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Discussion Should Harm Reduction supplies be funded by tax dollars?

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In Canada we pay for ems and hospital visits for overdoses,health issues. Preventive measures should be covered. It would cost less to provide clean supplies then chop an arm off.
It's a core tenet of capitalism and especially the US, shitting on poor people. Capital owners love it because it keeps the attention off of themselves while they get rich off the backs of everyone else

It's crazy that Krinkle claims to be "kind of a lefty" because what I see in their comments is that they've swallowed the conservative propaganda whole hog and are tickling the sack with their tongue

dude it's got nothing to do with politics but you keep claiming it does - that's your whole thing here with me

stick your politics up your ass bro

explain to me how and why the fuck my tax dollars should be used to hand out meth pipes

if doing those drugs: fantanyl, meth, and crack - make you less healthy, how the fuck is it a good idea to help ppl do these drugs by giving them the equipment

you're going to the hospital no matter what, because you're fucked either way

that's NOT harm reduction
do you know why ive never shot up any drugs?

because i listened to the ppl who were older than me that had warned me of the pitfalls

do you wanna know i stay away from opiates? because ive seen what they become - at a very young age - and i dont wanna be that

you educate ppl - if they still decide to go ahead, then you're on your own - you ask me for help, i'll do whatever i can to help you get clean - but if i gave you a clean meth pipe, how the fuck am i helping you out?

that makes fucking sense to you?

what the fuck with you people
oh ok - so you're gonna pay your rent now and go out to dinner at Denny's now that you have a clean meth pipe
Your mileage may vary, but I kept on buying food and some necessities and sometimes bills too, yes. I have been addicted and dependent on benzos, amphetamine and still am addicted to alcohol, even though I don't do it every day.

Using sarcasm is not argument for your image of drug addicts being strictly one-dimensional characters, it is just sarcasm.
yea you don't like my sarcasm because it's on point

your points are not valid and they're lame to say the least

tweekers steal things - that's what they do - they're not gonna steal less because they have a clean pipe - they're just gonna keep on stealing

ya know what @Pissed_and_messed im putting you back on ignore where you belong
so how come I never stole a thing?
While I am on ignore, I am going to keep on correcting some of your dumbest claims for the sake of conversation.
Because you have a good heart. Stay Blessed and keep doing what is right and all that can be good.

I think you are off to a good start. Just sayin. Be strong and do the right thing and practice having love in your heart always. <3
Why would someone think that deciding how to use tax dollars is somehow not political lmao WHAT

It's called economics

And you're trying to tie my thoughts on economics into my political beliefs and affiliation based on a single view

That makes you a bigot
Economics is one of the least rigorous fields of study there is and the researchers and publishers are heavily biased and politically influenced. Economics isn't anywhere close to a hard science.

So let's get back to the meth pipes... You give those out, in hopes that they smoke the meth instead of shooting it up with the free needles and syringes that are also given out to the same ppl... Is that right?
apparently you have a short memory....must be a junkie
Cool. Resorting to insults instead of arguments now. And yes I was one. And no I'm not ashamed of it.
well let me remind you of what you just said....because of my view on a single subject, im being called a conservative and a fascist
NOT BY ME. When I said I was 'starting to doubt it' I was referring to the bit about us having a fruitful conversation, not you being what you're getting accused of by a few people here.
to point at one little country with one type of people, and to claim it works, so it should work everywhere else, is a bit short-sighted
Any approach to any problem has to to specifically adapted to the way a particular place works, obviously. There's no 'one size fits all' remedy to social ills. But the psychological mechanisms and life circumstances that lead to someone ending up a street addict are pretty much universal, as are the needs of such populations. What that 'one little country with one type of people' SUCCESSFULLY did is a great example and a starting point.
It's only feeding the problem

If you really wanted to help the addicted users, you would work to eliminate the dealers on the street... Keep moving up that chain
Everyone needs to do the right thing. Every one needs to Heal and try to do what is right more and more everyday.Try harder. Everyone needs to try hard to have Jesus in their their hearts. We need to Purify our Bodys and our Hearts. With a different love. We can all try to have a Healthy Heart and Life. The answer could be within.


Have a Blessed Day somehow.
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