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Do You Reget The Money Youve Spent On Drugs?

well seeing as how i made the majority of my money by selling drugs i find it to be my karma that i blew at leas a million US on getting high shit for a 24 year old i sure have built up a shit load of negative karma
Sometimes I regret it, but all the money spent on drugs was made purely for spending it on drugs, so I wouldnt have had the money or made the money had I not been an addict. For example, robbing and prostituting. Made a lot of money and supported my habit, but I would not have had that money had it not been for the need for drugs.
Honestly? No.
That money helped numb my feelings, thoughts, and pains. Well worth it IMO.
Then again, I'm not materialistic at all, nor do I care about vanity. I'm actually quite selfless.
I could care less about the new Iphone, or the new jordans, polo's, abercombie, and all of that bullshit.

If you honestly feel the way that you do - Maybe you should spend your money elsewheres, or save it up.
Im with ya on this one, totally agree.
If I dont spend my money on drugs Im jus gonna spend it on bullshit that I don't even need. Buying good drugs is def money well spent imo. :)
Well yeah, I think of all the things I could have done with that money and it kind of makes me very fucking angry with myself. Even now I'm stable on a bupe script, I spend around 70% of my income on drugs.
I try to not think about it, but every once in awhile I'll be broke for something important and that's because I had to get some drugs. I one time looked at my account and I could tell how much I spent on drugs in the last year and it was so fucking sad... to see the actual number down to the last cent was a real eye-opener, but it didn't change shit.
difficult to say. in hindsight i would definitely do it differently. yolo
Do I regret the over ten thousand dollars I've spent abusing drugs?
Sure, but I don't regret the minuscule amount of money I've spent on drugs I never really abused, like psychedelics or mdma
I only regret it because I could be helping out my parents so much more with expenses because we arnt very financially stable.

Just thinking about me though hell no I dont regret it like others have said id just spend it on other stupid shit anyway.
I dont really regret spending so much money on drugs. Pretty much just all the money ive wasted on shitty coke, and getting friends high that never paid me back. Also during times of alcoholism, blacking out and spending way too much at the bars.

Ironically, I tend to spend the most on drugs when i'm the most broke :\
i try not to think of it tbh. its shameful and horrid some of the things i have done to get buy money...just about all heavy drug users can relate im sure. i wouldnt even know where to begin to that the figure at, for all i know it could be 25k, or 100k. i know one thing tho id be a happy camper if someone wrote me a check for the full amount.
I don't regret a dime, not a fucking dime that I've spent on drugs; all of that money would have only gone to bills I could never have caught up on anyway, to the credit card companies that called me day and night and made my life miserable, giving me just one chance to make it right with them before sending their lawyers after me.

So I played my cards like a mother fucking boss... I spent all my money on drugs for months and months and months, and then, when all of my creditors had threatened me with a lawsuit, I saved up $1,500 ... put it down on a lawyer ... and declared bankruptcy.

Is my credit ruined? Yeah. Do I care? No.
Seriously...you are my new hero!

I dont regret a penny ive spent on drugs. Ive had some awesome experiences and discovered a culture that although is majorly fucked up, still feels like home.lol
Seriously...you are my new hero!

I dont regret a penny ive spent on drugs. Ive had some awesome experiences and discovered a culture that although is majorly fucked up, still feels like home.lol

lol thanks

Yeah, I'll never forget the conversation I had with one of my creditors, the conversation that convinced me to go balls-out and to fuck them; this credit card company had put me onto a somewhat more reasonable, more manageable payment plan, but I needed to reschedule the payment as there wouldn't have been enough money in my account until later that week.

Rescheduling the payment wasn't possible, according to the guy I spoke to, and he suggested that I borrow the money from a friend or relative or that I find some way to get the money into my account because if I missed this payment then I would be taken off of the plan they put me on and they would go ahead and charge me with all of the interest and back-interest and my monthly payments would go back to what they were before.

He told me, in no uncertain terms, that this was my last chance, the last sort of payment plan/arrangement they would make with me and that I could never be put back onto that plan ever again. I thought that it was pretty ridiculous, and I decided right then -- and told him -- that if their policies were so rigid, then I would simply declare bankruptcy and they wouldn't get any more money from me at all, and that's exactly what I did.

I quit paying any and all of my credit card bills. I would get the phone calls, and the letters, and then I finally began to receive the more-serious, certified letters from each credit card company's legal team, actual law offices, explaining that if I could not come up with the money either in full, payed in just a month's time, or in two payments payed in two months time, then they would go ahead and, well, sue me for not only the amount of the debt but also for legal expenses and such.

That's when I put the money down on a lawyer and stopped them all dead in their tracks. They couldn't call me, send me letters, file any lawsuits, or pursue me or the debt in any way whatsoever -- not by pony express, smoke signal, nothing. It was such a good feeling -- and an even better feeling was getting high on the way to my lawyer's office, on the way back from meeting with my lawyer, all day every day, and not spending any of that money on my credit card bills. I'm sure that you can well imagine how we celebrated the day my debt was discharged and I won my bankruptcy. ;)
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That whole story has made my night mate. I love it when the little guys like us get to shove the law sideways up the arse of the big corporations.
Ive had many run ins with creditors and bailiffs (nealy broke ones foot when he tried to stop me shutting my front door...tosser.lol) and I love every little victory against them.
I guess im trying to say, very well done sir, well done indeed. :)

haha thanks man :)

Yeah, it's great whenever the little guy kicks some ass, and it felt good to be the little guy kicking some ass.
I only regret it because I could be helping out my parents so much more with expenses because we arnt very financially stable.
Same here man :/ If it wasn't for my opiate addiction rent would be paid on time, power wouldn't be 2-3 months over and etc. My family ain't rich so I know how ya feel there bro.
lol thanks

Yeah, I'll never forget the conversation I had with one of my creditors, the conversation that convinced me to go balls-out and to fuck them; this credit card company had put me onto a somewhat more reasonable, more manageable payment plan, but I needed to reschedule the payment as there wouldn't have been enough money in my account until later that week.

Rescheduling the payment wasn't possible, according to the guy I spoke to, and he suggested that I borrow the money from a friend or relative or that I find some way to get the money into my account because if I missed this payment then I would be taken off of the plan they put me on and they would go ahead and charge me with all of the interest and back-interest and my monthly payments would go back to what they were before.

He told me, in no uncertain terms, that this was my last chance, the last sort of payment plan/arrangement they would make with me and that I could never be put back onto that plan ever again. I thought that it was pretty ridiculous, and I decided right then -- and told him -- that if their policies were so rigid, then I would simply declare bankruptcy and they wouldn't get any more money from me at all, and that's exactly what I did.

I quit paying any and all of my credit card bills. I would get the phone calls, and the letters, and then I finally began to receive the more-serious, certified letters from each credit card company's legal team, actual law offices, explaining that if I could not come up with the money either in full, payed in just a month's time, or in two payments payed in two months time, then they would go ahead and, well, sue me for not only the amount of the debt but also for legal expenses and such.

That's when I put the money down on a lawyer and stopped them all dead in their tracks. They couldn't call me, send me letters, file any lawsuits, or pursue me or the debt in any way whatsoever -- not by pony express, smoke signal, nothing. It was such a good feeling -- and an even better feeling was getting high on the way to my lawyer's office, on the way back from meeting with my lawyer, all day every day, and not spending any of that money on my credit card bills. I'm sure that you can well imagine how we celebrated the day my debt was discharged and I won my bankruptcy. ;)

i can't believe i just read that, hahaha

just curious, what is your financial situation like now?

and to answer OP: no i don't regret any of the $ spent! lots of good memories with people, especially at electronic concerts
Short answer: yes, because I don't know how to act in moderation. Now that I'm out of college, and have to deal with living expenses, I'm pretty much limited to getting drunk/stoned once a month or so just to save up.

I could have saved up, no specifics, but, a lot, if not for chronic drug use. It definitely could help me now. I'm still not 'not well off' but shit, YES, it's depressing to think about. Come on, guys, the economy's in disarray and money just goes down the drain for a temporary fix...and I think the economy's going to get a lot worse, but maybe that's just me...:?

Besides, to be honest, since starting out as a pothead and NOT GIVING A FUCK about my finances for 5-6 years, now I get higher just seeing a big bank account in my name. C'mon, man! It feels good.

Also, I understand what a lot of people are saying on here - they don't regret spending their money on drugs because they would have spent it on something else...well, for me, I seriously don't get out much, I don't have a girlfriend, I don't have kids, I don't have a hobby other than listening to music and working out. So...I'm just saying, but if not for drugs, I seriously would have just saved up a ton of money because I really wouldn't have just spent it on nothing like clothes or at bars - I'm just not into any of that shit. Of course, for the first few years of drug use, I didn't spend more than around 1500-2000 dollars a year on drugs, if that, and no, I don't regret that shit, but now that I'm older and have to deal with responsibility, yea, I do regret it from a monetary view.
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Why regret something that's already happened? I had fun, but if I got arrested, it just means it's a lesson learned.