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Computing Windows 11 Anyone?

Cheers man, I don't get what RUFUS does exactly though? I've used it a million times but still went through setting up IIRC, or it just used OOBE (which there are scripts to disable on my digital life) - fully intend to disable OOBE and anything but a local account.

the feature was added in v3.20 -

when you start to burn the image, it pops up a prompt to disable/bypass some features, it doesn't specifically mention OOBE but if you select all options it will remove the wizard and boot straight to desktop with the pre-configured local account.

Quick question - can you reuse the same ISO over and over again, and for other systems? It's just I'm sure I read something by MS a while back that said to use a different one as the security ID would be the same otherwise, or something.

i guess it depends on where you get the ISO from, i just get them off the servers at work so there's no registration or tracking of any kind. i don't even bother registering with a key, doesn't seem to really affect functionality. what's funny is you can easily do it now with massgravel, which is hosted on github, which is owned by microsoft.
the feature was added in v3.20 -

when you start to burn the image, it pops up a prompt to disable/bypass some features, it doesn't specifically mention OOBE but if you select all options it will remove the wizard and boot straight to desktop with the pre-configured local account.

i guess it depends on where you get the ISO from, i just get them off the servers at work so there's no registration or tracking of any kind. i don't even bother registering with a key, doesn't seem to really affect functionality. what's funny is you can easily do it now with massgravel, which is hosted on github, which is owned by microsoft.

You're absolutely right, I used it just a few hours ago and it gave various options. Very nice feature.

I've got a WIM ISO from UUP dump, so directly from Microsoft.

I was literally just looking at Massgravel on github too and thinking about the irony. Good way of logging who doesn't have a license though. ;)

Do these instructions make sense to you Thujone?

allow upgrade windows 8.1 and up in csm legacy

works for any language or builds or sku editions

news link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/adnp4f2y4k86cqa/WIN11BYPASS-V5.rar/file

extract WIN11BYPASS-V5

edit / mount windows 11 iso with ultraiso poweriso anyburn (free)

extract boot.wim from "sources" folder of iso

copy the boot.wim to "WIN11BYPASS-V5"

run fixwin11.cmd

copy content from "copy-to-iso-root" inside windows 11 iso accept file replacement

copy boot.wim modified to "sources" folder of iso

save iso and enjoy

advantage ? bypass detection like windows server sku if patched ( dynamic windows 11 setup )

bypass the use of a third party tool like patchium for online account

use microsoft only tools and ressources ( appraiserres.dll taken from windows 10 15063 iso )

work for any language any windows 11 build ( 21h2 / 23h2 / or latest insider )

bypass online account with network on windows home single language

bypass storage requirement / tpm / uefi / memory

Tested so far....
1) downloaded <from MS via win11 media tool> , Win 11 Enterprise - 22H2.
2) saved to folder, and Downloaded WIN11BYPASS also.
3)per instructions, Mounted ISO (std one from MS) using POWER ISO - via github
4) Extracted "WIN11BYPASS - zip files" contents on to a dir = WIN11BYPASS
5) RAN fixwin11.cmd, and gotten results <as advised> copied to "source" folder - did "replace all".
6) saved NEW ISO ((done with POWER ISO). as "boot-able USB"
7) Looked good !!!

Planning to test install:
a) new workstation (win11 compliant HW)
b) upgrade an existing Win11 Pro 21h2 to Win11 Ent 22H2 (older win11 non compliant device)

This is for Win11bypass, but instructions are unclear to me. ISO is mounted in power ISO and unsure what to do.

From this thread on MDL.

Ultimately the goal is to modify the ISO as per this thread.
the bypass trick is not necessary, it was just a stop-gap measure that existed for a brief time before the same functionality was implemented in Rufus.

modifying the ISO is not really necessary either, as you can disable those features post-install.

basically just use Rufus (instead of PowerISO) to burn the image then install, that handles everything.

then, after installation you can start adding registry keys to disable certain features (like OneDrive)
the bypass trick is not necessary, it was just a stop-gap measure that existed for a brief time before the same functionality was implemented in Rufus.

modifying the ISO is not really necessary either, as you can disable those features post-install.

basically just use Rufus (instead of PowerISO) to burn the image then install, that handles everything.

then, after installation you can start adding registry keys to disable certain features (like OneDrive)

The thread for what I'm trying to do. People are asking for simple instructions and they talk like it's obvious - such obnoxious behaviour. Just help people out FFS!

With that said, cheers Thujone, I can always trust you for computer stuff.
I had another go and it's mind boggling, going ahead with the stock ISO. Probably less problematic anyway. Is there anything you suggest doing after installing?
i mostly just use the registry keys to disable telemetry and onedrive and then remove stuff like teams and toggle off some startup apps like Edge. Edge seems to be where most of the ad/tracking stuff is so might want to install some other browser. Co-pilot is new, haven't really messed around with that yet but looks like another thing to disable
i mostly just use the registry keys to disable telemetry and onedrive and then remove stuff like teams and toggle off some startup apps like Edge. Edge seems to be where most of the ad/tracking stuff is so might want to install some other browser. Co-pilot is new, haven't really messed around with that yet but looks like another thing to disable

I used librafox, it's brilliant.

And yeah, fuck edge. That always goes.

Very handy. Just fitting this beaut, because my b450 tomahawk didn't have enough memory and they removed the UEFI UI, and loads of features. Very annoying. Anyway, this, ASUS Strix b550 F gaming:

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i mostly just use the registry keys to disable telemetry and onedrive and then remove stuff like teams and toggle off some startup apps like Edge. Edge seems to be where most of the ad/tracking stuff is so might want to install some other browser. Co-pilot is new, haven't really messed around with that yet but looks like another thing to disable

In what way does windows connect to your phone, when you have never officially linked it with the windows phone softare, and the rest of the devices on your router? I always wonder abouy this, I alwaysfeel they are connected and chatting but don't know how or what exactlty.
i think it gives you a QR code then some setup takes place on the phone? Steam does something similar where it gives you a QR code to do 2FA with the phone app
The ISO isn't working, I'm currently on linux mint (which is annoying because my soundcard doesn't work).

It said it couldn't install because it's EFI, it's a brand new NVME. Any ideas?
My encrypted Linux mint has been ruined by secure boot. :mad:

i can't make out the text, it's blurred by i guess the image host compressing it to shit.

if you're talking about moving your Mint drive to the B550 board, my guess is you have MBR boot partition and the new board by default is going to try and enforce UEFI.

look around the BIOS menu for something that says CSM and enable CSM (or toggle it away from UEFI) - that will allow you to boot MBR.

you shouldn't need to fiddle with secure boot options yet, unless you've already booted Windows at some point. i don't recommend trying to dual boot because that might indeed overwrite your Linux boot partition.
i can't make out the text, it's blurred by i guess the image host compressing it to shit.

if you're talking about moving your Mint drive to the B550 board, my guess is you have MBR boot partition and the new board by default is going to try and enforce UEFI.

'llThe latttlook around the BIOS menu for something that says CSM and enable CSM (or toggle it away from UEFI) - that will allow you to boot MBR.

you shouldn't need to fiddle with secure boot options yet, unless you've already booted Windows at some point. i don't recommend trying to dual boot because that might indeed overwrite your Linux boot partition.

No this was a fresh install of linux mint, emcrypted on an ssd. It got broken by secureboot, apparantly; seeemed to be a fairly common problem.

My problem now is that linux mint simply will not install, even on my secondary NVME. It says no root and throws up errors.

I'm done with secureboot and tpm.
surely the former is a way of enforcing microsofts monopoly, and the latter a backdoor "we'll keep an eye on all your keys".
i'm not really familiar with how Mint encrypts (LUKS?) but PM me a screenshot of those "no root" errors and I might be able to help
i'm not really familiar with how Mint encrypts (LUKS?) but PM me a screenshot of those "no root" errors and I might be able to help

I scrapped it all and started again, the bootloader was never properly installed. Thing it was from when secureboot messed things up.

Scrapped mint and I'm running dual boot Linux Debian and W11, with the proper grub bootloader now installed. I can not believe how much better Debian is than mint - I don't have to debloat this. Gorgeous desktop environment too, and FOSS which I love.

Do you know how to install GPU drivers on Debian? One thing I'm still struggling with. Got an AMD Radeon 6750xt but don't get where the drivers are meant to be installed from. Are they straight from AMD, or are there some kind of third party community drivers I need? Also, do you need to install chipset drivers?
Good job! Yes, Debian is very nice and minimal.

There are a fair number of steps to get everything set up proper so let's just PM

We should make this a thread about how great Arch Linux is instead

Performance is Linux

but agility is Windows. I guess only Google operates in Linux? who else. NO one!

idk isn't a standard exactly, if you have 2018> hardware, Windows should make enough.

70% of global company has Microsoft Word on their subscription list payments.