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I feel like I missed the boat with the 2C- family. I didn't get back into the whole drugs thingy until 2 years ago.

My nine years of forced abstinence were shite. The decent RC'S are now too hard to get hold of.....and every dealer is now selling crappy ching.


But I don't think a mountain of good drugs would entice me into Spadey's Dungeon of Pervery......................or would it????
2Ci never used to be common, everyone on here was on 2CB. Guess everyone knew a bloke in the pub that used to sell it.

Much as I hate to say it, but one of those shitty tabloids - I'm guessing the Fail - said something about how 2C-I was going to be "the next ecstasy". 2C-B is illegal almost worldwide now I think so that lil 2C-summer is gone and probably won't be back. A lot of the 2Cs are still legal in some places though and 2C-I is probably a good candidate to hit "the street" for a while cos it's recreational party stuff pretty much - what made 2cb so popular.

I know there has been a few batches of 2ci pills popping up here and there - almost like some kind of pilot study to see how people take to it. Can see problems with that though cos 2cb seems to be reasonably easy to cope with for most even at fairly high doses. Double, or triple, dropping a pill that had, say 10mg in could freak the hell out of people though cos there's a massive increase in stimulation that really can be uncomfortable.

I suspect this "summer of 2ci" will be the only one too - soon as these things hit the street some idiot munches a handful cos he's a big hard geezer who can handle his pills. Cue the classic comatose and full of tubes hospital pic splashed across the news, bye-bye 2ci :\

Much though I love RCs and believe all drugs should be legal, that's only viable if people are educated first. Some geezer in a club telling a gang of pipz-popping clubbers that "yeah mate - just like acid and MDMA man - you'll love it!" is just a bad idea cos some of these things can be dangerous if you know nothing about them. Imagine someone selling 2C-E caps in a club like that? Or 2C-P? Or DOB? Or BrDragonfly? Not good - these kinda things need a bit of looking into to be used reasonably safely really. I hope the 2ci gang have all had a look at the B&D 2C-I Thread and/or Erowid. If not, I suggest you at least have a quick look - harm reduction, folks: it's a wonderful thing if you make use of it ;)
Surely 2CI is just as illegal as 2CB though?

Both 2CB and 2CI were getting hailed as the new 'E' years and years ago in Mixmag but 2CI didn't seem to kick off like 2CB did. From what I've read most folk prefer 2CB out of the two and I always assumed it must be a bit better (for most folk anyway) that's why there was the increased popularity.
I really wish i'd kept one of those 2cbritain stickers we had made up back in 2007! Had fun with those. It's possible I might have one lying around somewhere or with A LOT of my clothes, fave pair of Doc Martins and stuff that is now somewhere in the UK after being brought back from Amsterdam for me.
I have one somewhere too. I think I saw it recently but not sure where, it doubt it's in this house so must have been back home. Unless it's in the bag with my CDs.
I'm done with research chemicals, too unpredictable. Give me benzos any day you know where you are with them. :D

Yeah, what day is it again?. :D

I really wish i'd kept one of those 2cbritain stickers we had made up back in 2007! Had fun with those. It's possible I might have one lying around somewhere or with A LOT of my clothes, fave pair of Doc Martins and stuff that is now somewhere in the UK after being brought back from Amsterdam for me.

I remember those being handed out at Raindance that year. :)

I was 2CBuggered. =D
i was out last wend with 2 different groups of people and i was talking about 2cb 2ci 2ce plus meph n meth1 and about 10 people never heard of any of these,all the know is hash,grass,pills n coke.
time i find some new friends i think.
Having some 2C-I tonight. Going to have 15mg. Not doing a lot of drugs now, because I'm trying to get my kid back, and I know my trip is going to be dominated by thoughts of him. Hopefully in a good way. <3
misses 2c-b :(

know the feeling man!

Have had ONE 20mg dose to sniff waiting for end of summer crazy night, after hitting the psychs LIL too hard springtime...

BUT I cannot get it...can get 2C-I, 2C-E, 2C-C, 2C-T7 if I want but I can't bloody find B!! hahaha...oh well - I'm guessing you don;t even have a single dose so I'm lucky there :)
I really wish i'd kept one of those 2cbritain stickers we had made up back in 2007! Had fun with those. It's possible I might have one lying around somewhere or with A LOT of my clothes, fave pair of Doc Martins and stuff that is now somewhere in the UK after being brought back from Amsterdam for me.

i got a shit load of the 2CBLESSED stickers off mash at the time

stil have one stuck to my old decks :)
Being handed 2cb in thailand by a randomer (who overheard me and the missus saying we wished we could find 2cb out here) was a fucking bonus :)

The pills actually turning out to be really really good 2cb was even better!
Being handed 2cb in thailand by a randomer (who overheard me and the missus saying we wished we could find 2cb out here) was a fucking bonus :)

The pills actually turning out to be really really good 2cb was even better!

yeah how was it mate?
i got a shit load of the 2CBLESSED stickers off mash at the time

stil have one stuck to my old decks :)

I've got a 2CBRITAIN sticker on my guitar, a 2CBANGFACE on a cream dispenser... and I'm sure there's a few more stickers kicking around somewhere...
I really miss the good old days of 2cb. Been too long & will have to be remedied sometime soon if I can get me hands on some.
Heard about some small pink 2cb's going around in the London area. Not sure on dosage size. I sometimes think dealers should include harm reduction leaflets with the stuff they sell...:)
I think I've ruined 2c-b for myself. It seems that I've 'overdosed' too many times now as every time I do I get a very paranoid trip that isn't particularly pleasant which is a shame as I really like it :(