• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

⫸STICKY⫷ ★ Dream Journal : Share your dreams ☯

I think DMT and psychedelics perhaps create a temporary beacon in the same way, or perhaps it is the neural energy you expend on the actual experience that leaves you drained and temporarily weakens something in unseen physiology allowing for easier intrusion. I don't know.
yep, that's exactly what I think about it. ... And I think it has to do with the serotonin transporters, mainly, or at least in this case (psychedelics and sero releasers cause this to me since DMT breakthrough). But if u think about it it's about several receptors, because if you use cholinergics... you know, you can be fucked up for life, seeing things that "supposedly" are not there... same shit with too much/too low dopamine... Antipsychotics dreams.. and so on.

I went through episodes over a few years where this buzzing, often associated with sleep paralysis, would accompany the in between states and it would encroach to my head in an unbearable way. It made me very afraid to fall asleep and it felt like it was maliciously targeting me. I think it was a combination of the natural sleep physiology process which does involve 'buzzing', and perhaps some entity fucking with me and exploiting my fear about a process I didn't understand. I used to sleep with the blanket around my head, almost to the point of suffocation lol. I'd have nightmares of encroaching things towards my point of observation, like doorknobs becoming needles and moving towards me. Literally a symbol of intrusion.
surprise surprise... that shit happent to me too, but not exactly the same. It was some round stuff at the end of the stairway, in some house in my childhood... it started behaving like a moai, some moai monster that seemed to move and come to me. I was so afraid of that shit and I can truly felt how I saw it morphing, non-stop. I think it was related with dreams and that buzzing shit and sleep paralysis.
Don't scare yourself with beliefs about Djinns or other concepts. If you're going to believe in anything, believe in your own inner strength.
yeah but.. I think you can think about demons, spirits and Djinns while still believing in your inner strenght, as a base/ground.

As for DMT, the feeling of being vulnerable was why I decided not to use it again. I do think you need a degree of spiritual maturity to use it safely, because it's so mesmerising and fast paced that we are out of our depth immediately. Difficult to remain composed in such a scenario.

I also agree on that, and honestly it's not normally seen like that, I think it's pretty serious stuff to do and it can be very traumatizing (almost was for me). Not everyone should use it, till that spiritual maturity is reached, and it's not an easy achievement. That universe doesn't give a shit if you are "prepared" to receive the lesson, it would fuck you up if that's the "prepared" event.
My dream today, (3rd day in a row remembering dreams, thanks artemisia annua!!)

I am walking in a dark city, it is a very, very dark city, and it does not seem like it is night, rather it seems that there is little light and the buildings are very tall, there is a certain unfortunate, precarious and post-apocalyptic atmosphere.
As usual in mugworts-propelled dreams, I'm trying to reach somewhere, quite quick and nervous, I know that the place I'm going it's not the final point, but a place I need just to stop to go somewhere else . Someone has given me a key to enter a little flat somewhere in the city (don't remember for what, who etc).
I see the people of the city, all or almost all are beggars or beggars with obvious drug problems (krokodil-like).
I have an unpleasant feeling, thinking that although I look relatively healthy and don't have shabby clothes, I'm not that different from them, actually I'm very close to being like them in several aspects (my feeling is that life has brought me to that city , to that miserable place, only that maybe some things have been different for them and me).

Some beggars start chasing me, they want me to give them money... it's quite obvious to me that I don't have any money to give them (normally in my real life, I would always give them, even if it was the last coins I had in my pants/wallet, and even if I knew it was for drugs). I tell them no, I can't, I have nothing to give them, I'm sorry.

They start yelling at me and telling me I'm lying, that they know I have something, and they start grabbing what looks like a very long payment receipt coming out of my backpack. I realize this and am completely shocked: what is that? I don't remember having paid anything and I would never be able to pay all that if it was a payment receipt...! (I don't really know if it was or not).
Whatever it is is stuck to my backpack and is like bait for the beggars who chase me throughout the city, some clearly in withdrawal.

After a distressing transit through the city I arrive at a dumpy, old and empty apartment where I leave my belongings, I crouch down, I lean against the wall...
and the dream ends.
I've always had strange hypnogogic phenomena when I'm falling asleep, especially when I'm overtired and doze off immediately. Buzzing/banging sounds ("exploding head syndrome"... there's even a Wikipedia article on it), feelings of falling, night terrors, etc.

Just last night I fell asleep instantly and woke up freezing my balls off with all of my covers on the floor.
Another odd dream, this one was incredibly detailed and long, but unfortunately I couldn't remember everything, probably not even 20% of it...
I would start using Huperzine A again, since it seems to me the best option available here (galantamine it's difficult to get in Europe afaik).

This one the first dream I remember in quite a long time, I would even say since the last dream I wrote down here, so 9 days.
I was without ANY sleep for almost 3 days... because of kratom withdrawal.
This time the withdrawal was heavier than normal ( sometimes I barely feel kratom withdrawal), because of a too fast tapering... The worst symptom has been (this like always..) brutal insomnia. no thing worked for this, sadly, so I just "ate the ceiling" all night, as we say in Spain.

I was even worried when I finally felt that I was going to be able to sleep, last night, since a dream that I don't remember, couple days ago, came with the "typical" astral attacks, push n pull shit that I'm almost used to nowadays....
Finally nothing "bad" happent, but I felt some kind of attack:

I remember seeing a big building, in some kind of colonial style, I was in some kind of square/plaza, seeing that building and thinking... I'm in Madrid? I don't remember this at all being from Madrid... I must be....

in a dream! (next day I was going to carry my gf to the airport, to Madrid)
and then the lucidity came in. It was interesting because the first thing I thought, was that that city it's a place I don't know, but seemed pretty familiar, it was a bit like some places I imagine from México or Peru, by the photos I've seen from there.. I was walking through the streets, enjoying everything (I love being lucid in a dream) and then suddenly I barely couldn't move! I was struggling to move my feet and body, like being progressively freezed, no matter how hard I tried (that's what I considered that could be a astral attack, but in this case I'm not so sure).

Then I thought.... "umm, ok, I'm here stuck, cannot move, but I'm in a dream, being lucid, what if I try to fly instead?" It was like breaking the Matrix, and then it happent! I started flying in the city, so amazing, but I couldn't really control the flight, it was a bit messy, because it was totally different "dynamics" than what we are used to while diving or walking, or at least it was in the dream.
I remember telling a beautiful girl that was walking the street: "hey! look at this!" it was quite feisty, and fun.
After some time I remember "crashing" into the floor, but not dangerously. I was in another part of the city, from then the dream was almost as lucid but less crisp and sharp and I remember less. I remember a lot of bird poop everywhere in the street, and some people, that seemed cuban-like talking about it, then I remember talking with a woman for a moment after playing a piano, it was important but I don't remember shit, and then I entered a place with A LOT of different pianos, like some hall of a hotel or a museum, full of different pianos, most of them very antique and fucked up, with broken keys and all that (I play piano).
I started playing some of them, till I found one that was more or less ok, I remember feeling the piano and the music very differently, almost like when I play on psychedelics, it seemed like some kind of "geometric dance" of my hands, creating different colors/palettes, more than just hitting keys, or playing music in terms of chords, in fact I felt that the chords or way I played had no sense with the music that sounded but at the same time was like I was doing something right, like "those pianos need to be played like that".

Strange stuff.
Last night:
I was in a mall setting with shoppers going about their business.
There came a cadre of police and they started killing people at random with firearms. Knowing this was a "kill squad" and not police I searched the mall for any weapons outlets. Found myself in a toy store and for some reason picked these as counter-offensive "weapons":

As a "cop" came into view around a corner I chose to use as my defensive position, I would sling one of these wooden pieces and hit their firearm and it would cause them to shoot themselves dead. I continued this tactic until they were all dead from self-inflicted gunshots.
Weird af but kind of amusing.
That is all....
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Weird dreams I've had since I started taking valerian:

I went to rehab and Elon Musk was there and he sat next to me. I took a picture of us and posted it on Reddit.

My tinnitus suddenly became much worse to the point I became deaf and then it vibrated my head enough to make my head explode.

Some crazy Cirque de Soleil performance and I went back stage and it was run by dolphins in human suits spinning around in centrifuges. Hard to describe but it was a pretty awesome dream.
Some crazy Cirque de Soleil performance and I went back stage and it was run by dolphins in human suits spinning around in centrifuges. Hard to describe but it was a pretty awesome dream.
Reminds me of a dream I had years ago. Looking through a glass window, like at sea world, I can see dolphins in some water. They are right up against the glass. They were communicating something to me, something about the nature of reality or what have you, and they wanted me to rev up this salad spinner type thing I'm holding which had three crystals or something inside. Spinning it up created this gyroscopic like effect, in which the answer (to everything lol) was forthcoming.
Had somewhat of a psychic dream two nights ago. I dreamt I was in the bedroom of the older brother of my friend I used to hang out with - their house is just down the street. I remember looking at the curtains and the window, and I was trying to show him how he could mount this TV on his wardrobe door - this part was drawing inspiration from an art class I attended (difficult to explain), which is relevant because this older brother was (still is) artistic.

The very next day I'm in the row boat (we have a small river running along the back of our street/houses), and guess who calls my name from their garden. This older brother, who I haven't seen in 20 years. He tells me about his job, digital art using web based tech.. and I tell him I'm working on moving into web development myself.
Weird dreams I've had since I started taking valerian:

I went to rehab and Elon Musk was there and he sat next to me. I took a picture of us and posted it on Reddit.

My tinnitus suddenly became much worse to the point I became deaf and then it vibrated my head enough to make my head explode.

Some crazy Cirque de Soleil performance and I went back stage and it was run by dolphins in human suits spinning around in centrifuges. Hard to describe but it was a pretty awesome dream.
That's awesome! I've taken valerian several times over the years (in bulk, capsule and extract form), but I don't remember my dreams being any crazier than usual. Some people get great results though.

I admire anyone who can ingest something that smells like sweaty gym socks! :ROFLMAO:
I had a dream last week that involves the same sub-plot and scenery I've had on several other occasions. It's basically a small church on the top of a slight hill, surrounded by its grounds and graves, in an urban area. Always seem to be trying to show dream characters this secret entrance at one of the corners of the church structure, that leads underneath the church where there is this special historic sword is stored. We go and retrieve it, then exit the church. In this particular dream instance I bring it back to a school hall and I'm explaining what it's made of (I list out many elements, including Uranium), and rather than a broadsword it looks more like an Arabian scimitar with some red rubies encrusted around the handle. I demonstrate it can chop through anything.

Also for the first time in a long time I've had some demonic imagery in my dreams recently. Like 'Event Horizon' type imagery. There's no real plot involved, and it feels like I'm just a third person observer that has stumbled into some hell realm. Some naked man on an operating table somewhere, and these cream coloured barbed vines creep up the sides of the table to him. They assertively pierce and snag his skin, then very abruptly pull him upright, hovering him above the table, and he's in shock. The dream just transitions on to this next scene where there is some sort of cube or hypercube that is morphing and folding about itself. It has some inscriptions on it but I can't recall what it is, but it is menacing and giving off the same demonic vibe. It looked like a dark version of some geometry you might see on DMT. There another dream later on that involved my nephew, which I won't detail as it was too disturbing, but it involved two mischievous and malign looking entities. It was one of those dreams where I was like there's no way this is coming from my subconscious.

Back to my usual self in last nights dream: I was in some sort of shop with a bunch of people I'm somewhat connected with. We are being assailed by men with weaponry. As they encroach I'm just basically lifting them off the floor telekinetically, disarming and disabling them, and just going through the motions of this dream. It ends with me guiding everyone to shelter themselves in the corner of the shop, some nuclear blast goes off in the distance, and I'm eviscerated.
I've been having a few recurring dreams so often lately that it's almost impossible for me to remember the exact dates and details. Here are a few common ones:

- I'm working at some combination of previous jobs (usually a cross between sales management and corporate), I'm way behind on my work and realize that I don't remember how to do any of it.

- I'm trying to get my hands on some alcohol to keep my anxiety at bay, but either the stores are closed or I don't have any money, or can't get a ride, or whatever.

- I'm a young boy again, and my parents (especially my dad) are being really mean to me for no reason. Part of me knows that I'm an adult and can speak up for myself, but I still feel helpless.
My brother threw me some 0.5mg risperidone so naturally I took 1mg and boy did I see some sick dreams. Only one of them was a netplus in which I was dating so I came after that but yeah. Fuck this poison.
Had a dream where I was living in a half way house and my friend disappeared on his birthday after taking acid. Everyone thought he died. It was like a murder mystery. He had written in his journal that he was going to be peaking around 3am and he was going out to have some fun at the bars. Eventually we talked to someone who saw him later that night and said he was still alive. We were searching the town for him and eventually found him passed out in a garbage can.
Had a dream where I was living in a half way house and my friend disappeared on his birthday after taking acid. Everyone thought he died. It was like a murder mystery. He had written in his journal that he was going to be peaking around 3am and he was going out to have some fun at the bars. Eventually we talked to someone who saw him later that night and said he was still alive. We were searching the town for him and eventually found him passed out in a garbage can.
LOL, nice! was your friend's name Oscar?
I have recurring dreams where I lose people and things like my wife, my car, where I live, etc. The dreams always appear in nighttime or dark themes, they are far worse than a suspense film in terms of emotional emphasis.

Genuine panic ensues and I end up waking up soaked in sweat.
My brother threw me some 0.5mg risperidone so naturally I took 1mg and boy did I see some sick dreams. Only one of them was a netplus in which I was dating so I came after that but yeah. Fuck this poison.
I tried risperidone 2 or 3 times in my life many years ago (my dad took it and gave it to me a few times when I was having a bad day with anxiety or whatever), and it was the most uncomfortable feeling that I've ever had. My body was so restless that I couldn't stay still, but I didn't have the energy to move. I imagine it's what it would feel like to be a zombie; not dead but not quite alive.
My vivid and significant dreams are returning full force on day 11 off weed

I had one dream related to Bluelight. There was a woman passing by singing these phrases:

"Who are you woman?
Who are you girl?
Tell me who you are"

in the most beautiful wistful powerful tone of voice, although she was an older woman. I felt that she had an account on here called something like "trafgak". She had black tangled hair and made the impression of a witch although she didn't exactly travel on a broomstick but maybe a car related to another dream or just some abstract spiritual vehicle.

After this i spent a long time half-asleep, still dreaming, repeating the melody in my head, struggling to make sense of it on a piano despite it being based on a simple VI-VII-i progression. Now i've forgotten the melody but i'm still very grateful and i'm becoming wary of using weed again because although it makes waking life dreamier, it dulls my actual dreams down by a bit. I feel it renders me less receptive to subconscious material by facilitating excessive control.
Me and my girlfriend are looking for a house to buy. With my parents, two brothers, and a couple of our dogs in tow, we show up at a property nestled in the middle of a forest. It's the first property we're visiting. As we park our car and get out, the owner comes to greet us. She's thin, perhaps in her fifties or sixties, with colourful clothing and a lip piercing. She appears to me to be an aging hippie.

There's a sizeable yard behind the house. As we walk outward from the back of the house, I notice that the layout of the yard is strikingly similar to that of the property where I grew up. There's a driveway ahead of us to the left leading to a barn on the right. Everything is smaller and closer together than in the yard of my childhood, and seems less old, or at least better-maintained. I mention this symmetry to my family. It gives me a positive first impression of the property.

We walk into the barn. Unlike the barn of my childhood, there are no divided stalls or pens. It's just one open room, roughly the size of a small garage. There are perhaps a dozen chickens and one goose-sized bird. The latter has the body of a duck or goose but the long, curved neck of a flamingo. Its feathers are grey and its neck is covered with a soft, light-grey fuzz, like the fuzz that covers a day-old chick. One of the dogs starts growling at the bird, which violently launches itself at the dog, jumping on its back and wrapping its neck around the dog like a python. We shoo the bird off. The dog cowers in fear. The bird attacks again. We get the bird off the dog a second time and leave the barn.

We go into the house and examine the attic. It's huge -- more like an entire floor -- and dark. It's filled with strange antiques. There's a creepy vibe. My youngest brother says, "It feels like a graveyard." Suddenly, a young girl runs out from behind a piece of furniture, crying, and runs downstairs. Unbeknownst to us, the owner of the house had a daughter. The graveyard comment had clearly upset her.

We go downstairs and apologize to the owner for having upset her daughter. She dismisses this amiably. We go look out a large window which faces a body of water. I start thinking about the fishing possibilities, but soon realize that it's just a shallow pond. The owner excitedly points out a caribou on the edge of the water. It's obscured by trees, and it takes me a while to locate it. Three gorillas then start cavorting in the pond. Surprised, I ask the owner if it's not illegal to own gorillas in Canada. She shrugs and equivocates.

The gorillas in question walk in to the house through a side door. They're huge, much taller than a typical adult man. Although they have normal gorilla bodies, I'm shocked to see they actually have the heads and faces of men. They start a rapid banter with each other à la Three Stooges, in unbroken, Brooklyn-accented English. My father joins in and starts bantering with them like it's completely natural.

The owner tells us we have to take the gorillas on their daily visit to a nearby community centre. We all pack up and drive over. On the way, we pass a beautiful river, swollen and raging. Our surroundings are incredibly green.

We drop off the owner, her daughter, and the gorillas at the community centre. The owner makes it clear to us that, if we buy the house, we'll also have to take responsibility for the gorillas. We say goodbye, pack up, and leave.

I've decided that I don't want to buy the property. Mostly, it's because the gorillas can talk. I don't want that daily incursion on my life. I hope that my girlfriend feels the same way, or that the property is too expensive to consider anyway.