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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

What about that Andrew Tate eh?

Well, have pledged to donate. But while I'm not running down ANYONE who gives aid to those in need, I'm also aware that under Romanian law a business can nominate up to 20% of their tax bill to a charity.

So depending upon the turnover of their businesses, it might not actually cost them a penny.

That doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do but people presume that they are giving $200,000 of their post-tax income and unless they state that fact, I would reasonably ask how much they are taking out of their own pockets.

In short, a bit of a PR stunt unless they have quietly been giving 20% of their taxes to nominated charities for years...

I also recall him pledging $100 million to set up a charity to 'protect men from false accusations'. As yet no details of that have emerged.

I have no way of knowing if these statements were made in good faith, but his record isn't exactly spotless when it comes to making such pledges.
Good point.
So u can give 20% of ur tax bill to a charity instead of the tax man??
Good point.
So u can give 20% of ur tax bill to a charity instead of the tax man??

Yep - Romanian law was changed in 2017.

So if you look at Romanian progressive tax on businesses, you can calculate how large the Tates turnover would have to be to result in a donation of $200,000 not costing them a penny.

It's not just the Tates - Almost all businesses make this donation because it's a way of free 'virtue signalling'.

But the money is needed NOW. Not in 12 months time. If they had given the $200,000 then it WOULD have had to come out of their post-tax income but it's just a pledge at the moment.

Like the $100 million.

They wouldn't be alone in making pledges and doing nothing or actually using it to increase their wealth.

Uber eats asked if I wanted to round my bill up to £20 and from £19.97 and donate the three pence to charity.
I declined 😊

Uber's charitable actions are highly nebulous. They always partner with a charity and allow the charity to announce the partnership and handle all of the PR.

Their is no extant information supplied by Uber regarding ANY of their charitable activities which in itself is suspicious. I'm betting that they aren't giving a single penny of their own money - they are merely offering an inefficient (from a tax perspective) way for charities to elicit donations.
What’s a chad?
Nah. It's not because that's what he is. He even labels himself as one.
As for my 'Theif' comment.. The guy is a Crook, he ran a Cult and stole money from these people.
Tells enough about this moron that he converted to Islam. MAKES BEATING WOMEN EVEN EASIER, SO A HUNNID PERCENT WIN FOR OUR BOY TATE!
He has now as well, in my own mind certainly I don't wish to say unlike many maybe, as I'm not wasting energy witchunting a fool basically whose ego has swallowed his head... marked himself as that (a dummy) by kissing Elon Musk's fake f arse like Musk is "one of us"

Rapping on Tate was about how and I solidly agree on the point because I've been emphasising it myself years, how the only saviour still is the non robot police and how it's really so close people not appreciating, game over for freedom soon as.

Musk agreeing, lol. He is FUCKING Skynet!

Building the AI interfacing chip, Neuralink.

Self driving aka AI cars and more.

AI crypto God.

Also that clone business, technological process to store and implant the memories and personality of a human into a synthetic body or I don't know how they do THAT, but def for this purpose someday if not all ready.

Musk will be building that f robot military, and Tate is getting over excited bro-ing up with him like they are 2 galactic Supermen joined in arms in the good fight.

On that alone have to say c'mon wake up Tate, Elon is not Mankind's friend, plus Tristan sounds so dumb too, shocks almost embarrasses me lol.
Lol, "Elon Musk for Andrew Tate tattoo..Elon Musk for Andrew Tate tattoo..El.." (for charity ofc but lol, I can already picture Tate bragging on social media "I've even got a tattoo of my name on Elon Musk's butt how many people can say that"
Regarding all this chat about charity, it has long been known that "charitable status" offers wonderful opportunities for people looking to clean money. Dunno how Tate was planning on giving his phoney donation to the Palestinians who need every bit of help they can get, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was via some charity he'd set up himself. The guy is a pimp and a trafficker, given how far he has gotten in this nasty game he'll know a few things about washing dirty money. Also, given that he has supposedly converted to Islam, he should be aware of the Hawala system of transferring money which could get money to Palestine or people close by that could use it (either some harmless volunteers or the hardcore Hezbollah types) far quicker than a charity. Hawala has been utilised by major drug traffickers for many years. The basic principle is that the payment is made outside of the financial network via two or more people (can't remember what they are called but you can read the wikipedia page) who get the payment from the payer to the payee, all pretty much based on trust it seems, and I think that the middlemen get a payment but I'm not sure. The system originated in India and is mostly associated with Islam but not exclusively, and by its nature is an easy way to get money from A to B without having to go through the banking system/global financial network (I'm guessing that it might have something to do with Islamic views on Usury/interest. Not sure but Hawala itself is a very old system). The reason I'm mentioning it is because groups like the Kinahan mob, the Mocro Mafia and others have used this system to make payments/wash money and so on and they are difficult to detect by authorities. If Andrew Tate, the "charitable Muslim" wanted to get a chunk of cash to those suffering in Gaza and the West Bank then he could have used that system, given that he is apparently a Muslim now and would surely have been told about it by Muslims who may be using the system themselves to help aid the resistance. Of course there is the possibility that he's never heard of it, which would not surprise me either.

But no, as others have said, he is doing this via a charity and it was only ever a PR stunt to get people on side. He doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself, why would anyone think that he'd donate a large sum to Palestine or any oppressed peoples? It is nothing more than a publicity stunt. And even without all the corruption that surrounds charity, we should remember that we have the means to live in a world in which charity would be unnecessary. However, these means are in the wrong hands. The means are in the hands of people like Tate who earn their living by exploiting vulnerable women into sex work. Setting up in Romania almost suggests that he googled something like "countries human trafficking for sex", did a bit of reading and picked one of the countries most notorious for having such issues. Maybe Thailand was his second choice eh? But as with the fact that we could live in a world in which charity is unnecessary quite easily in this day and age, no one should have to sell their body either. I know that there is a trend of middle class hipster types who think that it is empowering but if you've met many sex workers down at the street level, before it became "cool" or "popular" or whatever, you'll know that it is a desperate and horrible way to live. When I used to sell H, sometimes "working girls" would offer me a sexual favour because they had no money but I would just give them a bag for free. No one should have to be doing that - if they want to and are in control of it then fair enough, but most sex workers are either doing it to feed a habit or have been manipulated into becoming essentially a slave to serve wealthy scum bags in places like Mayfair or Chelsea in central London. Same in every city with differing scales but always tied up with drugs - mainly coke - to squeeze some rich cunt to the max. I know of an "escort service" that is run by an organised crime group made up of Bulgarians and we all know how they are manipulated into it: "get modelling work in London! Opportunities to study abroad! Accommodation provided!" etc. etc. Ironically I worked for a charity and attended an event on trafficking, how it works, how the poor souls have their passports taken, how they have their families threatened and all that which is common knowledge now.

But I digress: the main points were that 1) Tate could've made that donation via the Hawala system if he was serious about it and it would've proven that he was serious 2) charities are a scam in so many cases and we have the means to live without them, and also no one should have to sell their body either (unless they really want to, based on their own free will and of sound mind) 3) this was obviously a PR stunt from a man who makes a living through exploitation, whether it is exploiting vulnerable women or exploiting insecure men (I wonder which part of his business makes more money, the sex workers or the insecure men who pay for him to give them a pep-talk on how to "be a man" or whatever shite he bangs on about).
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