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How old will be when you stop drugs/will you use forever?

Rolling Sly said:
Footscrazy did you ever feel like this during your meth years if you dont mind me asking? The fear of what will fill the gap? And now that your off it is your itch scratched with downers?

I always felt like drugs filled in something that was lacking in me. I've never been happy with myself in social situations, and for a long time I felt that ice made me the person I wanted to be, with more confidence and able to just appear normal, I suppose. Since quitting it yeah, I've definitely filled in the gap with other things but it's not really for the same reason anymore. I'm not more sociable on opies and I'm generally a bad drunk. I guess over the years the original reason I started using drugs for has kind of got lost, or just blended into a general sense that, I would rather be high than sober. At this point I just feel it's a part of my personality; the reasons I use are sort of lost. I would say it's as much habit and conditioning as much as anything else.

A main reason I'm not happy with my use is it's all I know. I don't feel like I can make an informed choice of whether or not to use when I've only tried one way of life so far. It's just so hard to get to the point of being clean where you can start to (hopefully) really appreciate what a life without drugs has to offer.
I will probably never stop using drugs.

I foresee a day however when the only drugs I consume will be alcohol in minimal quantities and cannabis, which I will grow myself as naturally as possible (and probably vaporize/not spin with baccy.)

I'm 19 and thats my dream anyway.
I think the answer lies within you. Not just a casual thought but FUCKING HONEST TO FUCKING SHIT answer to yourself.

Are drugs good for my life right now? Am I missing out on things? Is other important stuff suffering because of my use? Could I be doing better without drugs in my life? And any other questions you ask yourself.

And I mean, this is the real important part, BE REALLY FUCKING HONEST with yourself. And then you will know when it is time to stop.
I have always said/thought that I would never stop using drugs all together, in recent years I often wonder if I will even see another day that I don't alter my perception in one way or another and at this point even that seems like something I would really struggle to change.

I would like to think that when I get a bit older that I will give away stimulant use (save for perhaps maybe once a year for special occassions) and learn to keep my drinking under control a lot better. I really don't see the day where I wont have any interest ever in smoking a fat joint or enjoying a few bourbon and cokes to unwind at the end of a stressful day. I do hope that one day I do learn to live out a lot of days without chemical assistance but I certainly don't see anything wrong with occassional or even semi-frequent use of certain drugs, assuming that it does not have any overly negative impacts on your life, regardless of what age you happen to be.
it is really hard to define wen to stop using drugs, asfor a job or health or even ur other part(girlfriend) but really i will never stop, unless its absolutly needed ie life threatining. I dont use every day, or even once a week (apart from dexamps which i am prescribed) the simple make things more enjoable and sometimes cheaper than alco.
I can say I have stopped using drugs at the age I am now, 23. However; I will begin to use again, I feel once I am earning large enough amounts of money to support a comfortable living standard and be able to purchase high quality drugs at the same time.... But who knows, I may never begin again....
I think the answer lies within you. Not just a casual thought but FUCKING HONEST TO FUCKING SHIT answer to yourself.

Are drugs good for my life right now? Am I missing out on things? Is other important stuff suffering because of my use? Could I be doing better without drugs in my life? And any other questions you ask yourself.

And I mean, this is the real important part, BE REALLY FUCKING HONEST with yourself. And then you will know when it is time to stop.

But knowing when you should stop and actually stopping are very different things ;)
^^ I think, when a person is mature enough, they will have the drive to be able to act on that realisation, in a way that does not compromise their inner integrity or true-to-selfness as human beings.

or someone else will prompt them to do so. In my case, it's a combination of both. I think I've always suspected that I was either a) too weak or b) too strong a creature of habit to be able to curb my use to a satisfactory degree. If I really wanted to chuck in the towel, I'd cut off each & every one of my contacts - and I'd vanish from these boards. but I've long stopped entertaining the idea of quitting drugs, full stop. after some of my other experiences with extreme behaviours, I'd begin to fiend like no tomorrow if I were to try & adopt the 'never again' mindset)!! I think about them frequently, but usually I manage to entertain/distract myself with other things. of course I could be setting myself up for a big relapse, but I since the few contacts I kept around are pretty extreme/heavy users, I guess it's nice to paint myself in stark contrast to them, however condescending that approach might outwardly seem...

and yes, Baysie, a man. lol. who knew I had it in me!! Still having trouble adjusting to the fact I'm no longer destined to be a cat lady.
but in response to your question - yes, I would quit altogether if I was pregnant.

a really good point. in fact my wife and I quit for sometime before falling pregnant and obviously did not drink, smoke, drop, anything during or after pregnancy. I remember our first time was after we stopped breast feeding and we had a joint outside a resturant, oh man that was a great stress reliever (it was the second time we had left our child after she was born).

As a 53 year old professional with grown-up kids and all my faculties I'd say I don't plan on giving up recreational substances any time soon. I'll keep growing my own weed, scoping out cid and molly when it comes by and visiting the mushie patch every year until I decide to stop, not because I'm pressured to do so. I'm not out to thumb my nose at society despite the dreadful anti-drug messages non-partakers are sucked in to believing. I work in a position of responsibility and influence right under their noses and have done so all my adult life without incident. They'd have a cow if they only knew :) I DON'T go to work bent or wasted. I manage my drug intake without it impairing my productivity and enjoy 'taking a trip without leaving the farm', as it were. I don't take drugs as a vehicle for spiritual insights; more simply I just love the buzz and don't see that its anyone else's business what I do at home.

fuck yeah. but the contrast of your post compared to the younger BL who have less of a control on their habits is rather striking....Makes you think.

I feel one of the biggest issues in drug culture today is a lack of mentors to curve, guide, and help those who are just beginning how to manage their use and, in general, their behaviours, emotions and feelings.

In my professional life I have found that a good mentor are immeasurable. The things a good friend and teacher can give you are just out of site.

Its a shame that drug use is essentially underground. I would love to be able to share my secret to juggling life, family, job, kids, money and drugs.

And that's why in answer to footscrazy; drugs are no different to any other facet of life. They are no more wrong then kids, money, work or any other element. All can be bad, abused, or hold great goodness.

Just eye of the beholder stuff really.
im 41 and have a good job and great woman I love, I have straight friends and ones that like a dabble.

The stigma attached to drugs is ridiculous and I personally see drugs and alcohol as one in the same as they both alter your perceptions, and both can royally fuck your life up or be great fun. Why is it your seen as immature if you drop MDMA every now and then at 40 years old but its ok to get legless on alcohol?

guy standing talking to me slurring his words as he sucks down another Bundy, sucking on his 50th durry......."maaaaaate that farkin ecstasy gunna burn holes in yer brain ya silly caaaarnt" lol

oh and trust me, theres more professional people in their 30's and 40's who dabble in drugs than what you think, they just dont advertise it because of the stigma/law

when will I stop? not sure to be honest

*Please note: I like Bundy and durries
I can't go a day without using something. Really, I'm not happy to go a day without getting wasted, but often I have to. It sucks, I know this isn't usual, but I guess I can't see why - why do people choose to spend their days straight while they could be gloriously high? My brain is obviously fucked :D (<- Sad smiley acceptance of patheticness right there)

You sound so similar to me... +1
When I get a job which does drug testing, then its looking forward to those 4 weeks of annual leave each year hehe
eternity is a long time isnt it?

i stop taking drugs regularly.

i start taking drugs just as regularly also.

age is a rather arbitrary concept.

the desire to alter ones perception seems to reach beyond the boundaries of time, and hence age.

children will spin in circles for headspins. everybody loves laughing at a joke.

when we learn to see beyond the consumption of a chemical as 'drug taking', we will start to acquire enhanced perceptions of what it is to be human.

our consciousness is the creator of all experiences. therefore, we are the drug.

so, with this thought held within our focus for a fleeting moment in the soup of time, we can attain a state of mind where there is no attachment to concepts such

as age, or rules or desires with regards to the limiting of ones chemical consumption due to the accumulation of journeys around the sun. {years.}

having been around the sun just nigh of one half century, i have noticed that my consumption patterns have changed.

i no longer just take anything for the experience of consumption, or for the notches on the belt. many a belt has been notched, many a bedhead vandalised with the

names of chemical ladies that had my undying devotion, and many a year has been spent in the lustful throes bliss and agony.

no, my days of being the casanova of the chemical world are but a wonderful memory.

however, i feel i have now evolved into more of an elder statesman, with grace, and good connections. or evolved into the wise old man around the campfire, in his solo camp at the back of the woods, where some of the more curious youth often visit for the benefit of my wisdom.... and for the wonderrs held tight within my
bag of magic potions.

i do not foresee a time when i will stop my consumption of good chemicals.

a actually feel that the more i advance my times around the sun, the more i acquire, and learn, from certain families of chemicals. psychedelics, and empathagens
being what i am referring too.

i also find that with the years my back aches more and more, and my use of opiates has grown considerably, while being no where near the level of dependence tho.
it seems to make good sense to me that opiates should be made available to seniors, to help with aches and pains, and to help get one motoring along

so, the answer to the question is this.... i will be as old as i get when i pass on to recieve my next incarnation. therefore, i will use untill the end. wisely, and with moderation.
Its a shame that drug use is essentially underground. I would love to be able to share my secret to juggling life, family, job, kids, money and drugs.

Totally agree. However I did just say to a friend on Saturday night that at work.. I am a very important part of the company due to my knowledge and experience as I have been there over 10 years, however, as good a job as I 'can' do, I know I only give about 75%. I can leave the office when ever so have OFTEN popped out, scored, gone home and used and been back at work within 30 min. Not really professional ;-)

As to age, I had always smoked pot often, and had used speed a few times, but I was 30 when I had my first pill - actually half.. and thought wow this is awesome, and has saved me sooo much cash out clubbing tonight.. how quickly the cost changed !!

I am now 38 and using more now than ever, and I am really at a stage in my life I need to look hard at my use. Actually I am more worried about the cost than the effects of my use.

I will always say yes to a joint, cant see me ever taking the risk of purchasing a shit pill after the lovely MDMA I had last year, and not sure I will ever get my head far away from smoking meth.

I have gone very long stints without during my pregnancies and breastfeeding, but hope I am not a 50 year old nanna smoking meth :)
Oh and I did mean to say I am glad I was a very late starter.. I think if I had started my use at a much younger age it would have been much harder to really prioritise work, bills, house etc.

I drank a hell of a lot from say 18 - 30 and got into alot of unsafe situations and had alot of random random sex.. 3 somes etc

The fact that I now have 2 kids (my only pregnancies) to the same father and they were planned is nothing short of a miracle.

Not sure it would have been the same if I was a 21 year old promiscuous meth smoker drinking myself stupid like I used to..
I am now 38 and using more now than ever, and I am really at a stage in my life I need to look hard at my use. Actually I am more worried about the cost than the effects of my use.

coming from a catholic back ground i guess i have sadomasochistic tendencies, that pain is a form of pleasure and in that way I enjoy the challenge of stopping something. Like about two weeks ago I was in 'junkie limbo', and yet I pushed myself to put the facade on, go to work, pull a long day and go home and be as engaged with my family and daughter. that was a fucking challenge to say the least.

so all i can say popeye is perhaps you need to dive head first into the dark challenge of withdrawls, go on a break if you will. never say never, and perhaps after your break indulge in a new class of substances. I find low doses of LSD to be very enjoyable and peripheral, say a quarter of a quarter tab.

take a few nights out not on anything.
Cheers Chugs

I guess I just went 4 days without and I know I can go longer.. had planned to wait until the Grandfinal next week to get on it again, but failed. The guy I score from is a friend and lives very close by. Messaged him today about something else and within the hour I was on it again. Have a family holiday to focus on in a month so for me its more about saving the coin for that.