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Opioids Min effective dose, oral opium


Feb 1, 2016
Bought a gram of opium on DW, has good reviews. What should is tart wioth for pain relief oral dose?

I bought to try something other than Oxycodone which gived me horrible depression so i avoid taking it. Its what they throw at me here for mt spinal issues. (failed surgery, damaged nerve)

Not much tolerance, 10mg Oxu slow release gets me significantly "high". Heck even 50mg tramadol is significant (I clearly have the enzyme)

The Opium is rock hard. Was thinking to try 0.1 g dissolved in hot water? Or should i do a tiny allergy test first?

I dont take pain meds daily, but sometimes i need a break from the pain. Not naive to opiods/opiates, been taking them occasionally for 20+ years, but never raised my tolerance much.
Highly variable. Could be 20% morphine or 4% start low.
Edit: is it refined? If so it could be (aprox) 40-60% morphine
If we are talking raw, regular average 10-12% morphine, and your pain isn't that bad, then 0.1 g could help, but If your pain is bad I would go for 0.2 g.
If that opium is refined or, even being raw, it comes from certain pharma strains, things are different. Just what Daturetard said, start low.
Oh, keep in mind that oral opium lasts forever, much more than ER pharma formulations.
0.1g at most I'd say, don't redose. I'd also say don't dose more than once weekly

See how that affects you, then next time act accordingly with reference to your first time, add or subtract as need be.
Thanks guys, sounds like i need to take a tiny “allergy” test first . No idea if it’s refined or not. Its black and rock hard.
Thanks guys, sounds like i need to take a tiny “allergy” test first . No idea if it’s refined or not. Its black and rock hard.
I would bet it isn't refined. Rock hard means ageing opium, during the first months it's soft, it's more like hash in your hands (but not that sticky).
If you break it does it shine? The less shining the older it is. Opium gets better (less water) during some years

why not smoke it?
Because smoking opium is a waste. It's very exotic and appealing, it tastes and smells sweet and godly, but it's a fucking waste. Not to mention people don't often have proper smoking devices, oriental pipes, persian vafoor... people here don't care to refine it into chandoo(ish) and just toss it on foil and waste it. I have seen it again and again. People just grew up reading and hearing about old time smoking dens and want to try for themselves. I know it cause it was also my case the first times I came across opium, I wanted to try and smoke it, but no: oral is the way to go, very specially when you have a single gram, as OP said he had
I disagree. If anyone is still interested in this thread I’m happy to share about a modern technological advance that allows you to instantly convert raw opium to dross opium and the smoke is incredibly potent. Like better than h. Better than opana. Better than oxy. This method is the best I have ever tried. I’m happy to share if you truly love opium and want to enjoy and cherish it. It is beautiful.
I disagree. If anyone is still interested in this thread I’m happy to share about a modern technological advance that allows you to instantly convert raw opium to dross opium and the smoke is incredibly potent. Like better than h. Better than opana. Better than oxy. This method is the best I have ever tried. I’m happy to share if you truly love opium and want to enjoy and cherish it. It is beautiful.
Im interested!! I have some opium and would love to do it!
Im on methadone and I think its a waste to take opium but Ill try
Im interested!! I have some opium and would love to do it!
Im on methadone and I think its a waste to take opium but Ill try
I’m happy to share if you truly love opium. I’ll explain why it works first. Opium has a certain percentage of water content. Bonded to the water are many alkaloids. Traditional preparations had someone kind of bake the opium to divorce the product of its water. They would get high off this first heating up. I forget what that action is called but after it’s been baked and the water content is gone then you have what is called dross opium.

Now I figured out something very interesting. If you use a Dab rig and propane torch. You can heat up the banger(the bowl part of the rig) until it’s just red. Like a hot dab as some people say. Then you take a little dabber tool metal thing. And you scoop your opium and while the banger is still red hot you start slowly drawing on the bong a second before you plunge the opium and then an amazing thing happens.

It happens because poppy alkaloids are amazingly resistant to heat.

The water part of the opium is almost immediately gone and if the banger is hot enough you will very quickly also have dabbed the dross opium. So you’ve consumed both types of the opium in one amazing flowery rip.

The effect of this is incredible.

The love of my life, completely naive to opiates, hit this bowl and fell back just barely holding the bong and banger. Completely totally fell asleep.

This is where I got excited. I took the rig out of her hands. Torched it till it was red and hit a dab of the flower power. Nothing. I kinda expected this because I had a daily black tolerance. But I also had more opie. So red hot goes the banger once again. I hit it. Held in the lungful of both. Set the bong down. As I exhaled I was hit by a wave of the most incredible pleasure. I fell backwards onto the bed and lost complete consciousness for hours. Waking only to notice how good I felt. Then immediately dreaming of endless fields of poppies. Sprouting from the earth. Growing their large vegetable leaves. Sprouting their buds skyward. Opening into flowers. The petals falling off and leaving crowns atop poppy pods. The field of beautiful poppies becoming dry straw. The seeds dropping into the earth. And the whole process beginning again.

It was hours of this blissful hallucination.

The best opiate experience of my life. By a single plant.

Better than opana, better than h, better than hydro anything, better than dillies, better than speedballs

The absolute most primo poppy experience of my life. Clouds of flowers.

Dreams of life and death.

Micro dreams of everything and anything.

It’s strange to me that opiates are not considered hallucinogens. I guess because they make you dream not hallucinate. At the very least they are

There’s nothing else like it on planet earth.

There’s no better way to consume it.

We are living in the best timeline.

Please try. Please enjoy.

If you don’t have a dab setup.
The easiest most accessible way to consume would be to get a nectar collector and torch.

I really hope you use this method.

I’d love to hear what you dreamed about.
My girlfriend saw the flowers life cycle too.

I would like to know if that happens to everyone.
Hello Helpingout, I found very interensring what you said and the experience you told us, I have to read it carefully and translate some words I am not familiar with.
But, to be honest, I can't see where did you read that or why do you say that "poppies alkaolids are amanzingly resistant to heat" I mean, compared to what? Certainly not to other drugs if you see their vaporization points. If you have made poppy pod tea you know that you don't want to get it to boil or you will ruin it; black market opium or pharma straw production are stored in fresh (or raw cold) places and same goes for procesed morphine, codeine, etc, just like any other meds.
So opiates aren't specially resistant to heat, as far as I know.

May i ask if you had solid previous experience and acces to opium so you have done different gear using different ROAs and where yours and your gf's tolerance were at when you smoked that? Where you opiate free at the time?

I don't know about opana and never injected hydromorp, but I find it hard to believe a single hit of a opium bong being stronger that those meds or good heroin.
And I also have a hard time trying to figure it out how smoked opium, in any fashion, could be stronger than oral. I allways say that there is a reason for opium addicts to be eaters.
Opium users and chippers may like to smoke it, but every opium addict I have met in life were gum eaters or pod tea drinkers No exception
Ok. Poppy alkaloids resistant to heat.
Maybe you’re right and I expressed that wrong but the alkaloids are capable of vaporization.
“Rather, the prepared opium is indirectly heated to temperatures at which the active alkaloids, chiefly morphine, are vaporized”-Wikipedia.

So using a dab rig may have a sweet spot of some kind in terms of temperature.

Water boils at 100 Celsius. A pot of water may vaporize the material into the air and not infuse into the tea when boiling. Thus a weaker tea. Where the alkaloids themselves still exist past that temperature and using a bong with dab rig the entire amount of opium is relatively easily consumed with very little waste.

Dab rigs are not opium pipes.

Furthermore this method is probably foreign all over the world as concentrated cannabis, used in dab rigs, is not yet a worldwide phenomenon and is concentrated in the United States.

Girlfriends prior experience. A few codeine tablets. Otherwise naive.

Myself a daily user of extremely strong h.

Im pleased to meet you. I smoke opi.
Poppy pod tea I don’t know how to get. I missed that era.
Poppy seed tea I hella fuck with and love good coated seeds. Can even craft a crude opie with some science. Better ingested orally though I give you that.
The opie I made was a whole plant full spectrum extract. Best I’ve ever had. Maybe it had to do with the strain grown. The hardiness of the plant. Could have been anything.

It may be hard to believe.

But I’m not lying to you.

What’s the worst that could happen.

You blow fifty bucks on a dab rig and torch and don’t like the high.


I think youll love it personally. But maybe it was just really good seed.
I’m happy to share if you truly love opium. I’ll explain why it works first. Opium has a certain percentage of water content. Bonded to the water are many alkaloids. Traditional preparations had someone kind of bake the opium to divorce the product of its water. They would get high off this first heating up. I forget what that action is called but after it’s been baked and the water content is gone then you have what is called dross opium.

Now I figured out something very interesting. If you use a Dab rig and propane torch. You can heat up the banger(the bowl part of the rig) until it’s just red. Like a hot dab as some people say. Then you take a little dabber tool metal thing. And you scoop your opium and while the banger is still red hot you start slowly drawing on the bong a second before you plunge the opium and then an amazing thing happens.

It happens because poppy alkaloids are amazingly resistant to heat.

The water part of the opium is almost immediately gone and if the banger is hot enough you will very quickly also have dabbed the dross opium. So you’ve consumed both types of the opium in one amazing flowery rip.

The effect of this is incredible.

The love of my life, completely naive to opiates, hit this bowl and fell back just barely holding the bong and banger. Completely totally fell asleep.

This is where I got excited. I took the rig out of her hands. Torched it till it was red and hit a dab of the flower power. Nothing. I kinda expected this because I had a daily black tolerance. But I also had more opie. So red hot goes the banger once again. I hit it. Held in the lungful of both. Set the bong down. As I exhaled I was hit by a wave of the most incredible pleasure. I fell backwards onto the bed and lost complete consciousness for hours. Waking only to notice how good I felt. Then immediately dreaming of endless fields of poppies. Sprouting from the earth. Growing their large vegetable leaves. Sprouting their buds skyward. Opening into flowers. The petals falling off and leaving crowns atop poppy pods. The field of beautiful poppies becoming dry straw. The seeds dropping into the earth. And the whole process beginning again.

It was hours of this blissful hallucination.

The best opiate experience of my life. By a single plant.

Better than opana, better than h, better than hydro anything, better than dillies, better than speedballs

The absolute most primo poppy experience of my life. Clouds of flowers.

Dreams of life and death.

Micro dreams of everything and anything.

It’s strange to me that opiates are not considered hallucinogens. I guess because they make you dream not hallucinate. At the very least they are

There’s nothing else like it on planet earth.

There’s no better way to consume it.

We are living in the best timeline.

Please try. Please enjoy.

If you don’t have a dab setup.
The easiest most accessible way to consume would be to get a nectar collector and torch.

I really hope you use this method.

I’d love to hear what you dreamed about.
My girlfriend saw the flowers life cycle too.

I would like to know if that happens to everyone.
THank you very much. The only thing that Im spanish and I dont undderstand whats a dab rig and many other words. Whats a bowl? Youre talking of a bong? Is a smoking tool where you smoke herb?
Could you explain the process step by step. IM SORRY.
Long time ago I had a girlfriend who smoke opium with only a inox knife. She put the knife on the kitchen gas fire until its red then put it on a piece of opium and get the smoke like breathing. I dont know if its a similar way to do it.

And these dreams youre talking about are very tipical at the begining of taking opium. The same if you take it orally. I used to do it long time ago and I loved.

Thank you very much I apreciatte too much
THank you very much. The only thing that Im spanish and I dont undderstand whats a dab rig and many other words. Whats a bowl? Youre talking of a bong? Is a smoking tool where you smoke herb?
Could you explain the process step by step. IM SORRY.
Long time ago I had a girlfriend who smoke opium with only a inox knife. She put the knife on the kitchen gas fire until its red then put it on a piece of opium and get the smoke like breathing. I dont know if its a similar way to do it.

And these dreams youre talking about are very tipical at the begining of taking opium. The same if you take it orally. I used to do it long time ago and I loved.

Thank you very much I apreciatte too much
Por supuesto compa. Es su suerte que hablo español. ¿Español de un bufón gringo, pero está suficiente si?
Un “dab rig” es un aparato para fumar los concentrados de aceite de cannabis. Se tiene un tipo de pipa que es un pequeño vaso de cuarzo como un cazoleta pero construido de cuarzo en la forma de una copa para sostener temperaturas más altas como una antorcha de propano. Hace la temperatura de la cazoleta de cuarzo hasta rojo y pone el opio al dentro e inhala un segundo antes de meter el opio al dentro. Un “néctar collector” es un tubo de metal o de cuarzo que hace calor rojo y pone en un poco de opio sobre un plato de vidrio. Los dos métodos sirve bien pero solo tengo experiencia con el dab rig y opio.

Es completamente diferente de fumo opio con una pipa porque todo el opio va a incendiar instante y el humo es muy rico y se hace su efecto inmediatamente con poco esfuerzo. Pone su confianza en mío por favor y trata este modo de fumar. Estoy muy interesado si sirve como me sirve porque mi experiencia fue mejor que todo los opioides pharmaceuticos que he tratado en todo mi vida. Vas a disfrutar mucho si estoy correcto que este modo es más efectivo que cualquier otro. Vas a cambiar España cuando usted y sus amigos se tratan el opio como así. Es el mejor método.
Por supuesto compa. Es su suerte que hablo español. ¿Español de un bufón gringo, pero está suficiente si?
Un “dab rig” es un aparato para fumar los concentrados de aceite de cannabis. Se tiene un tipo de pipa que es un pequeño vaso de cuarzo como un cazoleta pero construido de cuarzo en la forma de una copa para sostener temperaturas más altas como una antorcha de propano. Hace la temperatura de la cazoleta de cuarzo hasta rojo y pone el opio al dentro e inhala un segundo antes de meter el opio al dentro. Un “néctar collector” es un tubo de metal o de cuarzo que hace calor rojo y pone en un poco de opio sobre un plato de vidrio. Los dos métodos sirve bien pero solo tengo experiencia con el dab rig y opio.

Es completamente diferente de fumo opio con una pipa porque todo el opio va a incendiar instante y el humo es muy rico y se hace su efecto inmediatamente con poco esfuerzo. Pone su confianza en mío por favor y trata este modo de fumar. Estoy muy interesado si sirve como me sirve porque mi experiencia fue mejor que todo los opioides pharmaceuticos que he tratado en todo mi vida. Vas a disfrutar mucho si estoy correcto que este modo es más efectivo que cualquier otro. Vas a cambiar España cuando usted y sus amigos se tratan el opio como así. Es el mejor método.
No es lo mismo que lo que hacía mi exnovia con el cuchillo al rojo vivo sobre el opio y inhalar el humo? No conozco el dab rig ni el colector de nectar. @Señor Moreno puedes ayudarme? Por cierto hay mucha gente que dice que la temperatura no descompone la morfina.

Un abrazo a los dos!

Esto es dab rig.
You speak very well Spanish, Helpingout, congratulations. All that dabs and concentrates and devices are also extrange to me, but I will take your word that it works
Hey kongo, so you got some opium? Is it from this year? I guess that Helpingout's techinque has to be related somehow to the old hot knife, if both systems are about heating the bowl or the steel, but maybe those devices improve things to a highest level, I just don't know. I will PM you so we can speak Spanish
Fue pensando en la pregunta y si no quiere comprar un dab rig quizás un cuchillo calentado con un antorcha de propano va ser igual pero necesitas un mitad de un botella para inhalar. Buen viajes mis amigos. Y buenos días