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Stimulants What is a stimulant overdose like?


Dec 20, 2017
I know that in more severe cases like a meth overdose it would result in a seizure perhaps worst case scenario? I've just always assumed that for amphetamines an overdose wasn't possible or ever lethal like it is with cocaine--but just wondering if I'm wrong or anyone has gone through a stim overdose. What did they treat you with? It must be very hard to reach a stim overdose.
The worst I’ve had physically is I’ve thrown up, felt really off like still sick and dizzy too, very tired and falling asleep shortly after. That’s only happened with IV use earlier on in my meth “career”.

Mentally, I’ve been so high and messed up I’ve become a completely different person in my head. Complete and total psychosis.

Last night, although I didn’t nearly do enough to warrant anything like overdose, my heart started pounding in my chest, racing faster and faster for a few seconds and I jumped up from the spot on my couch where I was laying. I thought I was going to have a heart attack for a second there. Worst I’ve ever felt so far as cardiac issues.

Once I was in ER with heart rate over 250bpm and I didn’t feel or suspect that at all until I got the reading twice in a row. Last night was scarier than that heart felt like exploding.

I thin this does stand a good chance at being lethal if I keep it up for too long. Doing a hard cut this week and attempting getting off over weekend for new job.
The worst I’ve had physically is I’ve thrown up, felt really off like still sick and dizzy too, very tired and falling asleep shortly after. That’s only happened with IV use earlier on in my meth “career”.

Mentally, I’ve been so high and messed up I’ve become a completely different person in my head. Complete and total psychosis.

Last night, although I didn’t nearly do enough to warrant anything like overdose, my heart started pounding in my chest, racing faster and faster for a few seconds and I jumped up from the spot on my couch where I was laying. I thought I was going to have a heart attack for a second there. Worst I’ve ever felt so far as cardiac issues.

Once I was in ER with heart rate over 250bpm and I didn’t feel or suspect that at all until I got the reading twice in a row. Last night was scarier than that heart felt like exploding.

I thin this does stand a good chance at being lethal if I keep it up for too long. Doing a hard cut this week and attempting getting off over weekend for new job.

This is from meth alone? Is it possible for meth to be cut with something dangerous that could be causing worse side effects than the actual wanted stimulant content of it?
This is from meth alone? Is it possible for meth to be cut with something dangerous that could be causing worse side effects than the actual wanted stimulant content of it?
When my heart rate was over 250, there was alcohol and a major full body infection involved which both exacerbated the issue.

aside from that I don’t have an answer insofar as cuts. I’d think that the stimulants are the primary cause regardless though. It’s well documented that things like psychosis and cardiac issues are linked with meth abuse. Going down after doing too much in a rig, body can get overwhelmed with anything I guess. It is possible to overdose like that, just doesn’t happen as often as, say, fentanyl.
A few months ago I shot 0.5 grams of a new product that I did not know the potency of. It was same dealer so I presumed it was the same stuff I had been taking, which it was not.

As soon as the plunger was pushed all the way in I experienced a massive heat wave through my whole body, my vision whited out, and I had a massive cough that verged on a puke. Within 30 seconds I was pouring sweat from every pore in my body. I could not stand but was able to sit down rather than fall down. My vision came back but was very blurry and it seemed like my eyes were going in a million different directions at once. I could not speak and could not form whole coherent thoughts in my head although I was totally conscious and aware that I had just massively overamped myself. My hands were shaking like crazy. My face, neck and chest were flushed bright red.

It was the middle of winter so after 5-10 minutes of sitting down trying to get a grip I went outside in just a t shirt to walk around and try and cool down. After about half an hour I was able to control my thoughts a bit more clearly. However for the next 3 at least hours I was barely able to talk coherently. The best I could do was “yes” or “no”. I also developed a need to piss but my bladder sphincter was tightly shut and locked tight (a common side-effect of too much meth) - so I ended up standing in a cold shower for at least an hour obsessively focussed (meth sterotypy) trying to shake something out while I cooled down.

After maybe 4-5 hours I felt just exhausted and amped but no longer over amped. At no time did I feel panic, anxiety or any kind of psychosis.
Happened to me when I first tried mdpv , I used a key and shoved a load up my nose . It felt like I had to tell my self to breath when I was in bed
In 2006 I had been smoking (different from my normal IV) and I went over to my parents. I ended up getting in an argument with my dad, who used to be a cop and my heart started pounding. Like it was gonna pop out if my chest and it hurt. All the sudden my dad wigged out and did a field sobriety test on me and telling me to breathe deep and try and calm down. But the more he said it, the more my heart rate increased. He finally says, "I think you're ODing." I didn't even know that was possible, let alone when I wasn't slamming. He called 911 and by the time they showed up I thought I was gonna die. They loaded me into the ambulance and had my dad kiss me goodbye apparently, telling him they didn't think they were gonna make it to the hospital before my heart gave out. I don't remember the ride there but woke up what I thought was the next day in ICU and found out I'd been there multiple days. Scared the crap out of me.
With meth .. I'd say an overdose is characterised by psychosis and with all amps by anxiety and extreme heart rate. Unlikely to kill you if you're under 50 and it's typically treated with benzos .. they also use them for heart attacks so if you're a regular user it's a good idea to have a few around. There are recorded deaths from amphetamine use but other than through accidents or violence they are usually on epic doses .. amounts you'd take one look at and think .. that is really stupid. Amps are compulsive so especially with e.g. smoking meth (way way way moire compulsive than eating it) you can work up to stupid amounts before you realise. I always advise weighing what you take .. and never doing it by eye (unless you've got fuck all left).

From your point of view .. are you still having fun? if so then it's probably not an overdose .. if you're not having fun (e.g. anxiety .. other people refusing to listen to the voices in the sink .. that kind of shit) then you need to lay off and calm down. I've personally managed to smoke myself into a psychotic break on meth (about 1g in 1/2 hour). Like a total amateur I was doing the .. I'm not getting high and taking more thing when I was clearly fucking faced. I was an experienced stimulant user at that point so even if you go "pro" .. remember to watch out for stupid shit. Scales and benzos .. keep em to hand.

That said .. I used to take 1g amp orally all the time as a kid .. granted it wasn't pharm grade but it was a lot of speed. Overdose is somewhat subjective .. so also avoid the my dose is bigger than your dose bullshit .. as it's bullshit. Your taking drugs to have fun .. get your rulers out and start measuring anatomy if you really need to do the former.
Years ago I had purchased some meth and didnt consider the change in potency, like many others here have. I loaded up what was probably .3g and proceeded to shoot it. I had to yank the needle out of my arm because the rush was already coming on strong.
I remember I jumped straight up, fell right on my back on the couch, and my eyes must have been shaking violently because I was staring at the TV and there appeared to be numerous TV's stacked vertically on top of each other, each one blurry and shaking up and down.

I could see my heartbeat through my shirt too which was only adding to the terror. Luckily for me it had calmed down over the next 10min (I dont know how long it really took) or so and I was incredibly spun dor the rest of the experience. One of my worst meth memories ever.
Last time, one second I was sitting in my hotel room alone peacefully, next second I'm in the middle of traffick blocking cars waving my arms frantically screaming about sex traffickers, meeting eyes with someone. It was bizarre, as I didn't have any recollection of going outside or anything, just a straight time jump. Other times were much worse.
Last time, one second I was sitting in my hotel room alone peacefully, next second I'm in the middle of traffick blocking cars waving my arms frantically screaming about sex traffickers, meeting eyes with someone. It was bizarre, as I didn't have any recollection of going outside or anything, just a straight time jump. Other times were much worse.
I think there's a stark difference between stimulant induced psychosis and acute stimulant overdose. Psychosis is generally the result of prolonged use combined with excessive dosing and sleep deprivation, whereas overdose is the negative effects from ending up with too much in your system, whether it be from a single large dose, or accumulated over a short period with smaller doses.
I've only ever OD'd on MDMA. Which was terrifying for the short time it lasted. I'd accidentally taken my partners bomb shortly after taking my own, effectively doubling my dose and then some. Ended up being around 0.35g in the space of 10 mins, which is well over 3x my usual dose. I got extremely nauseous and started sweating profusely. Ran to the bathroom to vomit, but I couldn't think straight. I was so unbelievably hot and my skin was bright red. I wasn't sure what to do as I couldn't stand up or speak, so I dragged a towel into the bath from the towel rail and just about managed to turn the cold tap on. Then my partner walks in and sees me sweating on the floor, skin glowing red, failing to drag a soaking towel out the bath. She touched my back and realised how hot I was, so chucked the towel on me and fed me some water. Within less than a minute I was fine again. But I pretty sure I would have died if she hadn't come in when she did. My vision was starting to go white and I was loosing the use of my arms, I would have died, I'm sure of it. And that was the last time I took and stimulants.
I've used a gram of meth or slightly more in less than 24 hours and I just stayed awake, which is a side effect for me but not close to an overdose. I have used MDMA excessively though to where the last roll I took made me relaxed and I was ready to go to sleep. I actually felt like I was asleep but I was wide awake. I think if I would've kept eating beans I would've ended up overdosing

Another time I was doing grams of molly, not measuring doses and sniffing it. On more than one occasion I passed out and woke up disoriented with pixelated vision to where I couldn't tell where I was supposed to walk. These definitely aren't lethal stimulant overdoses but maybe give you an idea of a prelude to one

I tend to think it's difficult or almost impossible to lethally overdose on a stimulant or even a combination of stimulants, but people can have unusual reactions to drugs too. One thing I never did was avoid drinking water
I tend to think it's difficult or almost impossible to lethally overdose on a stimulant or even a combination of stimulants, but people can have unusual reactions to drugs too. One thing I never did was avoid drinking water

This is definitely not true. I have overdosed, to the point of needing resuscitation, on IV cocaine. I know somebody who died from IV meth use as well; he ended up having a TIA from using too much, and later had an aneurism from a large shot of meth and died.

Whether to call that an overdose or a fatal complication is debatable, but it does show that stimulants are fatal.
From my experience, IV cocaine overdoses happen in a spectrum that are very sensitive to small differences in dose once you reach the threshold:

Tachycardia -> Hearing loss -> Vision Loss -> Faint/Seizure -> Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)/Stroke.
On the money with that post @Deru
I couldnt have described a cocaine OD progression more accurately.
I did a pretty large shot 2 weeks ago (~.4-.5g) and before I could even finish it I had to pull out because my eyes were going crazy and all sound had vanished except for an extremely loud ringing in my ears. Now that was my 3rd shot of the day and also the largest, add to that the fact I had been smoking my pipe and up over 24hrs already it was probably just too much
The only times I “know “ I took way too much was the last time I dosed A-pvp. It was the brown crap that was super cheap around the time it got banned in the US. I ended up doing around a 700mg line. Mainly because I was super spun out already and was on an 11 day bender already. I remember seeing some very vivid hallucinations (very definitely stimulant psychosis type things) such as police raiding the house an armored personnel carrier driving down the hallway the room started spinning my heart beat out of my chest sweat poured from every pore and I passed out attempting to find a spy camera in my closet.. my girlfriend at the time called the ambulance and I woke up 2 days later in the hospital. The other time was an accident taking way too much isopropylphenidate.. I wound up doing around 250mg.. everything started spinning and I passed out again.. this time I woke up around 36 hours later in my bed to my girlfriend once again having a shit fit because I wasn’t responsive when she tried to wake me.. I wound up waking before the ambulance was called but truth be told I should’ve went to the hospital that time as well.
Heart attack, stroke, or aneurysm
You’re spot on. 33 and 2 strokes so far certainly not the norm for my age group but given my years of stimulant abuse it’s not necessarily hard see how I wound up in this predicament.