Staff Feedback If the admins aren't listening who do you talk to?


Oct 15, 2005
I'm speaking to an admin right now about the current EADD issues but they clearly aren't interested in listening, just keep being told that people should stop harassing Sam over this racism row. They aren't willing to listen to anyone's concerns it seems and keep going back to this racist thing, which it's not even really about. I've been told even if you are a racist you're allowed to be a mod on here anyway as it doesn't break the BUA. :\

Who do I talk to if an admin isn't listening or willing to act? No one seems to realise that most of us aren't wanting Sam out because he may or may not be racist but for a multitude of other reasons.
How can they make a valid decision when they aren't even listening to peoples complaints properly.

EDIT: There's the horse again which means this thread will probably get locked. Will suit the admins perfectly that. :\
Getting fucking sick of the gibberings thread getting closed every time I want to post in there.
C'mon folk this has got to be sorted one way or another. Its taking the life out of the forum.
Exactly, it has to be sorted. Closing threads, dishing out infractions, deleting posts and banning people isn't helping.
My recommendation to the anti-sam mob is drop the racism bullshit and focus on reporting instances of "bad moderation". Maybe the moderation will improve! Maybe you'll realise he's not so bad after all! Who knows. Beats persecuting the laddie on spurious grounds.
from an admin said:
there's nothing in the blua about bluelighters or staff not being allowed to be racist. we can't start disciplining people for their beliefs. are you seriously suggesting that's how we should operate?

if a moderator is racist (and i see no evidence in this case that's the case), it's not a problem as long as their racism is not manifesting itself in their forum contribution. can you provide examples of racist posts by samhaingrim? if so, please report them (publicly or privately) and they'll be given serious consideration.

That's the reply I had. I'll be banned for posting it. I made it clear in my PM the issue was NOT about Sam being racist and I get that reply telling me to point out his racist posts. I never claimed he made any, I've never seen any racist comments from Sam (unless we're counting 'porridge wog'), my issue with him are about other things which the admins aren't willing to listen to.

My recommendation to the anti-sam mob is drop the racism bullshit and focus on reporting instances of "bad moderation". Maybe the moderation will improve! Maybe you'll realise he's not so bad after all! Who knows. Beats persecuting the laddie on spurious grounds.

Kinda tricky now since he's clearly going to be on best behaviour and not step out of line.
Kinda tricky now since he's clearly going to be on best behaviour and not step out of line.

In that case, no problem!

BTW that response you got from "an admin" makes complete sense, I don't see how else they can operate. They can't read minds. Although I don't understand what the "other things" are and you haven't told us.
Can you let me have my dinner before I have to deal with this please - I've been up since 6.30am and I'm famished.

Pretty please eh
There clearly is a BIG problem in here right now knockando and you know it. We can sweep it under the carpet and pretend it's all OK for a while but give it a week at most and it'll kick off again. Action has to be taken and banning trolls, removing pictures and posts, dishing out infractions and banning members clearly isn't and won't work.

Can you let me have my dinner before I have to deal with this please - I've been up since 6.30am and I'm famished.

Pretty please eh

No offence Kate but what can you do when senior mods and admins aren't even willing to do anything about it. Don't waste your time.
I have hm pizza Spade, surely you can relate to my need for dinner - gies a minute please
There clearly is a BIG problem in here right now knockando and you know it. We can sweep it under the carpet and pretend it's all OK for a while but give it a week at most and it'll kick off again. Action has to be taken and banning trolls, removing pictures and posts, dishing out infractions and banning members clearly isn't and won't work.

Oh I know there's a "problem" but I don't agree it's Sam, or all his fault anyway. I don't think Sam "stepping down" will fix the "problem".
All the animosity is towards Sam, him no longer being a mod would get rid of a lot of that.

Kate enjoy your pizza, I genuinely don't think there's anything you can do to solve this issue. They may as well close EADD, it's a joke atm.
Be nice to Kate.

I don't see how else they can operate. They can't read minds.

I think the implication is that the admin is suggesting they would allow a (known) racist to mod a forum if they (BL admin) thought it wouldn't impinge on the job.

Which is hilariously naive and makes me wonder .... lots of things.
Like he's really a racist. He's not, though, is he? This is the obvious flaw in your argument.
just got banned from tc for asking who some one was in a round about way haha
^ I haven't seen anything racist in anything he's posted on bluelight. There's no evidence to suggest otherwise.