Saturday 3-1-03 **Back to the Basics 3** SW, Ohio

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i heard a small sample of some the acid house tracks that d8 ais planning on unloading and i honestly can't wait...i won't spoil it by saying any names of the tracks but if you have any of the old school acid house tapes that mullan, sleppy-c, astroboy etc put out 1990 to 1995, then you're in for a treat...
what ever you do... do not miss ADAM WRIGHT! Kid has some mad Skilz! Hope there is a big enough dance space! ;)
what up yall i guess the time is getting closer so everyone needs to get pumped and make it out to this party, great djs and good promoters so i am shure this will be a tight party i know i will be there so hope to see everyone else, good luck chris and tate and lets get our drink on, o and ladie bandit try no to loose me this time if u do make shure u look in my car haha.
[ 24 February 2003: Message edited by: REKRAH10 ]
[ 24 February 2003: Message edited by: REKRAH10 ]
adam wright tore it up at one excited to see this guy again..hope everyone can make it out and here me play :)
Yo...anybody hittin this up from Indiana that wants to give a lil' B-town grrl a ride?
this is back to the basics my friend...back in the day, you'd be lucky to find out where a party was going to be before 8:00 the day of the event let alone get a hotel...
more information will be available the day of the event on here and the infolines...
based on venue size, buzz about the party, and expected attendance, this event WILL sell out...its not a HUGE room and we dont want a line of 150 people in the cold...
its been a long time since anyone in ohio has had to get to a party to ensure admission like it was in the old days...
that said, we advise you to come by 12:00 ro 12:30 at the latest to ensure admission...we won't compromise dancing space by adding a few more people...
oh yea!!! i cant wait!!!!
fun fun fun!!!
adam will have plenty of cds for those of you who dont have one yet!
good luck w/ the event guys. i'll be keeping myself at home this weekend to save some loot for Carpe Noctem :( i guess I'll have to wait a while to see Adam Wright spin a whole set. C'est la vie, be safe all :)
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