might wait 2-3 days before eating red meat again.

I make sure to eat dairy, veggies, fruits, and carbohydrates cuz they are important for your body. I could never be a pure vegetarian, but I've learned to be balanced and sensible in your diet. also, it's been tough, but I've almost given up on sodas.
amnesiaseizure said:
What is your problem Roger&Me? The fact is that there are PLENTY of athletes who are vegan and can do just what you do and better. The differences in health between a meat eater and a veggie depend entirely on how that person regulates that particular diet.

At the end of the day the meat eater is the cause of more suffering on this planet than the veggie.

Any vegan who excells at strength athletics does so because they are genetically gifted to do so. You could never take an ectomorph and put them on a vegan diet and expect them to gain muscle. Not that many people care about this, but if you're an athlete it's something you need to think about.

And the suffering shit, please lay off it. I hate that crap. There's alot of REAL suffering in the world (meaning actual people, not a fucking cow), that is much more important than if the cows and chickens are happy, why don't you worry about that?

There's a reason that humans are born with glands that secrete protease and lipase, because we're omnivores that can and do eat meat.
why does everyone think veggie's don't worry about human suffering? to me, animal and human suffering are directly related.
^^ Yes, even if you don't believe in karma, just think.. if you're feeding sawdust and other animals to the plant-eating animals that you wish to eat, that food is indirectly being eaten by you.

Contrary to what many people think of vegetarians, I would eat meat under certain circumstances. My grandmother brought up a good point that she's living to 80 and she ate meat all her life. Wonderful, great, but back when she grew up, they had local meat markets and delis where they slaughtered the animal in the back. If I had access to meat in that condition, I'd gladly eat it. Today is a different scenario. With animals living only long enough to produce their product, being pumped hormones to get there faster, and full of disease, pesticides, and some bad fuckin' karma, I wouldn't touch any meat.

Besides, back then, people actually associated meat (a word undescriptive in itself) with the animal, not some slab of protein found in your freezer. Hell, I could fry your dog/cat on the grill and call it meat, could you tell the difference? Could you even ponder the thought of killing and eating your pet? Then how can you think that eating other animals is alright? Pigs and chickens are arguably smarter than dogs..

BTW: SomethingAwful thought Roger&Me was funny enough to put in their wonderful website. This isn't saying much, however..