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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

Never EVER EVER EVER try heroin or opioids in general, it is not worth it! It is literally chasing the dragon your whole life if you cannot quit.

Eventually, if you do heroin long enough, you either:

#1 Overdose
#2 Catch a drug charge/go to jail

Not good outcomes at all for long time opioid users!

(not to say other users of other drugs can’t end up like this)
Very nicely put also to quit heroin or pods is just so damn fucking hard you weeks clean and the thoughts my tolerance is low ill get a great buzz or i want a day where im not depressed or fatigued . Ill do it for my wife and kids so i not just lying in room wantiung to die we not doing it for anyone but ourselves .

Here i am year 16 of heroin 4 years of not liking being addicted not liking sober life 14 years before that it was uppers crank crack or coke but no matter how hard it is mentally to quit them it not a physical dependency only thing heroin did for me is stopping me smoking weed because after smoking heroin and the euphoria and complete relaxation that brings why bother with weed
I tried to edit paragraphs into my post but it lumped everything into a single one again sorry. I'm also reluctant to upload the photos of the cooker and such to my Google drive and then share the link. Can someone see the url of where it came from? I don't want to share my Google drive address to anyone right clicking on the picture and following the link. I took a few more images from a syringe I found that had blocked and I had heated the needle up till it started melting the plastic so I could pull it from the body. Anyway the syringe still had some dope in it which has now dried up and back into a powder again. I freed it from the body of the syringe and it shows how much I'm talking about better as I put a hoot on my lighter. A Bic lighter found in any corner store. The dose can fit into the inside of the letter C on the lighter. And barely touches the lettering.
Can someone tell me if it shares the url it came from too?
Ty for the website that I can use to upload the image to. Regardless the forum should allow uploading directly from a users device. I can't tell you how often I go to look at a thread that has images only to see that the image url has expired from the hosts server and the image is gone. And good luck asking for an update when the thread gets locked for comments. Anyway....

Here's a link to the collage of pictures I took. The one that shows the white flakes was good for two hits and the lump on the lighter even was decent. And the burnt wash in the cup rocked me me. I was blown away.
Minute amounts for a fix, a GREAT fix
After seeing this thread, I really wanted to share my whole story in the hopes that it can possibly deter at least one person from the spiraling dark tunnel that is heroin addiction.

I’m 29 & I got addicted to opiates at 18. I started working at my first strip club shortly after my 18th birthday. I always loved smoking weed & popping the occasional thizzle. I wasn’t even a drinker at this point & I was working sober up until this point. I sustained an injury where I was given Norco for pain. Had to stay home from work for a week or so, and when it was time to go back to work my ex at the time (the only sober boyfriend I’ve ever had) reminded me to take my Norcos to work. I told him I was worried about the pills making me feel dizzy or something, since I’m a pole dancer after all. So he said just take 2 with me just in case I start to feel a lot of pain. The moment I popped those first 2 norcos at work, it was off to the muthafuckin races. It’s strange actually, bc I never felt any kind of attachment to the pills the past week I was on them at home. I loved the feeling of being high at work. From that moment on, I was an every day user. I remember being so ignorant to drug addiction that I didn’t even know what was happening to my body the first time I was dope sick. I was so fucking confused, was I having a new kind of mental health episode. I have BPD so I thought it had something to do with that.

I started using OC, then Roxie’s when they were no longer available to me. At this point, truly & honestly, I was a highly functioning addict even though I was taking nearly 100 Roxie’s a day. I had my own place in Calabasas, drove a brand new Benz, shopped & ate at all of the celebrity hotspots in my native Los Angeles. I was making over 120k/year in the adult film industry & I was 21 years old. I loved my life at this point. I can honestly say I was truly happy & healthy, more than ever. Happiness doesn’t last though, not for me. I have demons I fight in the back of my mind & I went through shit as a kid that no one should ever have to experience. I know most of you can feel me on that.
I ended up meeting a girl named Lacey who offered me heroin for the first time. It’s just SO much cheaper, why continue fucking with Roxie’s if they’re $30 a pill? She was a smoker, so that’s how we ingested it. This is such a pivotal moment in my life. I believe whole heartedly that trying heroin that day ruined my whole life & if I had never had that weak moment, I wouldn’t have gone through half the shit I’ve been through up until this point in my life.

After smoking heroin daily for the past month, I decided I wanted to try shooting it. I was off work that day, just sitting at my kitchen table & watching the movie ‘Ray’ with Jamie Foxx, the one about Ray Charles. It showed Ray shooting up blind, with nobody’s help. I decided, hey if this dude can push off & he’s completely blind, I can do it by myself for sure! I don’t even remember how I ended up with a rig, but I cooked up my shot in a spoon just like the movies, dropped in a tiny ball of cotton & loaded the rig. I didn’t even have to tie myself off, I had this huge pipeline on my left arm. I registered on the first try & experienced my first high from IV heroin alone in my apartment at 21. I had no fear of overdose or anything else.
From there, I became a total & complete junky in every sense of the word. I was evicted from 2 different apartments, got into a super toxic relationship with another heroin addict where I was the victim of extreme domestic violence & experienced homelessness for about a year.

I’m gonna spare the boring details, but y’all don’t even know a fraction of what I went through & I don’t ever want anyone to experienced the shit I had to, that’s why I’m writing this. After a whole lot of hell, I ended up getting on methadone which I believe single handedly contributed to saving my fucking life. I know it doesn’t work for everyone, but it literally saved my fucking life. I’ve been illicit-opiate free for 3+ years & I’ve been off methadone for a year now. Don’t get me wrong, I love drinking & I do love me some yayo or crystal here & there. But nothing has ever taken me to the kinds of dark & deadly places that heroin did.

Long story short, if I could go back in time to the moment I tried H there’s no hesitation- I would choose to avoid it at all costs. Anyonie who’s reading this & is thinking about trying H, please think with the rational side of your brain. I didn’t do that, so I’m hoping you will. Don’t throw your fucking life away for heroin.
Tried h the other day for the first time and loved it. I'm now addicted can't wait til I get my next batch!
I loved the high ..... just sayin
Well duh, the high is good. That's why it's addictive. But after a deep enough dive into heroin, you'll find yourself likely "sick" most of the time, and using H is merely a return to normalcy and relief as opposed to any kind of "high".
Years on H brings me a lot of crazy stuff,good memories,wild parties.....at the beginning.But it also gaves me a lot of sorrow&sufferings.and guilt...lot's of bad activities,'cause when you sick....you need it for real....so stealing,cheating even worst things are on line.May be it's not from H,but from that beings illegal.Anyway-golden standard between oppies-together with morphei&opii
So without reading through all 150 pages of posts where did the information go? All of the helpful information is gone and nothing is left with the harm reduction mega thread is that what we can expect from blue ight now?
So without reading through all 150 pages of posts where did the information go? All of the helpful information is gone and nothing is left with the harm reduction mega thread is that what we can expect from blue ight now?
The information about "should i try heroin" is probably still just right there in the 150 pages. The same information that's been in this thread since 2014 is still here, it's an ongoing conversation. If you seek harm reduction information about something else, you're gonna have to take the effort to look through various threads and sub forums. It's all still here. Not sure what you're complaining about or why.
Simple answer in NO ...unless you want to end up in misery....as it always does ....plenty of folk here struggling with addiction wanting to turn their lives around....and you ask ' should i try heroin'...which most likely be fent depending what country youre in .But hey if you want to dance with the devil ...you were warned !!
But it is not there. Not the heroin megsthread or the iv megathread. Blue light has been turned into a straight harm reduction only site and all of the information has been taken off of it people that have been coming here for years relied on. Appreciate this source being ruined and then coming here since the late 90s
But it is not there. Not the heroin megsthread or the iv megathread. Blue light has been turned into a straight harm reduction only site and all of the information has been taken off of it people that have been coming here for years relied on. Appreciate this source being ruined and then coming here since the late 90s
Start the social part in Drug Culture if you want. Edit: if it doesn’t fit in OD or BDD (I bet you can find it with the search engine, but it might be really buried.) and it’s drug related it can go to DC.
But it is not there. Not the heroin megsthread or the iv megathread. Blue light has been turned into a straight harm reduction only site and all of the information has been taken off of it people that have been coming here for years relied on. Appreciate this source being ruined and then coming here since the late 90s
Bluelight is far from being a harm reduction for drugs forum only. Out of the 20 or more sub-forums only 2 are really ONLY harm reduction. Thats basic drugs and other drugs.

We have Drug culture for recreational use. A Molly thread ( MDMA ) a shroom thread ( psycedelics ) Trip reports, movies and film, sex and the city, And if you really want to fuck about you can hit the lounge. We have a sub forum for everyone's reading and posting pleasure. Hard core drug users still welcome and Drug culture talks about the " good and fun parts " of drug use. Aint no harm reduction in there.

Welcome to Bluelight. Quit your whining. :Mario party:
Well duh, the high is good. That's why it's addictive. But after a deep enough dive into heroin, you'll find yourself likely "sick" most of the time, and using H is merely a return to normalcy and relief as opposed to any kind of "high".
I can control my use
So without reading through all 150 pages of posts where did the information go? All of the helpful information is gone and nothing is left with the harm reduction mega thread is that what we can expect from blue ight now?
Dont doit?is what you wanna hear?