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Jul 28, 2000
Hmmm, so the other night, I am proud to report, I bought a "half gram" of coke, well, when I went to pick it up, he said they had a misunderstanding and they got me a half gram of crack insted, he said if I didn't want it he could take it back and get the white stuff the next day. I figured, what the hell, I'll just smoke this shit. Me, never having done any form of coke before, had no idea what to expect, I expected something out of the movie traffic.....But insted I just felt very energetic, high, and a tiny body buzz. The high wasn't even that impressive...I can get all the same effects AND MORE with meth for cheaper.......Why do people do this stuff?
If you had some *GOOD* ghetto crack, you might have gotten a little more, but for the most part, what you describe is the basic crack high - you get a rush of energy and feel good for a few minutes... a REALLY GOOD hit will make your ears ring and you might puke...
It's not that bad as long as you have enough to chase the high ..
Yes, IMO meth is better, especially when smoked..
"can you do anything without insulting someone? your a bastard cry baby bitch.."
(posted by dust1n)
the high may not be all that but something about it drove my boyfriend to sell everything i own (from toothpaste to furniture)for 60 bucks worth of that shit!!!
crack can be evil
"Is this like, freebase?" "Not like, it is" they were smoking crack.
special k -
The crack had nothing to do with the degeneration of your boyfriend - he was the one responsible for his own downfall... lets remember to not blame the drug for the users faults...
Crack isn't that bad.. everyone should at least try it once - see if ya like it...
Or if you don't like the idea of smoking crack, then cook some "freebase" - because as all ravers know, crack is bad, but freebase isn't!
"can you do anything without insulting someone? your a bastard cry baby bitch.."
(posted by dust1n)
With all due respect to yoo **Phreex** I think yer fullava it. You say and I quote
"lets remember to not blame the drug for the users faults..." You honestly think this kid woulda sold all his shit had he not been strung out? Take the crack/freebase outa the pic and he prolly wouldnt have been so desperate for cash. Is this not true? Please correct me if im wrong but I seem to remember the same thing happening to me back in my crack smoking days. I would have done ANYTHING to git money for another hit *wont touch the shit now*. You also said and I quote "The crack had nothing to do with thedegeneration of your boyfriend..." Well it shure the sam hell didnt help. I know that it wuz his CHOICE to start smokin and I dont dissagree that he is responsible for his own actions. However, yoo must realize
**Phreex** that every person is different. Not everyone can handle their shit the way yoo can. For yoo not to see that the crack was a huge contributing factor in this is juss plain ignorance IMHO.
irie mon
Or if you don't like the idea of smoking crack, then cook some "freebase" - because as all ravers know, crack is bad, but freebase isn't!
Couldn't have said it better myself!!! Thanks for pointing out that logic PhreeX!!!
I know that when you, or someone close becomes addicited to drugs, it's easiest to blame the drug - sadly this isn't the case..
Drugs are inatimate chemicals, they don't do anything they are not told to do.. the USER is the person who make the choice to use, and to continue to use...
Crack filled a void in you and your guys life, so rather then look for more positive avenues to turn to, the glass dick was sucked as an escape..
I have been addicitedto ketamine and methamphetamine - I mean, HARD CORE addicited... and ya know what? I have no one to blame but MYSELF! I used the drugs as an escape from my problems, and when withdrawal set it, I usedthe drugs to make myself feel better - durring that time I was a WEAK LITTLE PUSSY who couldn't get out of bed without my chemical crutch .. when I woke the fuck up and realized I was an addict, *I* stoped using - yes, it took some WILLPOWER, but it was me, and had NOTHING to do with the drugs!
Those who blame the drugs have STILL not come to terms with their addiction... as long as you believe it's the chemicals fault, then hey, you're a VICTIM - sorry, the only victims here are your loved ones who have to deal with your problem...
Crack didn't ruin your boyfriends life, your boyfriend ruined his life...
"can you do anything without insulting someone? your a bastard cry baby bitch.."
(posted by dust1n)
hold up- 1st off i dont blame anyone for my partners crack addction, including the drug.
he is weak and the crack took control. Crack does that more then any other drug, flame me all you like but you dont see little ravers running around selling their children for the next roll, crack is a monster all to itself. AND YES IVE DONE CRACK and am also a recovering opiate/benzo addict myself.
Id rather go back to living on morphine and being shot up with narcan on a regular basis, and then just for kicks go thru withdrawls for fun then see someone i care for get involved with this drug.
phreex your right it is the person but no one knows if they are *that* person until its to late.
If it werent for crack he would have had plenty of money to do as he pleased from a nice little fund that made his life too easy, but if you really knew as much as you want people to think you know youd know that NOONE does crack recreationally, i dont mean you cant do it once in awhile and not be addicted, i mean that if you consume it like you consume ANY other drug, including snorting the very same shit, crack will take over...end of story.
Phreex is right that its the person that lets crack take over, there are those who can do it once and put it down, hell im an addict and did it, BUT who wants to play any game with stakes stacked that high against you?
hopefully the grasp of this soul eating drug will be wipped out as you see my pussy of a partner is in rehab, while others around here have only found the guts to replace one high for another......sadd what we call strength.
I have done crack as a recreational drug - the people I lived with did crack as a recreational drug - IT'S POSSIBLE TO SMOKE CRACK AND NOT TURN INTO A CRACK WHORE!
A person takes a drug to feel a certin way, now, if that person has problems, the drug might mask that problem - the user now has a choice, to continue using the drug or to deal with their problems...
SURPRISE SISTA! Crack is NOT the most addictive drug out there.. while the high was nice, it's compulsive factor was NOT as great as heroin or ketamine .. crack just makes for a nice escape, but MANY people find it to NOT be something they would want to make a habbit out of - I have several friends who have all tried it, been like "thats it?" - and only invested a little more time in the smoking...
CRACK IS NOT EVIL - this guys problems and his inability to handle them are the real evil...
"can you do anything without insulting someone? your a bastard cry baby bitch.."
(posted by dust1n)
Um...in Traffic, they were smoking/basing cocaine, not crack...Hello--these were fucking rich kids w/supplies of cash..u think they'd opt for crack over coke?

This movie pissed me off, btw.
the ending was unrealistic and fairytaley.
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1st off id like to mention to curious cub freebase and crack are the SAME thing, as phreex mentioned for all those who think crack is so bad try freebasing...i can not speak for him but im sure he was being sarcastic.....
and money has nothing to do with it, My partner has plenty of money, smoking 1200 dollars worth of drugs in ONE DAY will at some point leave you without ready cash, so next comees selling your stuff, but have no fear the sweet lil crack dealers dont charge intrest so its not hard to get it back, hell their kinda like a pawn shop without the fees.
Now phreex i know thatclaim you are well schooled on drug use and your statement " CRACK IS NOT EVIL - this guys problems and his inability to handle them are the real evil..." is right on target but your way off when it comes to crack and addiction, ask any professional (now im sure im gonna get slammed by all the little kids who say that its all propiganda) they will tell you there is no other drug like crack......
and yes if you mean physcially heroin and a whole sleew of other drugs have worse withdrawls then crack, and if you really read my post i said it was possible to do crack and put it down, i have, and if i had a choice id take ketamine over it anyday but there are those who cant put it down......
it seems like with that drug its all or nothing.
addiction to anything is essentially losing control, its your choice to start the use and its usually caused by the problems that the person is hiding from this drives the person to even try a drug and if they dont fix the basic problem they will never beat their addiction.........my problem is that once you lose control (and if you were ever really an addict youll know this) its more then complicated to grab hold of control and live there, its like trying to light a fire in the wind.
My whole point is that something about crack for SOME people causes them (yes causes them, in my opinion they choose to start it but are no longer at their helm) to do things that they would normally never do and ive seen it more with crack then any other drug. like i pointed out you dont see ravers seeing their kids for a roll and you dont see people jail for robbing a bank to get their next k vial.
you do have me thinking thou and i hope thats your whole point im sure youd never do anything malicious..(LOL), maybe its only a certain type of person that would enjoy crack and do it more then once......
[This message has been edited by special k (edited 21 March 2001).]
actually freebase and crack are slightly different, but everyone refers to them as the same so it doesn't really matter.
crack is freebase made with baking soda, and is much less dangerous to make.
and phreex, will you ever admit that a drug can be part of the problem, its not JUST the user. you yourself were a meth addict, are you saying that you were just a big pussy when it let you get you like that? and i know you're gonna sit there and say YES, I blame myself, it wasn't the meth at all. Fine, but it still happened, and you still let it happen, and i'm pretty sure it had something to with the fact that you had it at arms reach at all times.
I'm pretty sure the fact that a substance can be highly addictive can take part in the addiction itself?!
like mentioned, you don't see people losing their job/house/family/money because they became a pothead.
peace, outkast
To all you anti drug banditos, iv been IVing coke hcl in 110mg or more amounts every night for the past 4 days, not because im an addict, i was given it free, and ill probably never see it again. Point is it was very euphoric for the first 10 minutes but sucked after that. It wasnt addictive very much, i dont want more, i never did. I think smoking it is a waste and if your going to do coke you might as well get the best you can out of it, and thats IV. I smoked freebase a few days ago, and i got a headache right after the suck ass feeling i got from it, it sucked. Try an IV if your capable, but be careful.
"As your attorney i advise you to rent a very fast car with no top, and you'll need the cocaine."
My AIM: Thetripdoctor (im always on, Trust me)
im not antidrug just anticrack

the differance between freebase and crack is the method its prepared.....the baking soda sure as hell dosent make the crack crack nor does the ether make the freebase freebase...in the end you have smokable cocaine.......
Trip doctor 4 days not not an addict make, in my posts i stated that it takes a certain type of person to become an addict and there is no fail safe way to know who will become one until its to late........also drugs are like food in that way, one person loves it, another eats it to just get by and the 3rd hates it.
when it comes to drugs....which ones are the best, whats the best way to ingest them, which ones give the best high, which ones are the most addictive.....its all matter of opinion not fact
[This message has been edited by special k (edited 21 March 2001).]
actually, pure freebase doesn't have baking soda in it, period.
and i agree IVing coke is the shit. I don't do it everytime only because the high is soooo short and the comedown soooo shitty. the rush is the shit though.
peace, outkast
Crack doesn't have baking soda in it. Freebase doesn't have baking soda in it. They are the same damn thing. It's fuckin sad to listen to morons argue about the differences between crack and freebase. There is none. They are the same.<--PERIOD
Do you even know what a freebase is? It's not something that was made up by "drug cooks". It's a chemistry term. It refers to the freeing of an alkaloid from a salt.
Cocaine HCl is te salt. This is what you snort. If you remove the HCl you'll be left with the freebase. Slang for cocaine freebase is crack. You can remove the HCl by reacting it with a base. Baking soda and ammonia both work. They both yeild the same product which is cocaine freebase. There is no baking soda or ammonia mixed in with the crack. They have completely different solubilities and remain seperated.
Cocaine HCl <-----Snorth this
Cocaine <-----Smoke this. It's freebase AKA Crack
Um...in Traffic, they were smoking/basing cocaine, not crack
Then they are dumbasses cause Cocaine breaks down at a lower temp than the temp that is required for it to ignite. That's why we have crack...so it is the ONLY smokable form of cocaine.
I'm not making this shit up. Break out a chem book and verify if you like.
[This message has been edited by Arthur_Dent (edited 21 March 2001).]
Arthur_Dent is 100% correct.
Other Kiddies who like to spread hearsay and misinformation, like the folks above, join the media... you'll fit in just fine...
hmmmmm, that's funny cause i have a textbook explaining the both of them right in front of me, and guess what YOU'RE WRONG. it sure is funny to here morons argue about shit they know nothing about.
from "Drugs, Society, and Modern Behavior" Levinthal 99.
"Options beyond the intake of cocaine hydrochloride widened with the development of free-base cocaine during the 1970's, and crack cocaine during the mid 80's. In free-base cocaine, the hydrochloride is removed from the salt form of cocaine, thus liberating it as a free base. The technique for producing free-base cocaine, however, is extremely hazardous, since it is necessary to treat cocaine powder with highly flammable agents such as ether residue, igniting the drug will cause it to explode into flames.
Crack cocaine is the result of a cheaper and safer chemical method. Treatment with baking soda yields small rocks, which can then be smoke in a small pipe. When they are smoked, a cracking noise accompanies the burning, hence the origin of the name crack."
oh, and if that doesn't make it clear, read this.
this is one of the most renowned books on the study of drugs, and it sure sounds to me like it saying they ARE slightly different, so I think I'll take it's word over yours.
peace, outkast