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pull-out method

Enfektious said:
I saw a documentary on that once. These men in Britain would soak their testicles in some very, very hot water, thus killing all live semen. Then they would go out and have a good time. Out of the control group of men that participated I think the success rate (non-pregancy) was relatively high. I forget the actual numbers behind this. I think it was a couple of days of soaking resulted in a week of infertility.

I just don't know if I could put my "boys" through something like that.

Errr... Maybe I'm being confused, but I really don't think that was what banksy meant.

This is a method used by couples who really wan't to avoid using contraception but still want great sex. There's actually plenty of time in the month where you really can't get pregnant. Anyhow - here's a brief biology lesson.

The temperature method

Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

Women using the Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Method identify their fertility by observing their body temperature each morning before beginning any activity.

The body temperature is lower before ovulation and rises slightly to about .2 degrees Celsius or .4 degrees Fahrenheit after ovulation.

Couples who wish to avoid a pregnancy abstain from intercourse from the onset of menses until three days after the woman's basal body temperature has risen, to about .2 degrees Celsius or .4 degrees Fahrenheit, signifying the end of the fertile phase.


Hope this is useful to someone :D
This is a serious question ... cant a woman only get pregnant when she is ovulating ? And doesnt that happen only a couple of days a month ? Im surprised at my lack of basic sexual knowledge , lol
Of course the egg can only get fertilised when the woman is ovulating. The problem is that a man's sperm can survive inside the woman for three days, so you have to tack that time on as well. Also, a woman may ovulate at different times each month and may even ovulate twice a month (I think this is rare though).

The temperature method sounds unreliable and labour intensive to me. Also, what happens if the woman becomes ill and the first symptom she has is temperature change? Since many women complain about not remembering to take their pill every day, I don't think too many would be able to pull off this method.

Basically I think it's the same as the pull-out method, not worth the risk.

I like having sex in my life as a relaxing and fun thing to do. I don't want to have to worry if he will pull out in time when I'm trying to enjoy intimacy and have fun.
Beatlebot said:
The temperature method sounds unreliable and labour intensive to me. Also, what happens if the woman becomes ill and the first symptom she has is temperature change? Since many women complain about not remembering to take their pill every day, I don't think too many would be able to pull off this method.

Basically I think it's the same as the pull-out method, not worth the risk.

I know a number of couples who practice this method for religious reasons, and it just becomes routine. Your body clock is fairly consistent.

I was only clarifying what banksy suggested, rather than some bizzare urban legend involving hot water and testicles. Having never tried the method myself, I'm not going to try and defend it, but I wouldn't go as far asto comparing it to the "pulling out" method. Biologically speaking, it's far less risky.

I like having sex in my life as a relaxing and fun thing to do. I don't want to have to worry if he will pull out in time when I'm trying to enjoy intimacy and have fun.

Some men's sperm (such as my husband's) can survive for SEVEN *7* days.
Yeah we really don't know enough about what goes on inside of us.

My body-clock is not consistent. I wonder how consistent the body-clock of regular drug users might be. I don't know.
When i was using recreational drugs heavily, i had no bodyclock... now, my cycle is 28-30 days every month..i love it :)
I went to a Catholic high school, and they said that the sympto-thermal method described above, if used properly, is more effective than correct condom use. Consider the source and take it for what it is.
First off, I'd like to say I think the pull-out method is very risky behavior.

But, in my 7 years of masturbating, I myself have NEVER pre-ejaculated. Nothing has ever come out before orgasm. Of course some guys will be different, but that's me. Personally I would feel safe pulling-out because of this. But I'd want to pull out as soon as i get that 10-second warning an orgasm might be cuming up :)

But no. I'm going to use a condom until my girl gets the pill.
i got pregnant on the patch and it supposedly has a 99.7% effective rate. good luck using the withdrawl method (which btw, i also got pg using). nothing is 100% but you can/should at least take precautions to make sure. be responsible.
^ you don't have very good luck.

i have been having sex for years and have never became pregnant.
*~*geNeRaTiOn E*~* said:
i got pregnant on the patch and it supposedly has a 99.7% effective rate. good luck using the withdrawl method (which btw, i also got pg using). nothing is 100% but you can/should at least take precautions to make sure. be responsible.

damnnnnn.. that must SUCK.
yah, it does. the first time i got pg was at 16 (withdrawl method) i had an abortion for obvious reasons. i also got pg on the pill but that was my fault for not taking it correctly. i was 18 when i got pg on the patch and am now a 20 y/o mom to a beautiful 7 month old little girl. i wouldn't change it for the world but i would've been more cautious. so i guess you can say i am REALLY fertile and my BF has good aim but still.

we've also been using condoms ONLY for the past 7 mos and so far so good. *knocks on wood* there's always preventative measures you can take and if you get pg while taking the necessary precautions, well then it was just meant to be.

kappadaftie said:
^ you don't have very good luck.

i have been having sex for years and have never became pregnant.

sometimes we got a little careless. we've been together for so long that having unprotected sex once in a blue moon didn't matter. what sucked is that i got pg while USING protection.
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I've gotten pregnant both using condoms and on the pill, with no signs of any issues (no apparently broken condom, never missed a pill or took one late, etc).

Never used the pull out method, I'm sure if I did I would get pregnant every single time. :\
kappadaftie said:
^ you don't have very good luck.

i have been having sex for years and have never became pregnant.

sorry generation E, i meant the reason i have never became pregnant after all these years because im a guy ;)
oh. haha, i never checked your profile. well, i guess that would be a good reason why you're not pg after all these years. LoL