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Trigger Warning Which drugs have had the worse effect on your mental health that were hardest to quit?


Dec 10, 2022
For me I think stimulants are the worst drug to abuse for mental health. Obviously it’s very individual as some can’t take weed even because psychosis.

But stims are so hard to quit if you have a steady supply and they destroy my mental health for days sometimes a week. I have to constantly tell myself it’s the drugs talking. I do t really feel the way the drugs are telling me I’m feeling. It’s usually worse when I binge for a few days.

I quit but relapsed yesterday because I found an old stash by accident and well too hard to say no when right there.
Agree. Coke and Meth are by far the most addictive for me.
Never had issues with anything else. I have never tried Heroin or Fentanyl.

Meth worst for mental health.

Coming off MDMA can be brutal but I dont find it addictive and don't crave it.
Agree. Coke and Meth are by far the most addictive for me.
Never had issues with anything else. I have never tried Heroin or Fentanyl.

Meth worst for mental health.

Coming off MDMA can be brutal but I dont find it addictive and don't crave it.
Yeah meth and amps in general wreak havoc on my mental health.

MDMA has a built in deterrrent for me. The comedown is much more brutal I think but always depends on dose. One doesn’t do that to me but two will and this was back in the day when doses weren’t so high.
Opiates actually seem to completely stabilize my craziness. Even when i run out i dont feel crazy really just focus on scoring knowing that will solve all my problems. Xanax and suboxone combined probably the worst for me. So obvious to everyone but myself that im high af. Kleptomania, amnesia, cant make any decisions even when it comes to what movie to watch, up and down sadness and euphoria. Wake up with a dented car and no memory of crash. Second place coke benders or ecstasy crashes are the worst for me
Crack affected my mental health more than any other drug towards the end of the 15 year addiction I was unpredictable and not the best person.
Methadone was the hardest to quit. Was in withdrawal for weeks.
I always feel bad for the people in America that say they are on 200-300+ mg of methadone. I can’t see people having it in them to get off that.
Crack affected my mental health more than any other drug towards the end of the 15 year addiction I was unpredictable and not the best person.
Methadone was the hardest to quit. Was in withdrawal for weeks.
I always feel bad for the people in America that say they are on 200-300+ mg of methadone. I can’t see people having it in them to get off that.
There are a lot of people on high dose methadone. I would think with a proper taper it shouldn’t be too bad? Idk. I only ever got up to 60ml and mostly because I didn’t want to be up high went I got off and I knew I wouldn’t stay on it for life. Driving 30 minutes every morning one way gets annoying and I do not use street opi

Crack can definitely be right up there with the best of them. I know the desire to redose is strong but what saved me with crack is well never was too keen on the pipe. I will not touch a crack pipe ya know I have standards and all that shit lol 😂

Obviously kidding. I was a drug snob at one point tho before I tried crack IV because then it’s just coke right? And coke is for high class people right? Lol


But yeah I know what you mean about not being your best self near the end. Most of us aren’t proud of where drugs take us.

I feel like ANY stims are like that as far as destroying mental health. I was a H addict when it really was H back pre fentanyl. And H never caused near as bad as the depression and self loathing that comes with stim binges and yeah opi can cause depression but ime not near as badly as stims.

Sure occasionally near the end you’d get a slightly tainted batch here and there but not strait fent. And I tried to avoid those batches. Fentanyl is just not a fun drug.
It seems like the title contains two questions. Are you asking which drugs had the worst effect on my mental health or which were hardest to quit or which of the hardest to quit ones had the worst effects on mental health?

Either way it's probably going to be weed and benzos for me. Both had devastating effects on my mental health and both were very hard to quit, benzos because of the protracted withdrawal and weed because I found it incredibly psychologically addictive (and mildly physically). Weed allowed me to access a place in my mind that in a lot of ways was more addictive to me than heroin. My problem with heroin was that I found the high to be kind of boring. I'd feel a lot better than I felt sober on heroin and the IV rush was really good but I always had an itch that heroin didn't scratch. Weed on the other hand, was more intellectually and spiritually stimulating. I think that's why I found it so addictive.
It seems like the title contains two questions. Are you asking which drugs had the worst effect on my mental health or which were hardest to quit or which of the hardest to quit ones had the worst effects on mental health?

Either way it's probably going to be weed and benzos for me. Both had devastating effects on my mental health and both were very hard to quit, benzos because of the protracted withdrawal and weed because I found it incredibly psychologically addictive (and mildly physically). Weed allowed me to access a place in my mind that in a lot of ways was more addictive to me than heroin. My problem with heroin was that I found the high to be kind of boring. I'd feel a lot better than I felt sober on heroin and the IV rush was really good but I always had an itch that heroin didn't scratch. Weed on the other hand, was more intellectually and spiritually stimulating. I think that's why I found it so addictive.
Interesting take- we truly are all so different n some ways. Weed I can take or leave. I enjoy it every so often. Used to be everyday thing but saw the negatives of that. Lethargy and stereotypical stoner type effects for me. But was using it all day every day for years ti get to that point.

Benzos never liked. Not like when I am trying to come down.

To answer your question what I meant was what was the most mental health compromising drug for you and yes that was hardest to control your use. Probaboy will be a persons drug of choice because the dose tends to be the poison as they say
Meth pushed me into a delusional/paranoid psychotic state for the first time ever. Was relatively easy to quit, but had some slip ups. Benzos were THE HARDEST to quit. Heroin wasn't so bad back in the day, I pushed through it. Cocaine and MDMA maybe fucked with my head, but weren't terrible. The come down from anabolic steroids is horribly under reported on the internet. So many times I stayed on because I was terrified of coming off. I didn't even want to continue.
Meth pushed me into a delusional/paranoid psychotic state for the first time ever. Was relatively easy to quit, but had some slip ups. Benzos were THE HARDEST to quit. Heroin wasn't so bad back in the day, I pushed through it. Cocaine and MDMA maybe fucked with my head, but weren't terrible. The come down from anabolic steroids is horribly under reported on the internet. So many times I stayed on because I was terrified of coming off. I didn't even want to continue.
Congrats on quitting since Dec 22! What inspired a total abstinence outlook and does browsing BL ever complicate things? I always figured that if I quit using I would have to really clean up my internet habits. Though I personally never want to stop taking psychoactive substances.

Before I had access to Clonazepam I was basically an alcoholic. Sure I didn't drink every day, but I drank to an excess and all the booze was never enough. I have ASD related anxiety so the initial rush from relief of those symptoms was very captivating. I would say this substance was the largest issue from 2020-2023 when I was raw dogging mental health. Now I very rarely drink and have done so only 3 times this year so far. I'm honestly glad I get such bad hangovers because people seriously underestimate how toxic ethanol is for your body and brain.

THC is extremely habitual for me, I live in an illegal state so most of my use was either Delta 8 or THC-O. I found the latter to be most like the famous Delta 9 and had extended periods of erryday use during 2021 and 22. Yep, plenty of people can get stoned and function perfectly fine, not me. I gained excessive weight and was probably above 305lbs at my worst. No motivation at all, the only thing I wanted to do was entertain myself, not stimulate my mind. I could not control myself at all, if there was a cannabinoid at the ready, it was getting used.

Anything that has directly contributed to my excess weight has been the worst thing for my mental health. These two are the biggest offenders by far, I don't want to be fat by the time I reach 30.

Everything else has been pretty unproblematic as far as habituation goes. opiates are my fav drug and I make sure to take regular tolerance breaks, fortunately I have not struggled with dependence. I am tapering off Clonazepam by 0.25 every week starting at 1mg so I have to see how that goes. Never got any recreational value from it, but has done wonders for stabilizing my mind, I just want to see if I can reduce or cease while staying mentally well.
alcohol is disgusting and chaotic. Stimulants are fucking evil, twisted darkness when use becomes prolonged. Benzos suck the soul out of me. All of them warp the insight into reality.

Cannabis can make things feel sluggish and irrelevant.

I never disliked myself more than when I was using Meth for a few months. It really is like a demonic force is influencing you.

Meh I got stuck in this box lol. Anyway, I agree 100 percent speed is evil asf. Really brings the darkness.
What inspired a total abstinence outlook and does browsing BL ever complicate things?
I decided that overall, drugs had a net negative on my life. Benzos seriously impact your judgement. Stimulants make me clinically insane. Alcohol leads to poor judgement. Psych drugs, which I'm still on, destroy your drive. Anabolic steroids caused mania for me. Overall, judgment is the key. These drugs affect your decisions, often for the worst. This is a subtle thing that often isn't apparent until you really analyze your life in detail. Worse, there are personality/cognitive PAWS type effects that persist even when you're clean for a few months. It took a year off benzos for my cognition to really return to normal (for me).

I stayed off BL for the first year. I'm on here to try and help, but I'm not sure if it does much. I don't read the other subforums on drug use, I'm just done with that. It's sad corporate Reddit has taken over forums; I wish more people came here. I've come to despise Reddit personally.
I decided that overall, drugs had a net negative on my life. Benzos seriously impact your judgement. Stimulants make me clinically insane. Alcohol leads to poor judgement. Psych drugs, which I'm still on, destroy your drive. Anabolic steroids caused mania for me. Overall, judgment is the key. These drugs affect your decisions, often for the worst. This is a subtle thing that often isn't apparent until you really analyze your life in detail. Worse, there are personality/cognitive PAWS type effects that persist even when you're clean for a few months. It took a year off benzos for my cognition to really return to normal (for me).

I stayed off BL for the first year. I'm on here to try and help, but I'm not sure if it does much. I don't read the other subforums on drug use, I'm just done with that. It's sad corporate Reddit has taken over forums; I wish more people came here. I've come to despise Reddit personally.
Yeah Reddit is absolutely toxic asf.