16th issue General Heroin Discussion v hit it raw or bag it up?

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Getting off opiates sucks, but it feels amazing to be off everything...Ive been back on Sub for 7 months now because of a 6 week "slip"....My friend has been shooting heroin everyday for 5 years straight now...He kept going when I stopped 2 years ago...He never believed me about the Sub transition thing because it never used to happen to him...When it was getting late in the day and I still hadn't copped and had to work the next day, he's tell me to "just take some suboxone"! I tried to explain to him that it wouldn't work right away and I always held out until I could get some dope, which sometimes didn't happen until midnight on rare occasions!

Now, he really wants to kick the dope but he's scared of just taking suboxone!

Yea I used to be that person. I used to get scripted 4 a day so was quite generous with them. I would help anyone kick or get through a rough period with no money as long as they didn't mind getting it one pill per day since I didn't want them taking advantage of me by gritting 8 for free then selling them to score. Anyway, I offered that to a few people that would never do it even when the odds of them scoring were looking grim, and they would tell me it didn't really help them.

Now I get what they meant although I would give in and go for subs way before some of them would.
I finally hustled up some money and now this bastard isn't answering his phone. Son of a bitch needs to get his shit together. I spend way too much money to not get shit when I need it.

Hah, tell me about it. I mean, whenever I get clean I always think/hope it's going to stick but... easier said than done. :\
you probably have the same voice in your head that I do. And it says " you haven't touched any dope in a long time go ahead and get some dope(pills) you can do it once in a while.
You deserve it."

I hate that voice.
now im just waiting for one to be called "Fuego"

I think employers should have to supply quality dope to its workers. It sure adds a little sunshine to an otherwise gloomy work day.
^Fuckin A! Tie game bottom of the 9th...The home plate umpire is a moron!
Fuckin bullshit,fuckin bullshit,fuckin bullshit,Craig cant even run ,fuck you umpire,fuck you,fuck you and fuck you,fuckin b.s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,um real in a world series game 2013 worst thing I ever seen in my fuckin life.
Fuckin bullshit,fuckin bullshit,fuckin bullshit,Craig cant even run ,fuck you umpire,fuck you,fuck you and fuck you,fuckin b.s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,um real in a world series game 2013 worst thing I ever seen in my fuckin life.

Fuck baseball I hope the socks lose. Fuck them and fuck the Tigers for not beating out the socks to be in the World Series.
I think employers should have to supply quality dope to its workers. It sure adds a little sunshine to an otherwise gloomy work day.

All jokes aside.....I'm a a much better. more productive worker on D by a wide margin. Even when I'm not sick (because of methadone). there is no comparison.
All jokes aside.....I'm a a much better. more productive worker on D by a wide margin. Even when I'm not sick (because of methadone). there is no comparison.

I hear ya when I was using dope and had enough for the week I would work 12 hour days no problem. Then when I was on the 'done my body would wake me up at 4:30 or so telling me to get my ass to the clinic for my medicine. After a few months at the clinic I didn't even need an alarm clock. And I could work my ass off for as many hours as they would let me. If I would have had adderall I would have been a force to reckon with.
I dont like too work on dope unless its just enough to take the sick off,I feel tired and alittle depressed workin while high.
I used to get the night shift at my old job and be high the entire shift. My job was goin in and getting high. Then i might take care of some customers. 8)
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