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Sex + Drugs That time it went all gay


Nov 29, 2021
Any experience you feel like sharing when on drugs and the situation went full gay in like no time?

I begin...I was a teen during an acid pizza+movie night, it was me and other few guys little older than me (funny hippes-type kind of guys we went along well) and the acid had already set in in all of us and we were watching a movie (...really don't remember what movie) some were on the couch some on chairs, I was laughing and looking at a dude but just really for the hell of it, no meaning at all! You know when on acid it's like that! He then looks at me somewhat both worried and intrigued and asks seriously:"do you want to fuck me in the ass?" I just laughed it off and kept doing my trip, you know in the 90's in my place among our generation nobody would ever just come out as gay or bi, it was a cultural factor, I also am straight and didn't think he was serious...thinking about it years later, he was dead serious :ROFLMAO:

I got other stories too but I wait some of yours too 😁
ps. no offence to any gay!! Share yours too if at that time you were not/didn't know were gay yet!
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I remember this story particularly because I had a bag of MXE that night and miss that drug a lot

I was high on MXE, alcohol and weed one night after moving into a new condo with a family member. Was living in the bay outside of San Francisco at the time. We had just met a lot of our neighbors inside this big condo building, few weeks later we casually invite the two men from upstairs for dinner. They were very nice and outgoing.

They show up and right away I notice one of them is rolling fucking hard on MDMA. Eye wiggles and everything, he's geeked.... everyone gets drunk or high, the night progresses and eventually they invite me up to their condo. I don't really remember the convo or how we got there, but I go back into my room and snort more MXE, then go up to their condo.

I'm basically blacked out and on dissos, but I remember we were all talking around the kitchen and the guy who was rolling on MDMA came up behind me and started grinding/dry humping me from behind. At first, I didn't know what was happening I was so high. I remember looking at his partner's face and it was the look of utter shock. All sorts of possibilities swirl through my head. I realize they may have thought I was gay and invited me over to fuck? I don't know. I had no idea, I couldn't even say or communicate that much at this point.

It's all pretty blurry from there but it got pretty awkward after that. I think we smoked some weed and then I left.

I consider myself very straight, but honestly if certain drugs were involved particularly meth... I probably would let down some boundaries on that front.
I mean, not an issue for me as I play for both teams anyways. But yep on certain amounts of some drugs you can get so you'd fuck a hole in a tree and don't really give a shit what gets you off how, just so long as you get off. So people definitely do things they'd never consider if they weren't under the influence. I'm guessing there's more guys that couldn't look their best mate in the eye for weeks for one reason or another than would ever care to admit it 😁

I'm not even going to mention what goes on in my mind when I do meth

Jesus fucking christ what a mindfuck that is.
Yes you are right . Had a colored friend of mine stop by Friday evening and was pretty messed up and we sat down and had a few beers and he ask me if I had ever done meth and told him I never had just smoked weed and at one time did alot of coke but was years ago. And told him I might try a small bit and he put out a small line and I snorted it up and gave me a small speed rush . But a while later It was also making me very horny but at the same time making it difficult getting a erection. And had me thinking about how he was always talking about how big his dick was and had always wanted to see a big black dick in person. and this drug had me to a point that I wanted to see it and feel it and was not my way to have these kind of feelings had always been straight . And he got up to get another beer and could not help but to look and saw he had a large bulge in his pants and seeing that was getting me hard . He got back and gave me another small line and that really intensified my feelings and found my self rubbing my self thinking about seeing his big black dick And he started his normal talk about the size of his dick and had heard enough about it and got up and got a beer . Have done a lot of drugs in my life and none made me have thoughts like this I was wanting to see and feel his dick . And the second line kicked in and could not set back any longer and my wife was not going to be home till early morning. So knowing that I was very horny and felt my dick getting wet so I made the first move and stood up and dropped my pants down so he could see my dick and he said it looked bigger than most white dicks than he had seen and asked why I had done this and told him that that meth had me very horny and thinking about doing things I would normally never think about and had me thinking that I wanted to see and feel his big black dick and thought if I showed him my dick he would know I was serious about it .And he stood up and took his pants down to his knees and his dick hung down about half way down his thigh and was more than a handful. And that did it seeing that and know he is stroking me and I started squirting a good sized load and know had him in my hand and could not close my hand around it and the feeling was great and played with it till he got off and the amount he ejaculated was huge had totally covered my chest. If I had not of done the meth am sure this would of never happened
holyfuck man! And that's your first post ever on whole bluelight,l! Throwaway account or just a fantasy you wish was true?
I've never done meth I know that two guys coming that quickly on it is one of the greatest feats in history.

Seriously, no one cums that quick on meth.

That was normal sex he described.
My friend(early 40s) myself(24)
We met in rehab, we shared room in rehab.
I get out of rehab first and we met each other again at a hotel room he was staying in.
He had recently got out of rehab like 10 months after I left.
Needless to say, he had a bottle of pisco and 5 grams of SOME OUTSTANDING BLOW(his plug was in my top 3 best cocaine I've ever tried).
I visit him, 1 bottle of pisco and 3 grams later.....
He proposes to suck each other off: I was like...."well maybe I'm gay and idk? Oh what the fuvk let's do it."
So he suxks my dick, I sucked his dick....and yeah I just reaffirmed the fact that I'm not gay, straight as an arrow.
More cocaine.
I get the fuck out since he started to act creepy.
Next day I wake up and think about last night: "WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO THAT FOR????"
so yeah, coke makes you gay.
I remember trippin with a buddy and we were just sitting on the side of his bed and he just went in to kiss me, I turned my head away and just pretended it didn’t happen, was never mentioned after that still to this day we just pretend it never happened
Any experience you feel like sharing when on drugs and the situation went full gay in like no time?

I begin...I was a teen during an acid pizza+movie night, it was me and other few guys little older than me (funny hippes-type kind of guys we went along well) and the acid had already set in in all of us and we were watching a movie (...really don't remember what movie) some were on the couch some on chairs, I was laughing and looking at a dude but just really for the hell of it, no meaning at all! You know when on acid it's like that! He then looks at me somewhat both worried and intrigued and asks seriously:"do you want to fuck me in the ass?" I just laughed it off and kept doing my trip, you know in the 90's in my place among our generation nobody would ever just come out as gay or bi, it was a cultural factor, I also am straight and didn't think he was serious...thinking about it years later, he was dead serious :ROFLMAO:

I got other stories too but I wait some of yours too 😁
ps. no offence to any gay!! Share yours too if at that time you were not/didn't know were gay yet!
But did you fuck and pound that ass while tripping?

As a teen I knew I am bisexual and my family and friends knew, but I went on a class trip to Spain. In our tour group I met other teens from a,different school. Everyone went on a river cruise with music and dancing at night and got fucked up on Sangria. Back at the hotel I was rooming with other teens from the other school. I smoked some super psychedelic Moroccan hash and our room's,air conditioning or lights stopped working, so a teacher from my school who is gay and a queen came in and called the front desk who fixed it, etc. The teacher and hotel staff left and this other guy from the other school down south said how he thought my school's spanish teacher was so hot and sexy and he wanted to fuck him up the ass.

I thought he was joking and so did the guys from his school and class, as when he was not drunk he would talk about the girls he had dated and fucked, or how this girl from his school who I took on a date to a bar-done discreetly as the teachers from my school said how if we drank alcohol despite all being 16-17 and of legal age in Spain we would be immediately sent home-that she had sucked him off earlier that sumner but how he was not dating her and it was nothing serious.

He was serious that he did want to fuck my gay teacher's ass and I was surprised as my teacher is effeminate and not fit, and is fat. I grew up with gay family friends but even the queens/drag queens only preferred, liked, slept with, dated, and chased after fit regular guy types, muscular body builders, or masculine jock types.

I stayed up smoked more hash, enjoyed the trip, smoked a camel mild (light) or two, or three, and brushed my teeth and went to bed. I offered the other teens hash to smoke out of the wooden pipe I had, but they said no thanks which I found weird.

The next day I ate the rest of the hash and it made me energetic but was a low dose. I asked the guy who wanted to fuck my teacher if he remembered last night and he did not at all, or if he did he just pretended that he did not.

No he did not have sex with my teacher. I never had sex with the guy from the other school or anyone from his school including the girl I took on a date, anyone from my school, any teens or adults I met while traveling, and I never had sex with any teachers.
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I've never done meth I know that two guys coming that quickly on it is one of the greatest feats in history.

Seriously, no one cums that quick on meth.

That was normal sex he described.
I never used it either it scares me. My friends who have used it said how crank/METH/ice makes them able to have sex or msturbate for hours without finishing or they finally finish 12-18 hours later, they cannot get or stay hard and want to get fucked by as many men as possible, by super large dildos or can easily or eventually take one the dimensions of a 2 liter soda bottle, or they get into FFisting either as giver, taker, or both.
Either way it's lame & vanilla as fuck

Should have let his friend turn him into a sissy with that big black cock
What does that mean? Do you mean like what happened to the guy in the HBO soap opera OZ where he was forced to put makeup and women's clothing on and was "treated like a bitch" sexually, TURNED OUT, or pimped out as a punk bitch for candy bars, cigarettes, drugs, home made alcohol, favors from other inmates/ex-convicts on the outside, etc.?
I was
on ecstacy absolutely vibing to the music with glowsticks around 99' when I decided to give my girlfriend a kiss. I walked over and laid it on her all hot and heavy. I might have even bitten her bottom lip. When all of a sudden, the glow stick lit up her 2yr younger brother suddenly bolting up out of bed in confusion. He looked me straight in the eyes. I'll never forget the terror on his face.

I laughed about this event and brought it up years later when talking to him and he has flat out told me to shut the fuck up and never speak about it again and this is coming from the goofiest, scrawniest, most self deprecating, guy v everI known who wore a string bikini with a rooster rooster head on the front, that cockle-doodle-dood to dance in front of at least 75 people on my fiends birthday.
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I was
on ecstacy absolutely vibing to the music with glowsticks around 99' when I decided to give my girlfriend a kiss. I walked over and laid it on her all hot and heavy. I might have even bitten her bottom lip. When all of a sudden, the glow stick lit up her 2yr younger brother suddenly bolting up out of bed in confusion. He looked me straight in the eyes. I'll never forget the terror on his face.

I laughed about this event and brought it up years later when talking to him and he has flat out told me to shut the fuck up and never speak about it again and this is coming from the goofiest, scrawniest, most self deprecating, guy v everI known who wore a string bikini with a rooster rooster head on the front, that cockle-doodle-dood to dance in front of at least 75 people on my fiends birthday.
You sound super fun!