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Computing Windows 11 Anyone?


Moderator: H&R, TL
Staff member
Mar 18, 2018
Visiting mdlf for some info on a program created by a coder there and saw this in the side-bar. WTF? Ya'll never mentioned this windows 11 bs to me. What gives? Nah, jk.
Not gonna leave windows 7 but may fuck with it in a vm to see what its about.

Ever heard of it?
Ya know I like polss, soooo, yeah. :)
Will you "upgrade"?


Guess ill go see what the bs is on about.

Love ya folk
Wait wtf this is real? How did I not hear about this?

I was just about to make a joke thinking this was fake

edit: oh dang I thought it was already out haha. yeah deffo gonna upgrade, this is awesome.
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Ya its beta but iirc win 10 was supposed to be the "last" OS for a while. They sold it (or gave it away) as a subscription/service thing that just got updates and whatnot. lol This is hilarious to me. Guess gates and crew need more money to donate so crank out a sellable product. IDK its all just movies in my head aint read nothing yet been runnin chicken head cut off.

I know I have been out if the loop maybe its an omen that its time I left tech behind... or it leaves me ya know how that shit is. Keep up or left behind.
i thought win 10 was a virus
was gonna download and install it to see what its all about but atm the files have to be compiled into an iso and the last time i messed with that stuff was an xp iso that ms actually gave me a lifetime license for. blew my mind.
too much focus cant sacrifice the time or efforts atm. all that github stuff is getting above my head, man. damn.
win 7 ftw
one of the forgotten to be crushed beneath the whell. :)
Yall youngins have fun with this OS it looks geared for the next gen. Yall got this

wizard is reportedly respectfully repetively reportive perhaps?
i would like to have this os on a phone or better yet a surface pro.. i love them little tablet computers.
thinkpads are holding and will outlast me ffs
Some of the feature updates with 10 have gave me a lot of trouble.

Yes this. I'm genuinely thinking about paying someone to tell me what the fuck is going on with my PC but I'm pretty sure it's just these experience packs. I wish they'd stop reverting my fucking settings.

Maybe I'll upgrade to w11, then just use sophia script to completely debloat my PC and leave it like that.

I've formatted like four times this year and I really lament the time last year when I could Just run a few github programs to completely debloat windows and remove all telemetry, then switch all the invasive 'features' off.
Mine has became so slow. All the applications are stalling on not responding. I keep having to open task manager and end tasks because if more than one is open it takes forever. Also when waking from sleep it makes me type A1B2C3 first before my password because it says too many failed attempts. This happens right off.
Mine has became so slow. All the applications are stalling on not responding. I keep having to open task manager and end tasks because if more than one is open it takes forever. Also when waking from sleep it makes me type A1B2C3 first before my password because it says too many failed attempts. This happens right off.

I love the way you've only just very slightly mangled what is surely one of the most obvious passwords ever in existence. =D

Waking from sleep? I wish I could stop mine from going to fucking sleep. That's one of the things that's been pissing me off so much, they just switch it back on.

There is nothing creepier than looking in event manager and seeing that when you pressed shut down, and had already completely disabled all sleep stuff, your computer woke with literally no discernable sign and start fiddling with updates and packages.

Have you tried a format? It's pretty easy to do, maybe you're just bloated and need a clean up.
Best (IMO/E) is to update so the ms servers log the hardware as valid, back up any/all drivers - just in case there are none avaiable atm - so ya can "force" install them if necessary. Download the win 11 ISO for "clean installation", completely wipe the entire drive (delete all partitions) and let the boot-able (by whatever means one chooses and/or is available) ISO do the reforming and setting up the recovery partition(s).
Updates SUCK ass and render PCs mostly useless as they have become disposable like all else.
If ya can do the above you will have a brand new race car.

debloat windows and remove all telemetry
It is my opinion that this "option" is no longer on the table.
^ definitely worth thinking about.

i'd say i reinstall windows from scratch on my main desktop machine once a year or so - it's like getting a new machine :)

i reinstall windows from scratch on my main desktop machine once a year or so - it's like getting a new machine
I used to do this back inda day. Until I found imaging/cloning. Then it was learning how to eliminate unwanted code in my machines from withi safe mode. Then it was refraining from the "habits" that ususlly fucked my machine. Then it was jsut fuckit... no av, no am and a quick crap cleaning once in a whit. It only finds the shit i alow to run that is "dangerous" so it is whitelisted.
Looking at the installed programs it seems 2015 was the lat time I "clean" installed. Prolly when I logged my machine for the free Win 10 "upgrade" then forthwith reverted back to seven cleanly.
Best (IMO/E) is to update so the ms servers log the hardware as valid, back up any/all drivers - just in case there are none avaiable atm - so ya can "force" install them if necessary. Download the win 11 ISO for "clean installation", completely wipe the entire drive (delete all partitions) and let the boot-able (by whatever means one chooses and/or is available) ISO do the reforming and setting up the recovery partition(s).
Updates SUCK ass and render PCs mostly useless as they have become disposable like all else.
If ya can do the above you will have a brand new race car.

It is my opinion that this "option" is no longer on the table.

I don't get it though, are you just telling me wipe the drive and perform a format via clean ISO i.e the microsoft media installation tool, or whatever its called?

If so, that's exactly what I used to do a few times a year. Since I got my new system 2 years ago and went from W7 > W10, I didn't have to format for two years, it was like magic, and I just debloated after each update.

Since march I've had to format it five times, and that was by no means out of choice. It's like a brand new race car for sure, but then it's like somebody comes and flips all the switches round and replaces all the furnishings, and it's back to the format, only for it to happen again the next month

It's really, really pissing me off.

- I've got no idea why I've got a hypervisor virtual adapter which is I believe connected to my router, even with the wi-fi unplugged and no sensors on my MB.
- I've got no idea why my settings change
- I've got no idea WTF type of language event viewer might be written in
- I've got no idea if there's some kind of 'policy on my machine'
- I've got no idea what this constant auditing is.
- I've got no idea what it means when event log notifies me that a "non virtual" administrator called "negotiate" connects to my machine, and if that makes them a real person.

It's all written in ultra-nerd double dutch.

It is my opinion that this "option" is no longer on the table.

I agree, although I believe sophia script might be a solution, yet harder to impliment and possibly susceptible to a dreaded forced update.

If you're suggesting a different option to what I already do, I'm all ears and genuinely very eager to understand. But I can't stop the updates. Cheers. x
You do
I love the way you've only just very slightly mangled what is surely one of the most obvious passwords ever in existence. =D

Waking from sleep? I wish I could stop mine from going to fucking sleep. That's one of the things that's been pissing me off so much, they just switch it back on.

There is nothing creepier than looking in event manager and seeing that when you pressed shut down, and had already completely disabled all sleep stuff, your computer woke with literally no discernable sign and start fiddling with updates and packages.

Have you tried a format? It's pretty easy to do, maybe you're just bloated and need a clean up.
You do realize that thats not my password nor one that I created right? It's hard for me to explain so I could have mislead you. My home network was compromised by a shady friend once. I had to file identity theft, file hundreds of google take down notices and etc. It kinda affected me for life so now all my passwords are set up like fort Knox lol. I think the issues I am having now result from all the ad tracking from companies like wild tangent and priceline that come preinstalled on everyones system. That shit pisses me off so I mess shit up trying to get it off. Plus the way the HP software acts up if you dont appease their bullshit. I've got shit going haywire cause I've been trying to get all this bloatware off.

But all this pisses me off. It all feels shady af sometimes. With windows...before you've even registered for a Microsoft account... you've already signed over the rights to your own voice in the 20 pages of terms and agreements that nobody ever reads. That check mark that's required in that little box before you get to meet Cortana only ensures their rights and protection of liability. You have no rights. They were
probably voided on your receipt of purchase. Microsoft will pass you off to Google to put you on hold with AT&T while you listen to music in some foreign language interrupted by ad commercials that'll be twice as loud in volume. Protocols and stipulations....that's all it is. The security of windows is mostly in those updates. You gotta always check for updates....yet half of them are gonna mind fuck your system. You can't win. Don't use the admin account. Use a local account. Block third party cookies...always clean your caches. Also don't link your accounts. Blah blah blah

Eventually we are all gonna be operating as algorithms like Facebook and all of our ideals and thoughts are gonna be synced together in some cloud account that we will never have the password to.
You do realize that thats not my password nor one that I created right?
Well, I do now you've told me. =D Still pretty funny that somebody created such a basic password, It's like using passw0rd or something. I'm sorry that that happened to you though.

It sounds like you're having the exact same problem I am and have figured out pretty much the same conclusion as you; Microsoft don't like people fiddling with things because the internet of things is coming, the cloud and the end of the 'personal' computer. Apparently they have a/b testing and put people in the experimental group to see how they react and what to do next. I believe this is possibly tied to some group policy or whatever that gives you a status and is tied to your hardware ID, and they shut down your meddling.

I read the microsoft intune document when W11 was realeased and it vindicated what I'd worked out from months of problems; eventually our machines will use spare computing power to compute AI resistance to viruses i.e direct access to other computers/the cloud, and complete scanning of your machine for anything they or their 'partners' see as nefarious. Trying to switch things off will be impossible, and you can say hello to the experimental group.

And yeah, I read a microsoft agreement quite recently, and it honestly scared the shit out of me.

Mind fuck indeed.
Yeah but I don't like it when other people put passwords on my devices lmao. That's not suppose to happen. Who created that password and where do they live?! I am on to them😛😜

Have you ever noticed some of the apps in the play store?? The general purposes of the apps don't relate but there seems to be a lot of patterns involved with words like "token"...."gateway"..... AirWatch. I think some are put there in place for those expected to need them. I realize I am reaching but still. We have fucked our privacy. Only about 15% of the internet is even indexed.

What are we gonna do when we have to watch ads before we can use the bathroom lmao
If you're suggesting a different option
Hate ro post link to other forum but this quesrion may be answered more accurately... or rather link to internal links and let ya figure it out yerself. lol Had ro learn a lot on my own there but without the "coders" there that deigned to help it was all woth it.

This new BIOS shit can play a mind fuck with me but they may be able to aim one in the direction of moddind the actual BIOS to do whateva ya wanna do.
I love that site just dont have the time nor inclination since xp and 7. ftw
I think bleeping computers is a good site also. Or it use to be. I haven't checked them out in a long while.
Yeah but I don't like it when other people put passwords on my devices lmao. That's not suppose to happen. Who created that password and where do they live?! I am on to them😛😜

Have you ever noticed some of the apps in the play store?? The general purposes of the apps don't relate but there seems to be a lot of patterns involved with words like "token"...."gateway"..... AirWatch. I think some are put there in place for those expected to need them. I realize I am reaching but still. We have fucked our privacy. Only about 15% of the internet is even indexed.

What are we gonna do when we have to watch ads before we can use the bathroom lmao

Have you had an ad directly target you by name yet? I was watching channel 4 catch up and an ad directly adressed myself by my full name.

To say I absolutely shit myself is an understatement, I thought I was back on the salvia.

Creepy as hell.