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Why Christianity is a false religion

I disagree.

The god religions are as you indicate, but how can you apply that to religions that seek knowledge and wisdom and put man above gods? Buddhism, Gnostic Christianity, etc.

If you studied Asian and Southeast Asian history and current affairs you’d know that the Buddhists can be very violent motherfuckers. They’re currently running a genocide against the Rohingya minority in Myanmar for example. During the Cold War several sects of Thai monks argued that killing communists was not in contravention of their religion.
I don’t disagree that the Church has been the agent of great evil at different points in its 2000 year history.

However, repentlessly painting it with a black brush is to use history selectively. Apart from anything else the Church created the philosophical and intellectual climate that led to universal human rights and (classical) liberalism.

It generated many of the forces that ultimately turned against it. You should take a look at the book “Dominion” by Tom Holland who lays out this intellectual history.

To not relentlessly paint Christianity as the evil homophobic and misogynous religion it remains, is to white wash evil.

How do you get the notion that the Church created the philosophical and intellectual climate that led to universal human rights and (classical) liberalism, when it continues to promote homophobia and misogyny and trample their human rights?

You might want to watch this before even attempting a reply.

If you studied Asian and Southeast Asian history and current affairs you’d know that the Buddhists can be very violent motherfuckers. They’re currently running a genocide against the Rohingya minority in Myanmar for example. During the Cold War several sects of Thai monks argued that killing communists was not in contravention of their religion.
There are always blips, but if you check the last 2,000 years, you will see it is almost only the god religions that start the wars.

Even if we cannot agree on this, I don't care, because as it stands today, Christianity is a vile religion and I live in the present.

I've yet to see what a true/correct religion looks like.

Some religions are definitely causing more harm than others though, at least right now.
"Christianity's fatal flaw is that it forces you to believe without having you discover it for yourself." - Snafu 2021

I do not think a belief can be forced into a mind.

People certainly do try to have their children think as they do, and given that we are mostly sheeple, most just keep following their traditional family gods. I do not see them as exactly believing.

That may be why having faith is preached more than having a belief.

Christianity is a vile religion

It’s very difficult to have a meaningful discussion in the face of such sweeping condemnation. I guess that’s fine though because it was your thread and you just wanted to state that you hated Christianity rather than discuss it.

However I am interested in whether you acknowledge that many Christian people, including clergy or other members of the institutional ‘god’ religions, do indeed do a great deal of good in the world?
It’s very difficult to have a meaningful discussion in the face of such sweeping condemnation. I guess that’s fine though because it was your thread and you just wanted to state that you hated Christianity rather than discuss it.

However I am interested in whether you acknowledge that many Christian people, including clergy or other members of the institutional ‘god’ religions, do indeed do a great deal of good in the world?

If you disagree with the statement of Christianity being a vile religion, given their homophobia and misogyny and love of a genocidal moral monster, argue against it. That is how we discuss it. From my position of truth and proper moral thinking.

Care to argue for homophobia and misogyny and genocidal gods? I did not think so. Christians and other moral misfits always run from the truth.

Of course there are good Christians who ignore their theology.

How good can it be said that they are, when they support an evil homophobic and misogynous religion?

I guess that depends on your personal view of homophobia and misogyny.

I hate those biases and let people know it.

I've yet to see what a true/correct religion looks like.

Some religions are definitely causing more harm than others though, at least right now.

Try Gnostic Christianity.

As I understand it, I see it as the best overall ideology that I have found, and I have read many theologies and philosophies for their moral content.

Do you care about the moral aspects though? Most believers don't seem to.

How is telling people they will go to hell if they don't believe and devote themselves to jesus not a way of forcing one to believe?

Conform or die...

We can force devout actions if we have control of the body, but we cannot force devout belief.

I can make you stand in the cold, but I cannot convince you it is warm unless you see the cold as heat for yourself.

I can make you stand in the cold, but I cannot convince you it is warm unless you see the cold as heat for yourself.
Uhh, yeah, you could make me believe by ranting at me endlessly about sinning and how my soul will forever burn in hellfire

it's what THEY DO! That's my point.
Uhh, yeah, you could make me believe by ranting at me endlessly about sinning and how my soul will forever burn in hellfire

it's what THEY DO! That's my point.
Yes, and the most gullible of us will swallow all the supernatural garbage they spew by faith as they have no facts that would move faith to belief.

Here is the worst of this brainwashing.

Brain Washing ( Jesus Camp ''Highlights'' ) - Bing video

Religions are keen to catch them young, as then it is easier to have them loosen their purse strings later.

Religions are all about the cash, just as all con games are.

Now you know why I dislike Christianity.

Exactly. Also, Christianity allows war while Judaism discourages it
Allow and I add encourage.

I do not think I would give a blanket exemption to Judaism. Their smaller numbers and less hate in the way they interpret scriptures may have played a large part in this war mongering.

Allow and I add encourage.

I do not think I would give a blanket exemption to Judaism. Their smaller numbers and less hate in the way they interpret scriptures may have played a large part in this war mongering.

Right but if you see all the rules of biblical warfare, it doesn't take long to figure out who fights fair and who fights dirty :)