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Who are you?

Allan Watts explains those quotes in detail.

Tell the psychiatrist that you are god and of to the "psychotics" you go. It doesn't matter how you tell it , do you say "I am a son of god and so are you.", "I am a child of god.", "I am...." if you clearly see it and are speaking with honest conviction the role of a psychiatry and by extension society is to put you down. Preferably in an asylum, but some psychotic diagnosis will do. Don't cast pearls before swines cause the only sermon that is preached from the "authorities" of our societies is "worry for the tomorrow cause even the lilies will have no water and King Solomon is dead anyways". Their gospeal is fear. Believe them not but go open towards them at your own peril. Live the truth as you know it at the time, do not deceive, try to learn, befriend honest people and have impact on the world without asking for payback from life. I have learned from mistakes made and I do not want to preach cause I know only what I know and I do not see what I do not see. Plain and simple.
Letā€™s take sight, for example. We see this bell, but we donā€™t really see this bell. What we see is the light that is reflected on the bell in my eye. Thatā€™s what I see, but not really the bell. Like if I take another thing which has more color than a silver bell, this is a blue lighter, then the reason why I believe this is a blue lighter is because it reflects blue light. All the other colors of the white light that are falling on it, it absorbs. The only one color it doesnā€™t want is blue, it reflects it. So Iā€™m saying, ā€œThis lighter is blue,ā€ while this lighter is doing its utmost best not to be blue. Itā€™s repulsing all the blue light. So a little difficult, this sight thing.
Scientifically, I also know that this object that looks very solid, isnā€™t solid at all. I mean, technically speaking, of course, it is solid. But, technically speaking also, it consists of many atoms, and in between those atoms, thereā€™s a lot of empty space, but by magnetism and things like that, it keeps together pretty well. And then if I look into each one of these atoms, then I find even a lot more empty space. If an atom is big like this, then the more tangible part of it is maybe big like the tip of my little finger, I have no idea, but very small. Then there are still much smaller particles flying around there, they're called electrons. We donā€™t even really know if they are really particles or just light, or energy.
Anyhow, this thing which I see as solid is largely made of empty space and a little stuff in between. So we donā€™t see very well. A cat could easily see the temperature of this bell from far away, because it can see infrared light, and infrared light is light emitted by everything according to its temperature, according to its heat. Itā€™s a heat ray. And I canā€™t see that. I can feel how hot or cold it is, but if I put it there, and look at it, I canā€™t see that. So Iā€™m pretty blind in that respect.
If you look at how animals can see different rays, itā€™s so amazing. They have a completely different picture of this universe. Like cats, they donā€™t see any other colors, they just see these shades of red, which indicate temperature. Thatā€™s how they perceive the world, a pink world. And then some red, and maybe shades of yellow, I have no idea, but thatā€™s about it. Then there are other insects with eyes which are made out of hundreds of eyes, and each of these eyes brings an image, so they have a view of the world in hundreds of images at the same time. You canā€™t even imagine. You canā€™t even imagine how they perceive the world. There are so many strange creatures. And there are strange humans also. Some people have this disease called Daltonism. They donā€™t know the difference between red and green. Can you imagine? To them itā€™s the same color. So they also get a rather different picture. And theyā€™re people also.
Also it changes with perspective. If I put the bell like that, you get a completely different picture than if I put the bell like that, or when I put it like that, or maybe, like that. Itā€™s a different bell every time it moves. So itā€™s the same with the other senses. Our sense of smell is nothing. A dog could probably smell on my bell how many cats I have, while I can hardly smell the bell. And hearing, for starters, if you record your own voice and you listen to it afterwards, you think, ā€œOh, thatā€™s not me.ā€ Because what other people hear are soundwaves coming out of my mouth, but I hear them also from inside, through my skeleton and brain and flesh and everything. But even then, sound is very abstract, how it travels very far. And itā€™s airwaves, but even then in empty space, there can also be sound. Then how does that work? I have no idea. But we certainly donā€™t hear very well.
Again, dogs, they can hear a lot more than we can. There are lots of frequencies which we donā€™t know. We just discovered actually that elephants can talk through a little hole here in their forehead, where they make some ultrasonic sound, I donā€™t really know how to describe it, but, in any case, we canā€™t hear it. And theyā€™ve been talking to each other forever while people were around. You have these working elephants, you have no idea what theyā€™ve been talking to each other about, maybe us, all the time. Amazing. So, in any case, we donā€™t hear very well, we donā€™t see very well. We donā€™t smell very well, and touch, thatā€™s another one. So this bell is largely empty space, then my hand also must be largely empty space, so I canā€™t even touch this bell. Itā€™s the empty spaces of my hand which are touching the empty spaces of the bell.
The taste of things changes, depending on which order youā€™ve eaten them in. If you have a professional wine taster, he will have some bread in between every bit of wine, otherwise one wine will affect the taste of the other. So itā€™s all very complicated. We have no clue whatā€™s around us. And Iā€™m not saying that from this, we can say there is nothing around us. Thereā€™s something here, definitely, but what we experience from it is certainly not the truth. Thereā€™s a very personal, human way of perceiving things. And we do a lot of recoloring, also. We fill in a lot of blanks with what weā€™ve seen before. Like when watching TV, TV is a flat screen, but all the time we fill in the 3D. Somebodyā€™s coming and we say, ā€œOh, look, behind your back, a bad guyā€™s coming with a knife.ā€ Thereā€™s no behind the back anywhere on the TV screen - itā€™s a flat screen. But we still do that, and we actually do that a lot in real life also, when we see 3D through our two eyes. A lot of that we actually just compute in our mind. Our mind gets all these signals, energies through the senses, and from that, creates a particular image. So this reality, we canā€™t really say that what we get there from our senses is in anyway relevant. Itā€™s relevant for living maybe, yes, but not relevant for understanding anything, for finding the ultimate truth.
Itā€™s like in this movie, the Matrix, thatā€™s nicely done. They have this guy, and at some point he understands the illusionary nature of that universe, created by a computer, and then suddenly starts seeing everything as just energy, or data, moving everywhere, but nothing real. Itā€™s the same thing that we are experiencing, thatā€™s what science would say. If you ask what is around us, they will say, ā€œWell, itā€™s just a play of energy.ā€ Energy moving. Energy becoming more condensed and then it looks like matter, or less condensed and then it becomes like air, or maybe, more vibrating, and then it looks like fire, or light. Thatā€™s just all energy.
Crema in a Barista ! <3ā˜•

A transient
But who really knows I been digging deep for answers for long time and I still don't know who I am other than you.
We change as everything does so who we are today may not be what we are yesterday or tomorrow.
I feel I am not a "bad" person but have a past as we all do. I'm leaving that extra bagged behind it's too heavy anymore.
If we could just get our shit together globally man what a vision.
I'm just a transient being coming to terms with illusions..

Avoiding them..

Coming to terms with them..

Categorical imperative; putting them in their right spot..

Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, that when we grasp it, we will say to each other, 'How could it have been otherwise?'

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Wheeler, like Gravitation Wheeler?

Who am I? I'm me. L'il old 3-dimensional meatbag me. Or so it seems ATM.


John Archibald Wheeler

John Archibald Wheeler (July 9, 1911 ā€“ April 13, 2008) was an American theoretical physicist who was largely responsible for reviving interest in general relativity in the United States after World War II. Wheeler also worked with Niels Bohr to explain the basic principles of nuclear fission. He is best known for popularizing the term "black hole" for objects with gravitational collapse. Stephen Hawking called Wheeler the "hero of the black hole story". By the time of his death, Wheeler was the last living link to Einstein and Niels Bohr - both of whom he had collaborated with directly.

"Can we ever expect to understand existence? Surely someday, we can believe we will grasp the central idea of it all as so simple, so beautiful, so compelling that we will all say to each other, ā€œOh, how could it have been otherwise! How could we all have been so blind for so long!ā€
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Be not troubled nor let not your mind run amok as there is a reckoning on this day as on all days. :)
No escaping it, really; the way I see it, anyway.
Great to "see" ya Mr Peabody. Not just a pleasure but as well as an honor.
My best to you and yours,
Talkin in philosophy,. does this equate to a religion? In your opinion? Thoughtful.....