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Psychedelics Can you tell if someone experienced LSD?


Nov 29, 2021
I'm not talking about being able to notice if someone is currently under lsd/psychedelics but being able to guess if someone in their life had at least few "encounters" with psychedelics that augmented their mindfulness.

I believe it is possible for "experienced" users to tell if someone ever did it in their past, you can usually guess from the depth of their thought and words, at times from their behaviour and aspect, it's probably not possible and just an idea I have but for example before knowing that George Carlin used acid https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/george-carlin-acid.920770/ I would have bet whatever he used it, I took it for granted! And this for others like him, Bill Hicks for example.

Do you think this is bs? Can YOU guess if someone ever did it?
Yes quite simple by taking 450 ugyourself and when they see you off ya nut and they recognise it you'd be able to tell. They can only tell what it is by having taken some themselves in the past.

If they don't recognise it ya probably a bit fucked depending upon who that person is.
I'm not talking about being able to notice if someone is currently under lsd/psychedelics but being able to guess if someone in their life had at least few "encounters" with psychedelics that augmented their mindfulness.

I believe it is possible for "experienced" users to tell if someone ever did it in their past, you can usually guess from the depth of their thought and words, at times from their behaviour and aspect, it's probably not possible and just an idea I have but for example before knowing that George Carlin used acid https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/george-carlin-acid.920770/ I would have bet whatever he used it, I took it for granted! And this for others like him, Bill Hicks for example.

Do you think this is bs? Can YOU guess if someone ever did it?
I can tell when I see someone wearing a tie die shirt with long hair and a Grateful Dead sticker on their car.
lsd rolling GIF
no not at all
For sure, people who have done psychedelics very often have a 'vibe' to them. Usually a bit more empathetic, free spirited etc. Willing to acknowledge and embrace that we are all on our own unique journey.
Sometimes. Sometimes, ya. Someone says something, and you say to yourself - I know where that enlightenment came from.
I very often at least feel solidly sure re many, that no chance they've ever had acid.

In most those cases too I'd never encourage it.

So it's conversish for me, like I know who probably or surely hever has taken LSD.

Much easier to be confident about then vice versa IME.
Yeah, I agree that it feels easier to guess who hasn't taken LSD.

I think there's probably a lot of confirmation bias from being able to tell who obviously has taken it. I've met plenty of people who tripped who didn't give off any obvious signs of it and you'd probably just never even consider that you failed to recognize it. Plenty of people just try it and other things a few times because they're already open-minded, have a fun time, and then just move on mostly unchanged.
Yeah, I agree that it feels easier to guess who hasn't taken LSD.

I think there's probably a lot of confirmation bias from being able to tell who obviously has taken it. I've met plenty of people who tripped who didn't give off any obvious signs of it and you'd probably just never even consider that you failed to recognize it. Plenty of people just try it and other things a few times because they're already open-minded, have a fun time, and then just move on mostly unchanged.
It also just somehow flies right over the heads of some individuals.

Too unconscious at root.

I relate exactly your meaning too, in retrospect, it won't feel a surprise to learn later who has.

But sniffing out who has taken x amount of acid isn't one of our primal focusses lol.

Unless we personally became particularly interested in it as we do with many things.

I have interests! I don't do stamps lol, but already today I have securely collected and stored 3 genuine samples of AI Nanotech fibres lively exiting my thumbs, in spades for a month now maybe, after 15 months disabling Nano with Rifing frequencies.

Now statistacally I feel whether a person has taken LSD or not, if anything those who have may be even more likely for example to fully dismiss this stuff, simply assume I'm deluesional or just mistaken on a level and case closed.

So there is that, I've definitely felt/observed this.
And if you’ve been around long enough you can even tell how far along someone is in their “journey.” Someone a bit newer to LSD may spout off about some topic like it’s going to change the world. A seasoned LSD user is much more aloof, their very presence whether it be a look in their eye or the occasional profound anecdote seems to denote they’ve seen some interesting shit.

Then you got the rare individual that doesn’t follow the traditional model, we call these folks the second coming of Jesus. Whether predisposed or far too much LSD to the dome, these types NEED to save you. This is somewhat like a new LSD user except instead of become humble over time they think they’re god. I guess when you get a taste of the god-head sometimes you actually think your god, funny..

A seasoned LSD user is much more aloof, their very presence whether it be a look in their eye or the occasional profound anecdote seems to denote they’ve seen some interesting shit.
Well said. I was trying to put it into words but my brain is foggy from this head cold.

Experienced trippers perceive and react to the world differently, even mundane things. Like a Tao master or Buddhist monk. Someone who takes an extra half second to think before speaking.

It's one of those things you can pick up on.
half second
That is so poignant and important.

I have always emphasised the half second.

Time dilation is very real, it's weird as if the clock still runs, all is entirely congruous chronologically but you sort of step out of time.

My days feel like weeks often, vs even few years ago.

I feel zero social or communication pressure ever too, like all the time in the world,

It's not dictated to us so it's an exercise of freedom.

But the extra half second gains you miles IME.

My mum has no idea what I mean about the extra half second lol
That is so poignant and important.

I have always emphasised the half second.

Time dilation is very real, it's weird as if the clock still runs, all is entirely congruous chronologically but you sort of step out of time.

My days feel like weeks often, vs even few years ago.

I feel zero social or communication pressure ever too, like all the time in the world,

It's not dictated to us so it's an exercise of freedom.

But the extra half second gains you miles IME.

My mum has no idea what I mean about the extra half second lol
I have time distortion too, except it's the other way around. Days flick by in moments, a month seems like a day.
I would greatly prefer your perception but I guess it's just the way I am "wired".

I often take my time to reply because I weigh if I should even say things. Will they matter, will the other person care?
I'm sure that is a factor, FUBAR. I'd hate to think how fast time fly be if I wasn't an acid head ;)
Isn't that just age though? The less time you have left, the quicker it seems to go.
highly likely but it's related to the time we have lived as opposed to time remaining

eg, 6 months to a 10 year old is 5% of their life, whereas to a 50 year old is 1% of their life, so feels much faster in the latter case due to relativity

It's definitely true though that many people feel it like that so yeah it's to do with age. Those 7 week school holidays in the summer felt like aaages right? Yet to me 2022 started about 6 weeeks or so ago or so it feels. I'll be turning 100 in about 3 weeks at this rate!
highly likely but it's related to the time we have lived as opposed to time remaining

eg, 6 months to a 10 year old is 5% of their life, whereas to a 50 year old is 1% of their life, so feels much faster in the latter case due to relativity

It's definitely true though that many people feel it like that so yeah it's to do with age. Those 7 week school holidays in the summer felt like aaages right? Yet to me 2022 started about 6 weeeks or so ago or so it feels. I'll be turning 100 in about 3 weeks at this rate!

What? We're in 2022 now?

The last time I looked it was 1995...