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pull-out method

orange said:
Guys cheat even when they are totally happy in their relationships and when they are getting tons of great sex.

Sorry for the off-topic post, but that's total bollocks.
7zark7 said:
Sorry for the off-topic post, but that's total bollocks.

no it isnt ive done it...just for the sheer fun of it....so what, im gettin good tail at home and im happy....but i wanna hit this strange up too....so what
i pull out, but my girl is on birth control....

she doesnt want to risk it.

also, i dont think pulling out should be confused with STD risks....if u know ur partner well enough, then its safe. i have no idea how effective the method is, but 3 years since i met her and(knocks on wood), i havent had many scares.

also, my girl uses those patch-thingies instead of trying to take a pill everyday....sometimes i am kinda worried about the general effectiveness of that method of birth control as well...considering how iffy transdermal drugs can be in my experience.
I'm on the pill, but it doesnt really work for me I don't think, seeing as I don't take it correctly.

But anyways, my boyfriend pulls out, and I think im pregnant right now actually. So yeahhhhh i wouldnt recommend that.


after awhile, and shit starts to get intense & you get to fucking hard, then condoms kinda feel to a woman's cooch like a sneaker on a gym floor....not cromulent in the least!! :(
yes i hate condoms fucking feel like RUBBER and the inside is not lubricated for us men, so its no picnic for us either.

hey firefighter try switching to the patch...its easy to use apparently, but if u dont like a sticker on ur ass 3 weeks out of the month it sucks.
SmokeTrails said:
i wish i can say i always use condoms... but generally this is the method ive gone with

ive killed 3 of my kids (abortions) and this DUMB ASS FUCKING BITCH *cough* excuse me... my ex girlfriend is forcing me to become a father

your not very bright are u

in the area of sex... no im not =/

i think im going to see about a permananet salution to this problem
kappadaftie said:
no wonder the USA has one of the most rapidly rising incidences of AIDS and other STDs if this is the kind of attitude shared by some people.

I don't think the majority of people living in the USA share this attitude... 8(
does this permanent solution have anything to do with getting your dick chopped off?
i stopped taking hormone-based birth control in my last relationship for two reasons:

-i was ALWAYS queasy... not just while on the high dose week of the pill, it was 24/7. i was getting those lines on my nails that mean vitamin deficiency, my hair was breaking, i became anemic; i couldn't force myself to eat when i wanted to puke all the time. i tried 3 or 4 different pills, shots, everything short of the patch (which hadn't come out yet) and nuva-ring... everything fucked with my hormones too much.

-those treatments can permanently lower a woman's sex drive. no, thanks.

the guy i was dating at the time hated condoms(i wasn't a huge fan either). we used them because we knew we were supposed to, but every once in a while, one of us would "forget" and we'd use the pull out method instead... we ended up breaking up because of our repeated trips to planned parenthood, my perceived mental breakdown, and his percieved lack of support in the aftermath.

sucks, because we were great together outside of the pregnancy fiascos, and i really loved him... *sigh*

c'est la vie. now the only sex i have is safe, and my boyfriend and i don't even start fooling around unless we know there are condoms in the house. we don't have sex for 3 days before i ovulate (and i'm regular as a clock!) or the 3 days after.

i learned my lesson, and scared the hell out of him when i told him how apparently easy it is for me to get pregnant... the next time i see an EPT box, it will be with joyful anticipation, not dread and fear.
^^^ Have you tried taking monophasial pills consecutively; similar to Seasonale? It reduces the chance for anemia, causes less bleeding during menstration as it prevents growth of the uterine lining, and it has steady hormones throughout; not to mention you only have 4 periods a year.
i spotted for about 5 weeks on seasonale, i had to stop taking it because my anemia was getting worse... i had a doctor's appointment on the day they were having a blood drive and was told to lie down by a worried nurse... she thought i was a donor that was going to pass out.

the doctor said i was apparently extremely sensative to hormone fluctuations (when i was pregnant i had the WORST morning sickness ever... i love kids and am dying to start a family once i'm stable enough, but i don't know if i can last through a pregnancy!) and either i'd get used to the pill/patch/shot over time, or i could go with non-hormonal birth control.

my boyfriend and i just stick to condoms, spermicide, and avoiding sex around the time i'm ovulating.

to get sort of back on track, i thought the temperature gauging thing was for women who wanted to concieve? my aunt did it because the doctor said they weren't ready for fertility drugs yet... although i guess it could work both ways.
So, what about those of us fellas who've never noticeably shed a drop of pre-cum? Same rules apply?
i hate having 2 use a condom, ive neva experienced sex wivout one and i feel like if sex is as good as it is wiv a condom itll b pretty awesome wivout one
evry pill and patch ive tried has fucked wiv my epilepsy so ive come 2 the conclusion that hormones affect it, and i dont want 2 risk losing my license for 2 yrs, which happens if the cops find out uve had a seizure
it makes me so paranoid about sex, i always check my condoms doubly 4 holes and shit - id b a sucky mother lol
drug_wench said:
i hate having 2 use a condom, ive neva experienced sex wivout one and i feel like if sex is as good as it is wiv a condom itll b pretty awesome wivout one
evry pill and patch ive tried has fucked wiv my epilepsy so ive come 2 the conclusion that hormones affect it, and i dont want 2 risk losing my license for 2 yrs, which happens if the cops find out uve had a seizure
it makes me so paranoid about sex, i always check my condoms doubly 4 holes and shit - id b a sucky mother lol
2 != to
ive != i've
neva != never
wiv != with
itll != it'll
b != be
uve != u've
id != i'd

I hope you were having a seizure when you wrote that. And if you really talk like that then yes you would be a horrible mother.


To all the people complaining about condoms, why not try lube? There are plenty of water based lubes that you can you put in the condom and on the outside. That solves a lot of problems.