Mental Health Venlafaxine/Effexor XR

forgot to take my effexor xr 150 yesterday, went into full withdrawal this morning. Took my dose for today, feeling better but still sick and awful. I feel for opiet addicts as the withdrawel is said to be similar, insane bone aches. I now feel more resolute about drugs being bad generally
I'm on effexor as well for like 10 years now. I forgot to take it for like 3 days and I thought I was dying.
My whole body hurt and I felt like I was literally shutting down. Screw this medication the only reason I even take it anymore is because of the withdrawals.. I'm scared of them fr
Estoy tomando 225 mg de venlafaxina y no siento ninguna mejora. Lo único que levanta mi animo es la metadona en altas dosis.
I'm on effexor as well for like 10 years now. I forgot to take it for like 3 days and I thought I was dying.
My whole body hurt and I felt like I was literally shutting down. Screw this medication the only reason I even take it anymore is because of the withdrawals.. I'm scared of them fr
As I wrote on page 1, I withdrew successfully from 300mg venlafaxine per day by using fluoxetine, because that is less addictive and has a half life of more than a week so it kinda tapers itself off. Switching to 40mg fluoxetine brought maybe 10% the intensity of venla withdrawal, primarily some brain zaps but nothing too serious and specially no restlessness/insomnia. After maintaining on the fluoxetine for 2 months or so I tapered down pretty quickly and got surprisingly little symptoms. Now I'm 3 months off any SSRI and besides some annoying post-acute withdrawal (nervousness mainly and sexual dysfunctions like premature ejaculation) I'm fine. Also the suicidality I had often while on venlafaxine disappeared.

A quicker variant is by using the herb kanna (available in the EU and thus probably in the states as well), it's a herbal SSRI which substitutes for venlafaxine and it was great for stopping venlafaxine the time before (used 20x extract intranasally, oral should be fine as well) but this time I was abroad and had no kanna available, because of that I went for the fluoxetine route. Each one should do it.

Good luck!