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What are you grateful for ?


Aug 2, 2023
Well... This is a thread to make you feel good about yourself. What are you grateful for ? For me it's my family, my house and my property. I used to have less. In one point in my life I used to be homeless. 20 year later I inherited a house. So, no matter where you are in life you got to ask yourself.... What are you grateful for ?
being stable ( ? ) beta maybe idk
my friends both human and fauna
Bottled water - tap water is unsafe for drinking
the nice weather
not having to work for like a week. ;)
Wonder what bs I run into...? L toda l
I had an adventurous life. Free and careless.
I don't have that anymore, and right now I feel stuck and I don't think this is going to change. I'm realistic enough to know that it's probably even going to get worse. Dream time is over.

But for now I have my dogs, my plants, and I really like the new place I'm living at. My boss let's me do whatever I want (mostly because he can't afford to pay me what would be "market price") so there is still some freedom. I have my imagination which most of the time works for, and not against me. I know that if I should die this very moment I could do it looking myself in the mirror and say "I did it my way!".

@MedicinalUser247 Good threat, I might return another day and leave a more uplifting answer.
Jesus and becoming allergic to alcohol( I would have drank myself to death)
I'm really grateful for getting beyond substance use. I still struggle with bipolarish mood issues and I often want to get off meds. But I'm also really grateful for my daily journaling and retrospective of my life. I remind myelf every day how much better my life is substance free, and why going back to that life would be extremely destructive.
I'm grateful I have one cat that enjoys being held. I can just pick him up and go stand on the balcony holding him and we'll stare at birds together.
I need a cat to catch mice, I can't believe I am writing that, but it would be nice to have mouse catcher.
A sense of humor. I'm glad I can laugh. I can joke about things both serious and light-hearted.

When I was down and out or when I scraped my way back to the top I never really left my sense of humor.

Fact there's a lot of really funny but mentally unhinged people out there. And those are my people.
This subject is "grate", pun intended.

I have good pets and good friends and good family members, all supporting me.

Grateful that I respect myself enough to not get lost in trifling situations and to will myself to get out there and meet others without a chip on my shoulder, taking care not to be abusive in any way. But I couldn't have gotten here without all the help people have given me along the way.
Ordered in for a change. Pizza

Everyone/thing seems to be well.
Not stressing work.
New tennis tomorrow morning... maybe. ;)
And these two:
Grateful that the 35% more I had to pay for my health insurance last month was a one-time thing because they made a mistake. Though reimbursemnt will take a few weeks, at least this month I will be paying the same I have been paying for the last year or so.
I'm grateful for chances, second chances, basically just patient and understanding people, both on and off of bluelight

A sense of humor. I'm glad I can laugh. I can joke about things both serious and light-hearted.
When I was down and out or when I scraped my way back to the top I never really left my sense of humor.

Fact there's a lot of really funny but mentally unhinged people out there. And those are my people.

You have to raise it and it's a full time job if you love it !! 😺❤️‍🔥
Who said anything about love. You wanna eat go find some nice tasty mice and leave me alone. Fuck up any of my good furniture and well there has to be an animal shelter that isn't a no kill type shelter. I am kidding, I could never hurt an animal, unless it was a threat to me, as in self defense or really tasty.
I am grateful for tasty animals. Chickens, turkeys, pigs and beef cows.
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