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What's worst about the USA


Oct 18, 2000
At the request of another poster who says he is too afraid of recriminations from USA mods/admins to start the thread himself I'm starting this thread. Post away people!


^:| Who'd want to request a thread against our American brothers...

Anyway, good topic nonetheless...

I hate USA because:

-They're fat

-Their president is an asshole

-All their states are difficult to spell

-It's got all our 15 and 16 year old kids mimmicking IDIOT rappers like Dr Dre and Snoop Wogg, saying things like "Word" and "Dogg".

-I don't like that accent

- They all hold hands and stuff
Raas said:
I hate USA because:

-They're fat

Now you can't say that because it is racist. If you phrased it this way it would be fine because it would be a statement of fact:
"The majority of citizens of the USA are clinically overweight and there are more clinically obese people in the USA than any other country in the world"

There is only one major problem I have with America: those crazy bastards have all the money and power in the world and won't fucking leave the rest of us alone because of it :(

Every nation has it's share of idiots, bad governments and just plain disgusting national traits. But only America is in your face on a daily basis telling you how fantastic and God-fearing the place is, only America goes around imposing it's own cultural values on people around the world and then ask to be thanked for it.

Fuck that shit - give up your army and 75% of all your cash and assets - ASAP. It will go to the UN for redistribution amongst your victims over the past hundred years - obviously there is just too many of them to fully compensate everyone but at least we would know America doesn't have any means of doing that crap all over again. Then you can have all your fucking praying in school, anti-abortion plans, endless awful tv programs and disgustingly oversugered food and annoying sports (with stolen names). In fact - you can even have a retard for a president and a Nazi for governor if that's what you want.

:X :X :X

--- G.
^ And please remember that America is a continent while the USA is the country which allowed the bush clan to take power twice.......
The worst thing about Americans is the complete faith they have that their own country is the best in the world. This attitude explains a lot about their foreign policy.
JustinTime said:
This topic will attract a few americans from the front page.

This isn't their place - we'll stand shoulder-to-shoulder and drive them out with pointy sticks! =D

Enigheten är ett starkt band, det håller samman folk och land (och forums). =D

--- G.
Alright everyone...
I am an American living outside the US, for a good reason, because I really don't like the country. I will (hopefully) get German citizen when I get married ot my BF.
I really think there are too many reasons why America sucks to list. First of all I have to agree that there is a huge weight problem in America. In one half an hour shopping trip to Wal-Mart you see more fat people than you see in a month in europe. And the best part is when you see someone in McDonalds order a quarterpounder with cheese, supersize fries, and a DIET coke to go with it.. as if the diet soda will really make a difference... (ok sorry to go off, maybe they do that in other countries too.. I just haven't seen it yet)
Another thing is the shrub that is president. Mr. Bush thinks he is the world police, and trying to use the power to prove something to the rest of the world. He is all about money and doesn't care about about his own citizens or the environment. There are plenty of homeless people in America, but he feels the need to destoy other countries and then spend the money to "rebuild" them. This guy is an absolute joke.
The last thing I will mention is the ridiculous anti rave act! Look at all the stupid laws, and they call it the land of the free...
I don't understand why all of you hate the USA so much, I bet most of you talking shit have never even been there. In my experience the only time that people get mad and talk shit about others is because they do not have what the other person has and therefore the only way they can express themselves is to attack the other person. Now if this is not the reason why you guys talk shit, then please explain it to me because I am not mad at you. It does not matter what country you are from there are always things wrong with it, even the USA and I know this as well as anyone. Although I also think that people are generally more fond of the place they were born and that is why they don't like other places as much. I'm sure everyone is going to see my post and talk shit because they don't know any other way to approach it, but I don't care.
Don't get me wrong - my best childhood friend was American and I have many good American friends. I have nothing against Americans - in fact some of the greatest criticism of the so-called "American Way" as purpetrated by the Bush administration has come from WITHIN Ameircan society.

I for one hold absolute no ill will towards any person because of their nationality or race. When we speak out against "America" - we mean the dominant values as exhibted by your government and foreign policy. We do not mean any ill will against Americans in general - as you are an extremely diverse people in all respects :)

--- G.
Well the food is shit here, no kebabs, no fish n chips and no decent curries.

The butter tastes all wrong, the bread is sweet and the bacon is streaky, which prevents me from making a functional bacon sandwich.

No Walkers crisps!!!!!! ARRRRRRGH

American Cars are Ugly

You can't buy beer on sunday or after 8pm in Connecticuit, it is dirt cheap when you can get it though.

The mid-west and south are scary and full of weird people.

Rap music.

The clubs don't compare at all to London

Obese Kids
I have to so second the rap music thing. Like ... what the hell is up with that? Sure, I enjoy enimem,dog,DMX ...etc... etc... on the radio, but everywhere you go, all the clubs are into that.

Its bollocks! Bollocks I tell ya!!!

..... sure I know the music... but to dance to? WTF do you do to it? 8 mile? hell no!
People who's sentences end in questions with a rising question?

Other then that, I've nowt but love for our yank brothers and sisters. We'd all be speaking German now if t'weren't for them don't-cha know... ;)
The butter tastes all wrong, the bread is sweet and the bacon is streaky, which prevents me from making a functional bacon sandwich.

that is the funniest sentence i've read for ages! :D functional indeed.

this is what's wrong with america!

the people are often lovely. the government is not.